Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 157 Auction surprise! New evolution opportunity! (3 more)

Holy Terra.

After checking his newly released Legion monster, Chen Mo opened his eyes and saw two sisters looking at him.

Desperately, looking very pitiful.

Obviously, they have not left just now,

Seeing the master open his eyes, sister Irene summoned the courage and asked:

"Master, can we murlocs contribute in this battle?"

We "sisters can do anything."

"Please leave it to us.

Ellie said quickly.

They heard in the star realm just now that many greenskins and flying dragons received missions.

But they mermaids, but not.

This made the two sisters anxious.

Not only them, but many mermaids around them also widened their eyes and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo has no doubt that if he says no,

Their big watery eyes together can make this place directly from the beach to the ocean.

"Your main task is to engage in production and construction."

"It's not suitable for you mermaids to fight and kill."

"And that planet has no oceans and is a relatively desolate rocky planet."

Chen Mo said.

He is currently positioning the mermaid here, not fighting.

Before the mermaid was on the legend, it was all thin skin and tender meat.

Seductive is really seductive,

Match it with gold jewelry, and two beautiful shells as an embellishment.

The fantasy charm is directly full.

It is the best race of Garden Planet and Agricultural Planet.

But appearance does not equal combat power.

Except for minor races such as angels, the opposite is true for most of them.

Otherwise, why would everyone be so crazy about mermaids?

It's not that the bottom of the hand is too ugly!

Silly big black is the mainstream.

High defense and high combat power.

"When the queen wakes up, you can learn mysterious knowledge from her, which will be of great use to me in the future.

Chen Mo ordered again.


"Follow the master's arrangement."

"It can be useful!

The two sisters burst into laughter.

After Chen Mo properly arranged the next plan, he went back to the house.

Take a comfortable bath.

ready to sleep.

Take a look at the trading platform at your fingertips.

The commander's ring he hung up "the auction price has skyrocketed.

When I looked at it during the day, it was still 500 million, but now I look at it, it is close to one billion!

Just as Chen Mo checked,

Another bid was made.

In an instant, the price was directly increased by 30 million.

The price comes directly to one billion twenty million!

"Outrageous... don't you sleep?"

Chen Mo was pleasantly surprised by this generous sum.

The price of 10 million at a time is enough, where is the local tyrant, and it will go up by 30 million!

Sure enough, "good things come at a high premium"~!"

"And the many newcomers are really powerful. They have promoted so many star soul powerhouses to me. These people seem to be very interested in the spoils of the Tianshen Temple!"

"Several local tyrants are taking turns bidding!"


In just a few minutes, it has risen by 50 million!

A large number of people have commented below, saying it is crazy.

Chen Mo watched for a while, and smiled.

This income directly increased his deposit by 30%.

Wait until the deal with the Gray Steel Consortium is finalized.

It's almost time for the last genetic evolution.

Of course, Chen Mo also understands that this kind of unexpected gain can be met but not sought after.

In the future, if there are no people from the Tianshen Temple to send people's heads, it is difficult to have this kind of income.

And the reason why the price is so high this time is because the loot is complete.

Complete as if brand new!

In fact, on the battlefield, it is difficult to obtain complete equipment.

Very few are even usable.

Think about it, two legends fighting each other, magic cannons and starships, etc.

This casual touch, the equipment is half useless.

The kind of thing that kills people and directly explodes equipment is bullshit.

Basically difficult to achieve.

Unless it is a sneak attack, or deliberately restraining power, to avoid damaging the enemy's equipment.

And usually people who have this kind of thinking are the pit bulls who have been searched by others.

On the chaotic battlefield, basically all-out, saturated attacks.

It is extremely difficult to keep hands.

Also for the above reasons.

Although the Star Soul World and the Temple of Heaven have been fighting for a long time, there are not many high-level loot in circulation on the market.

It can even be said that certain types of equipment are basically unlikely to exist.

For example, the space ring.

This thing is carried in the hand, and it is most likely to be damaged when fighting.

And the Temple of Heaven would rather die than give in.

