Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 130 Harvesting the Lizard Dragon! Brother Mao! War Boss! (1 more)

"Congratulations to Chen Mo, Lord of Star Soul, for your excellent performance, you have gained the attention of the Federation, and you have received additional rewards.

"You have eroded Ocean Planet No. 67. At present, the will of this planet has been taken away. You have achieved de facto occupation. Do you declare occupation?"

Don't wait for Chen Mo to take a closer look at the evolution of the system.

Another bonus tip!

Because the lizard dragon has already been put on, so Chen Mo doesn't need to keep the ocean planet.

Enter in an instant and take control of the entire planet.

Be the collective will!

Unexpectedly, this step has attracted the attention of the Federation.

The more planets that are occupied, the more powerful the means and the more able it can be caused. Federal concern.

Not only that, Chen Mo felt a slight heat on the back of his hand.

Even the will of the world is slightly squinting.

A series of rewards made Chen Mo happy.

Of course, all of this is a bonus in Chen Mo's view.

But in the perception of the lizard dragon, it is a different world.

The whole world has changed!

Still in a moment!

He finally managed to accumulate the courage to fight to the death, and it just disappeared.

Howling in horror.

He sensed a very strong will!

He swears that the will of the entire planet was changed just now!

From his perspective, Wu Yumei suddenly pulled off her mask and became a monster!


His side is afraid, the greenskins will not start lighter.

Some greenskin even jumped on the head of the lizard dragon and gave the opponent a slap!


As soon as the sap goes down, blood splashes everywhere!

The attack actually broke the hard scales of the lizard dragon.

Also, with this valiant blow.

The green skin successfully stood in the center of the battle arena, C position!

next moment,

This green skin is recognized,

Soaring power!

"Fuck him!"

"Do it!!

"Fuck! Knock his head off!

For a time, the greenskins cheered.

The green-skinned figure began to skyrocket.

The intensity of the 'I think about the force field at the scene began to skyrocket!

The battle has reached its climax!

On the one hand, the greenskins are victorious, on the other hand, it is due to the access of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo has the will of the planet, and he has been able to control the whole situation!

At this time, even if the Lizard Dragon suddenly had a sudden surge in strength, don't even think about running.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of Chen Mo, the lizard dragon, as a whetstone, kept making killings,

But among the greenskins, a new war boss was born.

Many greenskins called him a geek, admiring his strength, and being slapped by him with a stick of a lizard dragon's sap, they were incomparably admired.

"Brother is cunning and powerful!"

"Brother Mao is powerful and cunning!"

Brother Mao is currently the two most famous among the Green Skin Corps.

It is also the only second peak of the ninth order under Chen Mo's command, the boss of the war!

not only green skin,

The mermaid also performed very well,

The two sisters were not familiar with the power of the legend at first, after all, they never had the chance to fight with their hands and feet before.

But after Chen Mo becomes the will of the planet, he can control the environment of the entire planet.

No matter how fierce the battle is, the impact is limited to a certain extent.

The powerful mermaid, fighting posture, is also pleasing to the eye.

after an hour,

The battle is still going on.

I have to say that cosmic creatures are really tenacious,

It's still alive and kicking now, very fierce.

However, on Chen Mo's side, there is nothing to test.

The biological brain can predict what the opponent is going to do next in 5 seconds.

Live, complete the lizard dragon to fight the BOSS.

As soon as the opponent lifts his tail and his eyes move, the biological brain knows what the opponent wants to do next.

A large army of parasites evaded one after another.

Not to mention the lizard dragon, even the two sisters Aileen were dumbfounded.

this way of fighting,

If you don't understand it, you will only get two results:

Either the lizard dragon is slow, and it is a fool.

Either the surrounding monsters are one, like a creature scattered into countless tiny monsters!

Their movements are so coordinated.

At first glance, it looks like running water. Wherever the lizard dragon shoots, the monsters will spread out, just like water, you can't shoot at all!

"Master, according to the feedback from the biological brain, we have almost collected the data at hand.

"Various weapons, detailed damage data was also collected.

"For the Greenskins, the Swarm and the Mermaid, individual combat strategies have been developed."

"If there are more powerful similar individuals, we can respond more calmly and develop targeted tactics."

The little fox concluded.

Play small to big?

The little ones brought experience and genes, and the big ones are afraid that they will have to deliver food on the spot!

Chen Mo listened to the little fox's report and was very satisfied.

This is his strength.

Collect genes and evolve!

Looking forward to the moment when you meet the opponent's mother body, when the battle begins, the picture will be very exciting.

In the ocean, the battle continues.

More and more gravitational cores grow, and there are magic hearts.

At this time, without the cover of the child of the world to hide, let go of the surging energy!

The huge gravitational force, like no magnet, firmly attracted the lizard dragon to the ground.


The lizard dragon felt like he couldn't hold it anymore.

The blood dyed the surrounding sea blue.

At this time, it didn't even touch a single ore!

Full of despair welling up in his heart, the lizard dragon howled again:

"Please, unknown powerful civilization, let me go!

"I'm not yet an adult, and the future is promising! If you kill me, my mother will never let you go. Our family has special marks. The murderer who kills me will be infected with my curse and will be killed by my mother. Chase to death!

