Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 172 Mother and daughter go together! The plan to sell mushrooms! 33 The war zone is lying on


The queen let out a soft cry.

See Chen Mo over here,

She hesitated, then said:

"Master, do I fight as soon as I appear in the Temple of Heaven, or do I wait until the battle is unfavorable?"

She was a little worried about her two daughters.

Playing at the moment, feeling... a little dangerous.

After all, the opponent is the mysterious Temple of Heaven.

This is no indigenous.

They have bizarre starships that rule large swathes of the star sector.

There may even be a god.

Not just one, but a coalition of many.

If it wasn't for the emergence of the Star Soul World, the Queen's goal in her life might be to one day raise an excellent daughter, and then lead the entire civilization to join the Temple of Heaven.

It sounds ridiculous.

But this is enough to show the power of the Temple of Heaven.

Not something ordinary people can shake.

The Queen never denied it.

It is precisely because of this that she believes that the master's strength is more worthy of being said and worthy of her pride.

This is the existence that can defeat the Temple of Heaven!

As a matter of fact, they were too lazy to look directly at the Temple of Heaven, but at this moment, they can also compete with the Temple of Heaven.

To be jealous of the opponent.

Of course, because of this, she cherishes everything in the moment more.

So, if she could, she didn't want her daughter to face any failure.

It is better to be like a master, from one victory to another.

One is bigger and one is more beautiful.

Failure is shameful.

Maybe the owner thinks so...

This made her a little worried.

Chen Mo glanced at the queen and asked:

"Do you have any ideas?"

Watching the queen keep everything in order.

He is still very satisfied.

Her century-old queen has not been in vain.

Chen Mo enjoys various experiences,

You can take it to the next level by throwing your hands at the shopkeeper.

"I... mainly worry about the lack of strength of my two daughters."

Biting her lip lightly, the Queen still told the truth.

A faithful servant, attitude is far more important than ability.

Since Chen Mo asked, she told the truth.

"The two sisters Aileen were talented before they became legends, but they didn't actually have much combat experience."

"This is their second actual combat, if I guide them, they should be able to perform a lot better.

"As for the specific battles and arrangements of the legion, I don't understand it, and I don't dare to make false statements.

It was so,

"Relax, there is a first time for everything."

"The more you have, the more experience you will have."

"I'm nurturing you, fine-tuning, isn't it the first time?"

"Could it be because it's the first time, why don't you do it?"

Facing Chen Mo's question, the queen bowed her head in shame.

"Yes, sorry master."

At this moment, she has understood that Chen Mo is very tolerant towards them.

And it has been taken into account, not just talking about it.

I couldn't help but feel more grateful.

"If you have any doubts in the future, just ask me directly."

"I'll say what I have to say.

Chen Mo said.

He really has nothing to hide from his subordinates.

Of course, this is not because he is generous, but because of his absolute loyalty, which brings, naturally, absolute trust.

"Good master~

The queen nodded heavily.

At the same time, a question appeared in her mind.

Said to ask the master for advice...

That's the way to please the little fox.

Can you also ask?

She looked around,

No one around.

Taking a deep breath, he mustered up his courage.


"My plan is to show the Legendary and Parasitic Corps first and make an area.

"When the cleaning is done, you are sneaking past.

"Go to the lizard dragon lair with the Erin sisters.

Chen Mo said.

He will not engage in any hidden fueling tactics against the enemy.

That's stupid.

If there are demigods, go straight up.

Blast the opponent's dog head.

Of course, it is necessary to first paralyze and lure the other party to show up.

So the queen has to go behind.

The Temple of Heaven would never have imagined that in just one day, his strength had skyrocketed from the highest level of combat power, which was only a Legendary Elementary, to a demigod!

It's almost impossible.

Even the star soul world!

So far, only a newcomer, Chen Mo, has done it.

"You mother and daughter are of the same mind, and you can cut off the gold!"

"Now you go to sort out the knowledge in your head, and I will call you when the time comes."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"With the blessing of the master, our mother and daughter will definitely be able to do it!"

The Queen nodded happily.

Just feel motivated.

When she recovered from the encouragement, she found that she had followed the master's instructions and returned to the room!

Arrange for the queen and the battle.

Chen Mo came down.

In fact, he doesn't need to care about the specific battle process.

The biological master brain has accumulated a considerable amount of combat experience.

There are also some battle data with the Temple of Heaven.

Even if a new enemy appears, the biological master brain will soon be able to deduce and predict the opponent's actions.