Usually, at the last moment, it will self-destruct.

This makes it more difficult for the commander's ring to survive.

"Of course, that's a good thing for me."

"The more overwhelming advantage I have at that time, the more likely it is to kill the opponent in seconds, and then get the equipment."

"Searching for loot is really earning it, it's just the earnings of a battle.

Chen Mo was very emotional when he saw the bidding price that continued to rise.

At this time, the watch vibrated slightly.

A line of prompt pops up directly:

"The buyer of the Gray Steel Consortium requests a video call with you!"


The other party is making an offer!

Chen Mo clicks to accept.

"Dear Mr. Chen Mo, good evening, sorry, because of time, I have to disturb you at night."

The buyer said respectfully.

Then straight to the point.

"Our gray steel consortium is going to buy those items that were previously ordered."

Item grades are assessed on the basis of being very complete.

"Our bid is:

The legion commander's ring is 500 million, plus one intermediate knowledge.

The corpse of the child of the world is 10 million, and the corresponding set of equipment on him is 20 million.

In the end, there is the very complete Heavenly Demon Star shield. Our bid is 500 million, plus an ancient mechanical creation.

This creation is rather rare, and we excavated it from a ring-shaped artificial planet. "

Of course, "it's still the same, if Mr. Chen Mo looks down on our gray steel consortium and is willing to cooperate for a long time, we will also provide research and manufacturing drawings for mechanical creations.

"Do you think this bid is okay?"

After the buyer finished speaking, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Chen Mo.

This time the business is huge.

Also quite important.

Ms. An is determined to win.

If Chen Mo doesn't agree, then she will have a headache.

"It turns out that the real name of the magic energy device is called "Tian Mo Xing", it seems that the Gray Steel Consortium knows a lot about the Temple of Heaven. They have made a complete set of commander equipment. Are they planning to infiltrate or research?"

|And from the ring-shaped artificial planet, it sounds a little familiar, wait, isn't that the source of the "nano armor" obtained last time!"

Chen Mo thought carefully.

He did not rush to answer the buyer, but asked:

"What type of ancient machinery, can I look at the data first."

General machinery, Chen Mo's ability at this time, can already directly parasitize infection.

It can also be parsed through this step.

Mass manufacture!

No manufacturing drawings are required at all.

Of course, he naturally would not disclose this matter to the Gray Steel Consortium.

Let the other party think that this is a bargaining chip.

"Okay, just wait a minute!"

"That intermediate knowledge, I will also send you the information!"

The buyer immediately smiled sweetly.

Sure enough, as Ms. An said, this thing hit the other party's liking!

If you use general knowledge, it may not be useful!

It's just that she wonders why some young people like these old antiques.

These ancient machines have a history of at least tens of thousands of years, right?

【Plasma Gun】

[Origin: One of the loot obtained by the Great Crusade, the winner is Star God Tang Ya (special operator of the Gray Steel Consortium).

On an extremely ancient ring-shaped artificial planet, as long as you approach some devices that are suspected to be (Zhao Lizhao) laser signal towers, there will be strange self-disciplined magic energy guards emerging from the ground.

They are mass-produced using this energy weapon.

[Description]: This ancient weapon, while reducing the threshold for use on a large scale, also maintains amazing lethality to shields and metal armor.

Our scholars analyzed that some ancient scientific and technological knowledge was used.

It's hard to imagine that this kind of killing art can be developed on the basis of materialism, the only question is, do they never consider the attack from the conscious level?

This may also be the reason for their demise.

"Nice weapon.

After reading the information, Chen Mo gave an evaluation.

And this is different from what he got last time, this one reveals more information.

It seems that describing this kind of thing is also related to the personal style of the recorder.

After checking the machinery, Chen Mo continued to check the knowledge.

This one, he felt, should just be an addition.

After all, the other party focused on the plasma gun.

[Ding! The deduction system has detected possible evolution opportunities! With this knowledge and the corpse of the son of the orc world, deduction and evolution can be carried out in a specific environment!

A mechanical voice sounded.

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