Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 166 Invincible Force Field! Mastery of Star Soul! Master's Blessing! Surprised Reporter

"Just happened to reward me Dark Sky... Incredible coincidence.

"No, it's definitely not a coincidence."

"It should be the people above who know that I have pre-knowledge planet upgrades."

Maybe "the rules for giving out rewards, that's all.

Chen Mo played with the voucher in his hand and couldn't help thinking.

"Anyway, this is the signature ability of the Star Soul World, and it is also one of the cornerstones of "knowledge" of the Star Soul World civilization."

"Absolute card face!"

Chen Mo carefully checked the description.

【Dark Sky】

Advanced [Idealism Knowledge]

[Knowledge Owner: Seat 3, Master of Space]

[Description: After upgrading and transforming a planet with pre-knowledge, you can build a "sky screen base."

Once established successfully, you can activate the powerful force field shield dark sky through the laws of the star soul world.

The nature is idealistic will, energy hybrid field shield.

"The effect of Dark Sky's ability is as follows:

Ability: Energy Shield. The force field shield cannot be penetrated until the energy is exhausted, or the endurance limit is exceeded (in a short period of time within a square centimeter, it can withstand more than 50 million tons of equivalent damage ~ a demigod peak blow).

Ability 2: Will Field. The specific strength of the shield is based on the connection between the battleship and the home planet, as well as the strength of the manipulator's will. The stronger the will, the more damage it can resist.

In theory, with the blessing of ideal will, the shield can be invincible, and can only be offset by the rest of the will field.

Ability 3; During the shielding period, the entire battleship will temporarily disappear and cannot be detected by optical methods]

[Special reminder: After 29 hours of starting the dark sky, it is impossible to move quickly. The too powerful projection of the will of the star soul world is also easy to attract special attention from some existences, which may lead to unexpected hostility.

"Stealth, invincible force field...

"It's similar to what I saw before."

Chen Mo recalled carefully that he had seen a dark sky once.

It is the spaceship of the female operator of the Grey Consortium.

The memory is very deep.

The commander of the Temple of Heaven gave his life a blow, and it was only the battleship that appeared.

The entire battleship was unscathed.

When facing an enemy of the same level, a battleship with a dark sky activated is almost equivalent to invincibility.

"More importantly, although the highest defense of the dark sky is only the pinnacle of demigods, in theory, his reinforcement can be unlimited!"

"Amplified by the will field!"

"And this, happens to be the star soul masters who are the will of the planet, and they are the best at it!"

"No wonder it's only a shield that can defend against demigod attacks, and even the star soul powerhouse is using it! It has even become one of the symbols of the entire star soul world."

"As soon as the entire force field shield is turned on, you can imagine the despair of the enemy, it is really darkness!"

"But is it too expensive to build a canopy pedestal?"

"It's kind of tricky.

Chen Mo also said just now that he is finally rich.

Plan to stock up on more.

The result was not smug for a few minutes, and felt the wallet crisis again.

It seems that the deposit will not go up after all,

Can't break the billion mark!

Back and forth is two or three billion wandering around.

There is no doubt that the dark sky is very powerful.

For the use of the Fortress, it is completely true to the cosmic creatures.

The other party wanted a meteorite to fall from the sky, but there was no chance at all.

"However... at this price,

Chen Mo couldn't help calculating carefully,

Can not help but feel a toothache.

"I have the core manganese ore and Tiberium ore now, but the quantity is too different. The other main structure's magic energy metal needs to be purchased, about 50 billion."

"The price fluctuates a little bit, it's 55 billion."

the first time,

Chen Mo felt that advanced knowledge was not so good.

What a waste of money!

Especially considering the size of his Bastion.

The canopy base that needs to be built is simply too big.

If it weren't for the fact that he could build a portal and prostitute most of the parent star's energy, Chen Mo could just give up the construction.

The price is sky-high.

"Let's take a look, and wait until Li Long's money is really in his hands."

"I just make up my mind now, and I don't have the money to do it."

"If you can directly achieve leap evolution at that time, just evolve directly!

"If the time has not come, or if you loot the Temple of Heaven, you can make a big profit, then gather resources and start the construction of the base of the sky screen immediately to increase your combat power and speed up the collection of resources!"

"In short, everything revolves around how to evolve higher.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo made a decision in his heart.

Apply to study Dark Sky!

Then, Chen Mo looked at 2 intermediate knowledge.

With the big surprise in front of it,

These two kinds of knowledge, although precious, have been very peaceful.

The first one does not need to look carefully, but also knows that it is the authentic knowledge of the star soul world; "The star soul is proficient.

This is for newcomers after condensing the star soul.

Chen Mo just came in handy.

If nothing else, after learning this knowledge, his idealistic ability will continue to manifest.

Stronger ability to interfere with reality!

Just relying on personal strength is enough to single out the rest of the players!

