Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 122 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

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Chapter 122 The world that can't be looked directly! Capable mermaid sisters! "Follow your orders, the great divine will." Hearing Chen Mo's voice, the two sisters spoke together again. At this time, calling the slave owner again would obviously violate the harmony. But they don't know what to call it. Master? Those strange and powerful green skins are called "Divine Will". Although I don't understand what this name means, I will learn to call it that way. The two sisters intuitively believed that this should be a name similar to the will of the planet. A big name. "This planet is so terrifying..." I felt the infinite vitality, the energy secretly nurtured, but everything seemed a little mechanical, as if it were all pretentious... Among the two sisters, the elder sister who is better at observing said. "The planet's will here is strong and alive." The younger sister, who is better at perception, also whispered. She felt creepy. Flying all the way to a castle manor by the sea, the two looked more and more shocked. There is a busy scene everywhere. Especially a huge altar under construction. There are terrifying energy fluctuations, which made the two realize that this is a power that does not belong to a level at all. "Some kind of higher-level technology, mysterious knowledge." That space is being activated, and it seems to be becoming fragile. "The two sisters stared at it, but they couldn't understand at all, how this strange magic device full of lines works." It is even more difficult to understand than the starship in the Temple of Heaven. I believe that the Tianshen Temple may really not be able to come back... The two sisters became more and more in awe, and when they saw the manor from a distance, they were ready to land. Just at this time, Chen Mo's takeaway from his mother star also arrived. So, he opened the permanent channel at will. The next moment, the breath of the mother star spewed out. In the distance, through the teleportation gate, suddenly, I saw two sisters in the world of one corner of the star soul, falling in response. Didn't even have time to eat. The incomparably powerful star soul world has countless blessings from star gods, and the will of the planet has long been unknown how powerful it is. Looking directly at the Star Soul World is no different from looking directly at the Heretic God. So even though it was just a glance, the two sons of the world fell directly. If Chen Mo hadn't reacted quickly, these two sisters, who had not been brought into his command, would soon be eroded and become terrifying monsters who only knew how to pursue the breath of the star soul world. . "Immediately parasitic infection! Chen Mo gave an order and appeared beside the two sisters. Hurry up and try to connect the two sisters to his planetary will! I saw that the two sisters were already dimmed, and their clothes seemed to be covered by Passing by, Chen Mo stepped forward and touched it. The exquisite shell costumes on the chests of the two sisters also turned to ashes. At this time, Chen Mo didn't care about the sense of ceremony. One step further, the two sons of the world died violently on the spot. Losing money to my grandma's house. The star soul world instinctively hurts things that don't belong to its own world. Every world does this, and it is reflected in other worlds, which is rejection.

But the star soul world is very strong, and it belongs to the kind that will kill you at a glance.

The two sisters were dripping with sweat.

Breathing and lying on the ground.

Their skin is very white and very delicate, and at this time, under emotional tension, it shows a slight pink color.

After a while, the two returned to normal slightly.

able to speak.

"Okay, so scary...

"Then, what kind of terrifying existence is that?"

After the two sisters woke up, they couldn't stop shaking.

All scared out of the shadows.

Don't dare to look around.

Thinking back carefully, they were horrified to discover that the picture they had just seen was actually very blurry.

I can't remember exactly what happened just now.

The only feeling left is boundless fear.

"Fortunately, you are the children of the world. If you are ordinary creatures, they will be turned to ashes in an instant, or their consciousness will collapse and go mad."

Chen Mo said.

"Thank you, great divine will."

"It is our ignorance that puts ourselves in danger."

The mentality of the two sisters at this time was completely different from when they first came in.

Although mentally prepared,

But at this moment, they are already thorough and put themselves in a very low position.

Especially when Mo Na's strong will directly ran over every inch of their body, they were surprised to find that Chen Mo himself was not weaker than them.

even stronger.

"Just call my master."

Chen Mo said.

The term divine will is too formal.

This pair of sisters, he is going to arrange in Terra Star.

Of course, not just because they can.

Also because of Terra's environment, it is indeed too deadly.

Far less colorful than Ocean Planet.

The management and cultivation of these two planets should be pretty good.

At the same time, Chen Mo also wants to develop fishery, and sister flowers just help him take care of the ocean areas of various planets.

"Yes, Master."

said the two sisters.

look very respectful,

At this time, they have already connected to the divine will.

Feel the vastness of will, and the magical astral world,

In their hearts, they had a new understanding of the term "divine will".

I also understand that I and others take it for granted that this name is too big, and how ignorant.The more you know, the more shocking you become.

At this time, they also know that this planet is indeed alive.

The person in front of you is the will of the planet!

"Masters are different from other slave owners."

"Master is so strong."

The sisters looked at each other and saw surprises in each other's eyes.

Not only that, recall carefully,

They are more and more certain that Chen Mo, in this round, is unique, and not on the same level as the rest of the rookies.

Just the door that just opened,

Just too scary.

They can't even look directly at what's behind the door!

If there is such a thing, how many children of the world come and die instantly?

It's completely different from the rest of the slave owners who need to guard against their own planet!

Chen Mo is unique.

The more the two sisters thought about it, the more respectful their expressions became. They lay on the ground and carefully observed their master.

The two sisters observe Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also looked at the two sisters curiously.

Just looking at the appearance, the two sisters are very similar to humans.

It can be said that apart from the unbelievably beautiful blue pupils and a golden scale on the abdomen pointing downwards, there is no difference in the rest of the place.

Of course, this is only the first glance of the whole.

In terms of details, if you look closely, you can find that their skin is very good, milky white and silky.

