Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 170 Level 2.0 civilization! Too small to get in? See the real means! (1 more)

Chen Mo thought about it carefully.

Most of his resources were obtained through unconventional means.

Follow the rules and you'll be fine.

But accumulating resources is far from being so fast.

If you want explosive growth, you must have a real explosion.

Blast some opponents to the sky!

For example. The Temple of Heaven? The rest of the newcomers?

At this moment, because of the ranking down, many consortiums have begun to make real arrangements.

Potential newcomers will receive substantial funding.

Non-vegetable, thriving.

Not to mention the Temple of Heaven, they have accumulated wealth for more than a hundred years in this star field.

The vassals they control will last longer, some even for thousands of years.

If all these wealth can be brought together.

Not to mention the completion of the Fortress, it is no problem to build another one out of thin air!

Evolutionary resources, there will be no gaps!

Just focus on finding evolutionary opportunities.

He also has the opportunity to bring the exclusive mushroom race to a level 2 civilization.

Arriving at level 2.0 civilization, you can get the official recognition of the federation.

As a power that can be used in the Star Soul World, apply to join the Great Crusade.

The Great Crusade is the main method for the expansion of the Star Soul World,

the front line of the war,

In a place extremely far away from the Star Soul World,

The intensity of the war is far from what can be compared here.

Most of the Star Gods are fighting there.

Therefore, the main force of the Great Expedition must be very strong.

At least, you must have your own mothership.

The mothership is used as a giant base, teleportation, maintenance, and troop station.

Many uses.

Of course, some people have motherships early, such as Chen Mo.

But it's not enough to see,

Only when you reach level 2.0 civilization can you initially acquire the ability to teleport over long distances.

Otherwise, the mothership will never reach the front line by flying.

At the same time, after reaching level 2.0 civilization, you will receive an additional attention from the Star Soul World.

This is extremely important.

This can increase the power of the Star Soul Lord.

Moreover, Chen Mo also mastered the knowledge of "Blessing of the Star Soul World".

With this attention, a blessing can be given.

The last blessing, Chen Mo created the biological master brain.

The astral world has undergone a qualitative change.

Looking forward to the next time!

Every blessing is an opportunity to get a unique "artifact" in the world!

In short, when you reach level 2.0 civilization, you don't even have any other achievements.

Just getting the Great Crusade opportunity and the World Will attention.

It's cool.

Not to mention the multitude of planets waiting to be enslaved!

Among them, there will be a lot of evolutionary opportunities.

All in all, there are many benefits!


It is not so easy to reach level 2.0 civilization.

This is not just an assessment of combat effectiveness.

It is related to the structure of the entire civilization, the number of ethnic groups, the level of knowledge mastered, the average strength, the level of creation, the economic status, etc.

a comprehensive assessment.

To achieve these goals requires a lot of resources.

Especially knowledge and creation, and the unique structure of civilization.

Of course, Chen Mo, as a cluster civilization here, is very special.

In essence, he is civilization itself.

So the standard is actually lowered a lot.

But even so, the resources needed are still massive.

Moreover, Chen Mo's evolution consumes only a lot more resources than other civilizations.

Chen Mo doesn't want to join the consortium.

So you can only collect resources yourself.

In this case,

Honestly run the planet to make money, or follow the federal advice seriously,

Certainly not.

To get rich,

It has to be looted, and it has to be very large.

The most suitable target right now is the Temple of Heaven.

After all, the rest of the newcomers are also the foundation of the Star Soul World.

It is impossible to create all non-vegetable roots.

The Commonwealth will not allow it either.

Fight for "the first shot to attack the Temple of Heaven."

"It must be before the rest of the newcomers."

"I can't let the Temple of Heaven realize that there are a large number of newcomers joining the battle, otherwise they will guess my next move.

"If it was before, I couldn't be too obvious, otherwise the other newcomers would definitely follow suit."

"But now, with the prestige outside, the rest of the newcomers will try to avoid contact with me as much as possible, and they will not dare to follow.

"Don't even dare to choose the same war zone as me."

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully.

This is one of the benefits of being famous.

Under the brief introduction disclosed by reporter Wang",

Chen Mo seems to have become the overlord.

It belongs to the newcomer area Tyrannosaurus Rex,

The rest of the newcomers have to pay attention when they act, so as not to be accidentally trampled to death by him.

Of course, there is no harm in doing so.

Everyone avoided him,

The opportunity for him to extort blackmail has naturally decreased.

Especially those local tyrants must avoid him.

For fear of staring at their wallets.

This will make Chen Mo lose a lot of revenue sources!

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

As for the Temple of Heaven.

Chen Mo not only failed the Tianshen Temple infiltration team, but also blew up the battleship with his backhand.

This is no small talk.

Almost wiped out a team of them.

Still painful.

So on the side of the Tianshen Temple infiltration team, he must have hung up the number.

There is no doubt about this.

Take a look at the influence of the rest of the newcomers and the Temple of Heaven.

"So the next theater selection..."

Chen Mo opened his watch and looked at the map of the war zone published above.

The entire battle against the Temple of Heaven was divided into 1,000 war zones.

Basically it is a star area, it is a war zone.

The total area, spanning more than 1000 light-years.