So no need to worry.

All he has to do is wait quietly for the result!

Take a look at the trading platform at your fingertips.

Buy some of the resources that you need to use recently. At present, the funds are still sufficient.

The current market is, buy is to earn.

The price is changing every day, but the whole is going up.

A big consortium is sweeping the goods.

A large number of magic crystals calculated by tons were bought directly.

This drives up prices.

So much so that many newcomers call it cheap.

If you stock up the magic crystals at the beginning and sell them now, you can earn 20-30% more.

Of course,

It's just talk.

If you really stock up on magic crystals, if you don't improve your strength, you will be eliminated long ago.

Except for the emergency money, the rest are earned and spent on the same day as much as possible.

The best investment is to improve your own strength!

After purchasing a circle of resources, Chen Mo looked at the goods on the shelf again.

Magic energy weapons have been completely ignored, and they have obtained federal resources. All the newcomers who have not yet been eliminated are basically shotguns for cannons.

The whole has entered the era of level 1.0 civilization.

They have already despised the aboriginal magical weapons.

In addition to magic weapons, magic crystals and metal ores are still in short supply.

Food "prices are as stable as a dog, neither rising nor falling.

"It would be nice to have a big surge like the magic energy crystal."

"In this case, I can expedited a batch of goods from five planets in ten days, and earn at least five or six billion.

"Enough for a few ordinary evolutions.

Chen Mo couldn't help but complain.

But he thought about it and knew that it was unlikely.

After all, the demand for food is the most terrifying.

The Star Soul World alone has a resident population of 200 billion, not including all kinds of strange pets and a large number of slaves.

If you add these up, then double the minimum.

So even if the price of food fluctuates, the response is very slow.

It is impossible to immediately react to the market like a magic crystal.

|||I have tax-free in hand, which is equivalent to 10% more income out of thin air. "

"Tax-free for two years, be sure to make good use of this reward to expand your advantages!"

"It can be said that developing agriculture in the future is a path I must take."

"The more things I sell, the more I make."

"And the output of my goods comes from the excellent agricultural planet, which is more competitive.

Agricultural planets are divided into ordinary, good, excellent, and excellent.

Extremely rare.

It is basically a high-energy planet, and it is only possible with careful management.

To be excellent, Chen Mo is satisfied.

Only about 30% of the food on the market comes from excellent agricultural planets.

Very competitive!

This is also an important reason why the monthly income can be improved after the mermaid transforms the marine environment.

The output is only so much, it is impossible to increase indefinitely.

No matter how ordinary people in the Star Soul World are, they are also people of god-level civilization.

You let them eat the "pig food" induced on the assembly line?

Don't even think about it.

This kind of product will not have any sales in Star Soul World.

This is also the reason why Chen Mo has not grown mushrooms for sale.

However, he believed that as his civilization level improved, his strength became stronger and stronger, and the parasitic infection ability of the exclusive race became stronger and stronger, and there would be a way to lurk in his genes.

At that time, mushrooms were no longer mushrooms, and people wouldn't say they were assembly-line products.

All people in the Star Soul World can eat the food that he has undergone genetic modification or mushroom genes lurking in.

Chen Mo believes that sales (Zhao Nuo's) will be very good by then.

After checking the trading platform, Chen Mo took another look at the newcomer area.

At this time, his latest news has been released.

Reporter Wang is worthy of being dedicated and professional, and he kicked out the manuscript overnight.

There are also several handsome photos of him.

What satisfied Chen Mo the most was that it revealed his "goal".

That is to choose a most challenging planet.

And this is also the most discussed in the newcomer area.

"Hahaha! I stayed up all night and didn't sleep, just to keep this piece of news from Wang Da's reporter!"

"Heroes see the same thing!

"me too!"


Many newcomers said that they took great pains not to be in the same theater as Chen Mo.

"A bunch of smart people, your brains are overclocked, and you only have the IQ of normal people. If I just choose the most rubbish war zone, won't it be over? It takes so much effort."

"Indeed, there are a lot of things to do, and it looks like I'm very smart.

"As long as I have enough waste, no one can squeeze me. Brothers lying on the sidelines, the 33rd War Zone has assembled!"

"Hahaha! When you come to War Zone 33, it's really playing lanterns in the toilet, courting death!

"I have a showdown.

"Me! Liu Fan! No. 4 in the newcomer rankings! I'm in the 33rd War Zone!"

"Either be my little brother, or get out of the way!"

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