The sound is also crisp and nice.

Because of the access to the divine will,


The information and emotions of the two can be probed by Chen Mo.

Tidy up a bit:


[Identity is the sister of the twins in the ocean world]

[Currently in the mature body, the strength is the legendary primary]

[The ability to be best at is pre-prediction]


【Sister in the Twins of Sea World】

(Currently in the mature body, the strength is the legendary primary level)

[The ability to be best at is perception)

The appearance of the two sisters is similar, but they are not exactly the same. Just looking at their temperament, it can be seen that although they are the same age, the older sister has a more mature and restrained temperament.

The younger sister is sharper and colder.

Their talents and cultivation potential are similar.

Of course, this Chen Mo doesn't care much.

No matter how powerful the child of the world is, it is still an individual.

Not his mainstream development.

This bit of force, to him, was insignificant.

The experience and management skills of the two sisters are what Chen Mo values.

Of course, the gender factor cannot be ignored.

Chen Mo wouldn't want to arrange a vote of male managers in his Terra Star, especially in the manor.

"However, this prophecy talent is outrageous.

"This is also a high-end force in idealism."

"I don't know what the reason is?"

Chen Mo is very curious,

At the same time, he also found the reason why the ocean world was so stable in this catastrophe.

The ability of the two sisters combined, it is simply a super harsh king.

The end result is:

They got to "eat chicken",

Best ending.

But unfortunately, for this ability, the deduction evolution system has no response.

In other words, Chen Mo is currently unable to obtain this gene.

However, as he continues to evolve and become stronger, opportunities that were originally impossible will gradually appear!

This kind of power similar to "prophecy" is also the reason why Chen Mo dare not despise the other newcomers.

It is impossible to say that some of their geniuses suddenly cultivated an unreasonable "spiritual power".

This ability can be counterattacked.

So Chen Mo must keep evolving all the time.

Advantages are not forever.

Only by constantly becoming stronger can we ensure that it crushes others.

His evolutionary path, relying on devouring, can obtain the rest of his abilities.

As long as you defeat the opponent, you can use it for yourself.

Therefore, Chen Mo is not afraid of challenges, but looks forward to the emergence of such newcomers.

"Let's all get up, I'll pick out some clothes for you first, and then arrange work."

Chen Mo admired for a while and said.

He didn't mind the two sisters like this,

But in the manor, he sometimes wants to talk about business, or order takeout.

When outsiders came and saw this, it was inappropriate.

"Good host."

The two sisters blushed,

Shyly stood up from the ground.

Standing in front of Chen Mo.

They are very nervous, but their strong strength makes them proud to control themselves and not be too rude.

Half an hour later, with the cooperation of the two sisters, at the entrance of the world passage, a steady stream of mermaids entered the planet Terra.

They will enter the sea near the golden sands.


The most eye-catching is not the two beautiful children of the world, but Chen Mo standing in the middle of them and being guarded.

Every mermaid who walks here secretly observes Chen Mo.

This is their titular master.

Of course, they can only call the Divine Will.

Many people firmly keep Chen Mo's image in their hearts.

And always remember.

After all, this may be the closest they have come to the great divine will.

After all, there are more than trillions of gods under the divine will?

If you want to go further, gain the favor of the divine will, and serve the left and right, you must at least reach the legendary level.


Just like the twin sisters at this time.

Or herself exceedingly beautiful and excellent, and elected to the manor as a servant.

Of course, most mermaids dare not think about this.

Their entire planet, with a population of 20 billion, among them 100 million mermaids, were selected as the best, and only a few dozen people were able to be selected.

too difficult.

Although everyone has signed up, the probability of being selected is close to 1 in 100,000,000.

"Hee hee... The great divine will is so handsome, not as ugly as the people in the Temple of Heaven.

"I was so scared at first, after all, the legions of the Divine Will are all evil.

"Well, I feel the breath of the divine will, he's looking at me!

"With the divine will, the danger at the bottom of the sea should be able to be lifted, so as not to be worried about by the terrifying monsters outside the territory."

"I don't know, I heard that the Star Soul World is endlessly expanding, they are more greedy than the Temple of Heaven, and I don't know where the Divine Will will lead us.

"No matter where we go, the divine will decides everything, and we are part of this big family!

The mermaids who were immigrated to the ocean of Terra star whispered.

They feel very fresh about everything in this world.

From time to time, there will be a burst of laughter like a silver bell.

Most of these mermaids are young,

Some are graceful and mature.

Some are small and cute.

Looking around, almost every mermaid has undeniable advantages.

They are all beautiful and eye-catching.

Chen Mo's eyes swept across the mermaid,

Finally he asked:

"Have cosmic creatures attacked your planet?"

"I came here once last year, and we called for the support of the Temple of Heaven, and then used the starship to inflict heavy damage on the opponent, but our ability was limited and we were unable to leave the monster behind. Recently, we have vaguely sensed the opponent's breath again.

Sister Irene said respectfully.

"If you find the other party, don't rush to attack first, let the other party enter the interior of the planet."

Chen Mo ordered.

This news made him decide to suspend the erosion of the ocean planet's will.

Otherwise, his will is so strong that he might have disturbed the other party.

"By the way, do you have anything left of that cosmic creature?

"Or are there any items from the Temple of Heaven on the planet?"

Chen Mo moved in his heart and asked.

"There are some masters, but most of them were taken away by the people of the Temple of Heaven."

"I left a little secretly and hid it in a secret armament depot on the bottom of the sea."

"There are also a lot of precious magical equipment in our underwater palace, some of which were purchased from the Temple of Heaven, or gifted by the other party."

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