Of course,

There are not many choices for newcomers, and there are only 10 war zones in total.

30-40 theater.

【The 30th War Zone)

[10 planets that can be plundered, 2 strongholds in the Temple of Heaven, 2 vassal civilizations, and the civilization level is 1.1-1.6)

[High-value targets: two celestial temple strongholds, Tiberium ore polluted planet, and a floating city"

[The 31st War Zone]

[21 planets that can be plundered, 1 stronghold of the Temple of Heaven, 3 vassal civilizations, and the civilization level is 1.4-1.7]

[High-value target: an ancient ruin, vassal civilization parent star, low-reserve manganese ore, magic crystal]


Chen Mo carefully read all 10 war zone information.

In ten war zones, there is no civilization over level 2.0.

Overall combat power is low.

Basically, it is the infiltration team of the Temple of Heaven and the vassal civilization.

Of course, maybe at some point, the other side's army will be ready to break through from here,

The newcomers then bumped into the gods head-on.

It's not impossible.

There is no absolutely safe and low-risk place on the battlefield.

So you have to choose well.

Many newcomers are repeatedly researching and discussing carefully.

But for Chen Mo, there is not much choice.

A detector obtained from a parasitic infestation of Lizardosaurus.

View the coordinates of the old nest,

In the 33rd War Zone.

Coincidentally, in a comprehensive measure, this is a theater of the lowest value.

It is even more difficult to meet local tyrants and geniuses here.

However, Chen Mo still clicked to confirm.

Because the resources of a war zone, no matter how poor,

If he's full, that's plenty!

Just dominate the entire war zone!

Absolutely all you can eat!

However, this information must be kept secret.

If others know that he is going to the 33rd theater, they must avoid it.

Some of the income that was already small may be lost directly.

Of course,

If you're lucky, things go well, and there's still energy left,

You can set up a teleportation array to Luo Bing.

Through Luo Bing, quickly reach the rest of the war zone.

It is also possible to run 2 war zones by one person!

"Anyway, I must be ready today..."

"Leviathan and the flying dragon army must be ready, and there are a large number of greenskin engineers."

"Do it right away tomorrow morning!"

Chen Mo made a plan,

After that, he went to chat with Luo Bing.

Let the other party not collide with yourself.

"Fortunately, you said it early, otherwise I would have chosen War Zone 33."

Luo Bing said with a complicated expression.

At the same time feel a little fortunate.

It was the first time I was contacted by Chen Mo, and there was such a benefit.

If she chooses planet 33, it will be over.

No matter what the benefits are, Chen Mo has to go through it.

She could only follow behind to pick up the trash.

She is also a girl with ideals, she will definitely not think like that!

So do everything possible to avoid being with Chen Mo.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it still almost crashed.

"War Zone 33 is already the worst. I thought about being a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail, but I didn't expect to meet you. I'm convinced."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Luo Bing finally asked.

She thought about it carefully, and logically speaking, everyone may choose War Zone 33.

Only Chen Mo is the most unlikely.

At this moment, the other party told her that it had been confirmed!

After listening to Luo Bing's cry, Chen Mo laughed.

"It's definitely not just Luo Bing who thinks this way.

"Maybe many people will go to War Zone 33 with the idea that they will never meet me."

On the contrary, "No one will choose the best theater, because everyone thought I would go!"

"If there is no accident, I will crash with some local tyrants."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

It was as if he saw the mobile vault beckoning to him.

"Wait! It's not because of the portal, is it?"

Luo Bing's thinking was quick, and he quickly thought of a reason.

If Chen Mo can build a portal, then he has the possibility to cross the war zone.

In this case, he chooses the best theater, not the optimal solution,

Instead, it is the best solution to choose the war zone that is easiest to dominate!

"If I choose the best war zone, I can fight for Chen Mo to build a portal to me!"

"Through me, he can enter the new war zone!"

Thinking of this, Luo Bing couldn't help but get excited,

Also eyes brightened.

In this way, the two will not only not conflict with each other, but also benefit each other!

"But... Chen Mo's weapons, so big, can't get in?"

Luo Bing suddenly thought of another question.

very realistic.

2.4 After all, Chen Mo's is really too big.

Even the planetary passage is very narrow.

Hers is much smaller than that.

It can't get through even if it's broken.

"Well, portals are part of the reason, but not all."

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

For Luo Bing to be able to guess this,

He was not surprised.

After all, the other party already knew that he had the ability to arrange portals.

not all?

What's the other reason?

Luo Bing was curious, but since Chen Mo didn't say it, she didn't ask.

The two have cooperated a lot, and this trust is still there.


"It's okay for you to enter me, but is the door too small?"

She asked her doubts.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

too small?

Luo Bing did not know that his battleship, as well as the parasite army, could not only be built on the Fortress.

Where there is a planet, it will do!

Just let one spore go through the portal.

The situation will change.

And 33 War Zone,

Will be witnessing this power for the first time.

From: The Magical Powers of Grow' and 'Swallow'!

Let go of the expansion!

"The local tyrants must think in reverse and choose here."

Chen Mo couldn't help but look forward to it.

Any newcomer who came to this war zone would think that he predicted Chen Mo's actions.

They are on the second floor.

But I don't know, Chen Mo is in the atmosphere!

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