Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 164 The boiling newcomer area! Stop licking it, 10,000 times, you won't get it! (1 more

Holy Terra.

Chen Mo was in a good mood.

Check out the newcomer king awards over the years,

Can't help but be excited!

Basic bonus includes tax exemption for at least 2 years!

This alone is a wealth that is enough to make anyone take off.


Any newbie!

Because of this tax exemption, it is effective for any property owned by that person.

As long as you reach the home planet through the portal, it will be tax-free.

For this tax-free clause, countless major forces are willing to post a part of the shares, so as to share this part of the tax-free benefits.

Of course, this is only in terms of acquiring resources, knowledge, and even advanced knowledge is optional!

I just don't know if it's available at this stage.

After all, Chen Mo's civilization level is still at level 1.6.

There is still a long way to go before level 2 civilization.

At this point, Chen Mo is waiting for the final settlement!

By the way, chat with the female reporter on the side.

Reporter Wang: "Mr. Chen Mo, how did you get this permanent parent star channel? Can I include this news in the report?"

Chen Mo "Sir, this portal of yours is a reward item, right, but why is there a huge difference in size between your engineers, do they belong to the same ethnic group?"

"Mr. Chen, you should build the portal to contact other planets, do you have suitable allies, or are you secretly transforming your own planet?"

Mr Chen"

Reporter Wang is curious about too many places,

Almost 3 sentences are inseparable from the problem.

After all, this Terra, it seems that there are scenes that should not appear everywhere, it's amazing!

"There is a selected collaborator, but it is a business partner, but the specific terms of cooperation have not yet been negotiated.

Chen Mo answered some questions selectively.

None of this is anything to hide.

His real secret cannot be observed with the naked eye.

I am also happy that this reporter helps me promote it.

The portal is about to be built on his side,

On Mu Yao's side, it is estimated that he will come to have an in-depth exchange in the near future.

This cooperation thing can be formally discussed.

I believe that the other party will not refuse,

The only question is whether she can meet Chen Mo's needs.


Although the request was made by Chen Mo,

But in the end, it does not depend on the strong woman Mu Yao.

Instead, it depends on Chen Mo.

Although the previous cooperation was very pleasant and there was a foundation of trust, in-depth cooperation requires the other party to offer a suitable price.

I believe that the other party will be ready this time!

While chatting with reporter Wang, Chen Mo looked at the newcomer area.

At this time, the liveliness of the newcomer area has not declined.

On the contrary, because the matter spread, many people came to hear the news.

The whole newcomer area exploded.

The core of the discussion is naturally the last battle in the newcomer area.

The protagonist is Chen Mo.

Of course, there are also many people who view video frame by frame.

I hope to analyze whether Chen Mo is using a corpse, a resurrected cosmic life, or a transformed battleship?

In short, this battle that lasted only ten seconds, left the shock to everyone, but it could not be dissipated for a long time.

Worth repeating.

Before the war, almost no one thought Chen Mo would win!

After all, the situation at the time was that a group of rookie geniuses headed by Li Long had obtained the advantage in time and space through strategies.

They make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and have no choice to confront Chen Mo head-on.

But directly kill the natives!

This approach can be said to be a stroke of genius.

It is also a super big deal that only consortium thinking can think of.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the auction platform Planet is all on the shelves!

Everyone thinks the big picture is set.

At this time, there was a sudden reversal!

Instant kill!

Kill all the way!

The huge monster rampaged, directly killing the legendary demon with one head, and by the way, it also killed the entire planet's life and finally killed it.

Take the lead and cut off Li Long's victory.

No one reacted, the battle is over!

That rampant monster is also unbelievably strong!

"This should be Chen Mo's ultimate secret weapon, right?"

Nonsense "! Can there be anything stronger than this?"

"Maybe it really exists, it's just that it can't pass through the planetary passage."

"Hanhan upstairs, Chen Mo is really strong, but you don't want to promote murder."

"That's right, keep blowing up, it's a bit of a myth.

"And the big baby who can't even get through the planetary passage? It's just a newcomer, so blowing? It's not so bad...

"Anyway, no one dares to challenge Chen Mo again, right?"

"I don't even have a fraction of my contribution value! Take the lead?"

"Yeah, I guess I don't necessarily have more money than Chen Mo when I become a star soul powerhouse."

"Be confident, people can earn more than 50 billion in a few minutes, more than your whole life!"

"Mom, look around, all kneeling and licking."

"If I were Chen Mo, I would definitely be happy.

"Yeah, don't say anything else, the first place, fame, reputation and resources are all there, and there is no shortage of beautiful women!"

"Don't say it, the sense of substitution is coming!

"I just wanted to ask, is Mr. Chen Mo recruiting people? Can I just carry a bucket and work there?"

"I want to go to work in Terra, just eat and live!

ask for flowers...

"Are you thinking about farting? Terra is all the best mermaids, and she can only be a female reporter when she goes to interviews. Chen Mo can let you in?"

"Brothers with handlebars can't do it! Sisters, it's time for us to play! It's time to show the real skills to Dad Chen Mo!"

"Oh, no kidding, I have a showdown, and I dreamed of being spotted by Chen Mo.

Did it yesterday!

I really don't want to fight, it's too hard.

My avatar is me, you can view the larger image.

The face value is online, the double quotient is also high, and there is the potential to become a star soul powerhouse.

Currently number 101 on the rookie list, isn't this too much a requirement?"

A beautiful genius suddenly forcibly confessed.

If it is normal, everyone will be enthusiastic and cheering.

But at this moment,

Many people laughed.

Laugh at her overreaching!

There are also parties who stand up,



#!Wanru you bitch, Laozi licks you every day, gives you magic crystals for confession, you ignore my love, and now openly kneel and lick Chen Mo?

Laozi's really worthless?

I want to expose this little bitch! Don't be fooled by Chen Mo!

"Cough, is this the legendary Tim Gou can't die?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen Mo won't look straight.

"I think Chen Mo heard about it, and at most he can only say one word: who?"

"Beauty, you may be a goddess in our eyes, but in Chen Mo's place, it's really not the best. Don't tread hard."

Totally agree!"

"Brothers, stop licking Chen Mo!

You fake him 100 times in the newcomer area, and slander his videos 10,000 times, and he is not yours either.

If you use knowledge 100 times, the knowledge is yours.

It's time to wake up, our goal is to fight for the power of the Star Soul World for life!"

Holy Terra.

It's time for breakfast,

Chen Mo put away his watch and headed to the sunny coast restaurant.

The mermaid maids have carefully prepared breakfast.

over there on planet 90,

The final work of the battle has also been completed.

Lilia, the scholar of the great library, has also arrived,

However, she is more addicted to archaeology and is currently dissecting meteorites frantically.

So only Chen Mo and reporter Wang eat breakfast.

at this time,

It's almost 8 in the morning.

Newcomer leaderboard rewards will be settled soon!

And it won't be long before the meteorite containing the treasure will reveal the answer!

Ordinary Tiberium wreck?

Or the best quality?

Watching two surprises getting closer,

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

Waiting for delivery!

Looking forward to!

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