"You will always be the mortal enemy of our lizard dragon clan!"

"As long as you let me go, I will immediately provide a coordinate where I have collected valuable resources for growth!"

"I can stay here, and you send someone to verify it immediately!"

Even ", if you can build trust, I can also do things for you! Don't you like letting us do things? Last time there was a civilization, you asked me to do things!

I only take a small percentage of the good! I will do the bad! You are innocent!"

The lizard dragon said it very seriously this time.

It is a threat, a benefit, and a cooperation.

All cards played!


The two mermaid sisters stopped one after another,

The conditions offered by the other party seem to be true.

A treasure of cosmic creatures that deserves serious consideration.


Chen Mo simply spit out two words.

This cosmic creature obviously made a mistake.

That is:

The Star Soul World does not need collaborators, in them, there are only slaves and enemies.

Moreover, the treasures in the eyes of the two are of different nature.

Resources, ore, black gloves, these are very precious.

But for Chen Mo, everything can be bought with money.

For him, this cosmic creature itself is the greatest treasure!

It's dead, it's important to Chen Mo!


"Crush this reptile!"

The parasite army rushed up like a tide.

The longer the battle, the more the Parasite Legion's advantage becomes more oriented on the battlefield.

The lizard dragon howled, trying to destroy the weapon,

But he was punched in the head and was beaten back hard.


"Go on!"

"Wrestle with cosmic monsters!"

Brother Mao, with his ninth-order body, resists the legend!

And it worked.

The surrounding greenskins cheered wildly.

Countless greenskins have joined this battlefield, and the talents of the greenskins have been terribly strengthened.


Brother Mao's power skyrocketed,

The body size also soared to more than ten meters high.

Move like a hill.

"No!! How can this happen!"

...for flowers...

"What kind of monster is that!

The lizard dragon regretted it.

In the first place, he should have been far away!

The opponent is completely different from the creature he recognizes!

"Evil God.. You are the minions of the evil god!!"

"Using crazy bloodthirsty emotions!"

"The mermaid of Damn it, you have no good end for you to take refuge in the evil god!"

The lizard dragon was terrified to the extreme, it could only watch, the light of the light prism mushroom became more and more dazzling.

There is a terrifying weapon, right in front of it, forming quickly!

"Evil God?"

Erin smiled disdainfully.

Our "Master is the top genius of the Star Soul World!"

Ellie said proudly.

This is not some evil spirit!

But in the bottom of my heart, the two sisters also trembled, too strong!

The legion under the master is simply too strong to describe in words.

Just a battle, they witnessed the birth of a legend!

Originally, they thought that legends were very rare and extremely difficult!

But the master here broke their cognition.

Thoroughly penetrated!

Breakthrough is like eating and drinking.

There is no need for materials, no matter, or even an extremely firm will.

Just chanting "Divine Will"?

"It's you! Cosmic slave owners! You cosmic vermin!!"

When the lizard dragon learned the truth, it became even more frightened.

at the same time,

It also knows that it really has no way out.

The evil reputation of the slave owners is no worse than that of the evil god!

"Don't be complacent, the slave owner will also be enslaved one day, there will eventually be a stronger existence than you in the universe, and my ethnic group will not let you go."

"I curse you forever.

The lizard dragon roared in despair.

At the same time, its will is highly concentrated.

It can really mark others, of course, at the cost of death.

But this time,

It didn't hesitate any longer.

Inside the ocean planet,

The battle is raging.

the roar of the monster,


Let the new people outside the world channel talk a lot.


After the huge noise, everything calmed down.

"What's the result?"

"I don't know, but it feels like Chen Mo has the upper hand."

"I feel that the monster's roar is out of breath and a little desperate!"

"You still care about this, hurry up and catch the mermaid, the few people you catch are selling like crazy!

"The price has finally come down, and you can buy one for a minimum of 2 million!"

"Damn it, how lucky those guys are, they caught hundreds of them! Fuck! A wave of fat!

"I saw it, but I didn't catch it! That group of mermaids were stunned by the shock, and that person picked it up for nothing!"

"Hahaha! If Chen Mo doesn't sell it, this time, let him cry for nothing!

Taking advantage of Chen Mo's time to take advantage of "outside, many newcomers have taken advantage of the fire.

For a time, there were many more mermaid transactions on the trading platform.

"Fuck! The monster has won!"

"The monster is coming out!"

Suddenly someone in the newcomer area exclaimed.

For a time, everyone's eyes turned to the entrance of the ocean planet.

Some people sent spies, and some people were busy shouting live broadcasts.

I saw a huge sharp claw sticking out of the channel!

The length of the claws alone is 100 meters.

It looks terrifying!


The claws touched a rock mountain lightly, and the entire rock mountain instantly turned into dust!

Fly away!

"Is it particle vibration or high-energy cutting?!"

"Hi... The claws are too strong, they are sharp!"

the other side,

Chen Mo frowned slightly as he looked at the corpse blocked at the entrance of the passage.

He had planned to take the body to the Fortress while it was still hot.

Achieve the evolutionary conditions!

Unexpectedly, two huge green skins pushed hard behind them.

not moving at all.

This monster is so fat,

Stuck in the planet passage.

Can't get past it! Yu,

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