This is not Chen Mo's obscenity,

At present, he can twist the steel with just his eyesight.

The will can already easily manipulate objects.

The fighting skills are definitely not as good as the other legends, but for newcomers who have no legends under their masters, it is random killing.

It can be said that with just one look,

They will be out of breath.

This gaze is not pure oppression, it is really powerful!

Not only that, after learning this mastery of the star soul, Chen Mo can already imitate one of the basic abilities of the star soul world---will projection.

Just like the Star Soul World paid attention to him, at this moment, Chen Mo, as a complete planetary will, can also pay attention to specific individuals!

Similar to Chosen Child of the World.

Some worlds are called the Son of Destiny, or the owner.

Of course, it is definitely incomparable to the Star Soul World's ability to pay attention to hundreds of millions of individuals at the same time.

Chen Mo can only follow about 1-3 at present,

The more attention, the less effective and the more dispersed the power.

After all, the power of collective will is reflected in concentration.

With dispersion, the power is exponentially reduced.

Another ability is evil energy transformation.

This knowledge is really useless to him.

At least not at all.

Looking at the description, it's some kind of fantastic use of extreme emotions.

Many evil gods like this kind of thing.

Of course, the Star Soul World does not pay attention to so many distinctions, and all useful and unowned knowledge will be included, and everyone will use it!

"It doesn't pay to sell."

"Keep it for now, and it will come in handy later when people may be regarded as evil gods.

Chen Mo thought, he didn't use the certificate, but directly put it in the certificate of conquest ring.

After counting the knowledge gains, Chen Mo checked the resources again.

Tiberium ore, after stabilization, looks like a transparent crystal.

There is a blue light flowing in it, which is really beautiful!

There is also a more magical wrong mine, which is the hardest hit area for mutation and transformation.

The price is high, and there is no market for it.

It is a high-energy mineral that is needed for many advanced knowledge.

Must be properly preserved.

After viewing the harvest,

Chen Mo turned his eyes and looked at the two sisters who were pouring tea and water, and the little fox.

As usual, let the little fox come first.

The little Loli fox girl, it's time to become stronger and come out of the star realm!

Then among the two sisters, I also choose one.

Just sister.

There is mutual affection between the two sisters,

When any one is emotional, or stimulated, the other will also feel it.

Chen Mo just took a look,

Gift one of them, what happens?

High probability, or the fate of Gemini!

Master "...I...I...

Irene was stunned for a moment, and then she understood,

trembling with excitement,

Can't speak.

This reward came too suddenly.

Happy dizzy!

The fruit in the hand even slipped.

However, the reporter on the side was quick-witted and caught it directly.

She has been watching quietly.

Amazed by Chen Mo's ability,

And, the loyalty of the people.

Has this reached the level of a fanatic?

How to train two sisters so well-behaved and faithful in just a few days?

The more she observed the planet Terra,

The doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

Chen Mo, really is the strongest newcomer ever!

There are secrets!

But she was not ready to investigate,

This is taboo.

But you can chat with the surrounding mermaid servants and get to know them from the side.

Curious, what kind of person is Chen Mo?

That strange big library scholar may also know something...

Reporter Wang 773 thought to himself.

"Go home and get ready.

Chen Mo said.

He was used to the state of the two sisters.

"Yes, great master!"

Erin also reacted at this time.

face flushed,

I am ashamed of my immature behavior.

someone here!

I don't know if it's embarrassing to the owner?

But soon, her heart was filled with a random word from the master again.

She is about to be like the little fox,

Blessed by the master!

From now on, I will take on the breath of a master,

Is it a unique position?

Incredibly proud!

Then Chen Mo arranged production and mining plans.

Take a little rest today, tomorrow is the battle against the Temple of Heaven!

The real challenge has just begun.

at the same time,

It is also extremely dangerous.

Dead people will be commonplace.

Of course, more challenges mean more gains!

"It's time for that lizard dragon's lair' coordinates to come in handy!"

"Get the Greenskins ready for space mining exploration equipment.

"Leviathan also replenishes his energy and prepares more Tiberium ore."

Chen Mo passed through the astral world and ordered.

He will arrive at that spot after the battle tomorrow.

Of course, the premise is that the selected war zone is relatively close!

"There, you can get the resources in the old nest, as well as the possible clues of the lizard dragon mother!"

"Hopefully this time won't be too bad!"

Chen Mo thought.

He believes that there will be corresponding actions on the side of the Temple of Heaven.

It is impossible for them not to send someone to watch this place.

And they knew that Chen Mo would definitely go.

Both are old rivals.

Time flies so fast at work!

Before I knew it, when Chen Mo finished making arrangements, he looked up,

In the mermaid station not far away,

There is already a golden light shining.

Irene the mermaid, golden light all over her body,

More intense than before.

Incredibly beautiful.

The younger sister Ellie, who was not blessed, also trembled slightly.

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