Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 180 Harvest by tons! Devouring the body of a demigod, the chance to evolve!

(2 more) "Magic Crystal 10 tons. Tiberium" 10 ore, green quality. ""Accumulated about 100 tons of various metal ores. "The total amount of rocks rich in high-energy minerals is 10,000 tons. "And a strange scale and a huge eggshell fragment." "A bumper harvest! Chen Mo couldn't help smiling when he saw the information. All kinds of harvests are almost calculated by tons! Of course, this is also in line with Lizardosaurus. His strength and size. He has been active in space all year round, and the asteroid belt is almost his own territory. He has obtained so many ores, and it is no exception. The most of them, contrary to Chen Mo's expectations, are a lot of He still needs to refine the ore again. The ore even contains a small amount of manganese in "803". But think about it, the lizard dragon is a cosmic life after all, and these ores are estimated to be his ration, and there is not much consideration for purification. "But Tiberium is very rare. "It's no wonder that the other party must invade the planet. "This kind of ore is only found on planets, and in the asteroid belt, there is almost no output. Aside from Tiberium ore, the rarest one was a scale and eggshell that was solemnly collected and placed in the most conspicuous position of the lizard dragon's lair. This is estimated to be related to the mother! It is still being carefully investigated. "Master, after two impacts, the asteroid's orbit has been seriously deviated, and in a week, it will accelerate to hit the No. 1 life planet." Seeing the master smiling, the queen couldn't help but be happy, but after hesitating, she still said out this news. How to deal with this problem next requires the owner to decide. It wasn't in such a hurry. It will take at least a year to hit. But afterward, in the battle with the demigods of the Temple of Heaven, the lizard dragon slammed into the planet again. This time, the track was completely twisted. If not stopped, there will be a shocking collision. Let the planet crash, causing a huge natural disaster, or spend human and material resources to bring the planet back to the right? Chen Mo couldn't help but hesitate. As the lizard dragon's lair, this asteroid itself is rich in metal minerals, and even has a lot of magic crystals. Although the quality is low, if it crashes on the planet, it can also reap a lot of benefits. Maybe find some manganese ore. After all, the manganese content of the entire asteroid is abnormal. But the planet of life is the cornerstone of all civilizations. Generally speaking, even the Star Soul World will re-develop the planet after the execution of the extinction order. It will not be allowed to suffer natural disasters in vain. A planet hit by an asteroid usually causes a catastrophe that cannot be recovered. It can only be developed as a resource planet and finally abandoned. Or use waste and plant a star nucleus'. However, a star nucleus also has requirements for the size of the planet. Life Planet 1 is too small and of insufficient quality. After thinking about it again and again, Chen Mo decided to put in some effort to keep the No. 1 life planet.

This is more cost-effective than letting the asteroid collide and mine again.

And the No. 1 life planet has more than 60% of the ocean area.

Exactly for him.

But before that, how to drive away the rest of the newcomers is a problem.

This time, they can still fight with each other, but the life planet is used as a forward base, and the Federation does not allow private possession.

Waiting for them to wipe out the power of the Temple of Heaven on the planet, and then blast them away in one breath?

Or wait for Liu Fan to blow people away, and then blow him away?

Chen Mo decided that it would depend on the situation.

As for asteroids...

Space mining is inefficient though.

But it is not impossible.

As long as the gravitational core is installed inside, Chen Mo will be sure to correct the asteroid's orbit within 3 days.

Then let the Leviathan devour materials here, refine and mine.

"The rich high-energy minerals in it are not easy to extract, but it is very good for Leviathan, and it can also be mentioned as a fertilizer for planting 'star core'. "

Hope Lilia's autopsy will have a good result.

Planting planets and fertilizers are ready on his side.

Just one star core.

"When the materials that can be transported have been transported away, the gravitational core will begin to grow, and at the same time, the Leviathan that needs to be developed will come here to devour the rocks rich in high-energy minerals,

"It would be best to find some manganese ore.

Chen Mo ordered casually.

Of course, he had no hope of finding manganese ore.

Excessive manganese element and the formation of manganese ore are two different things.

There are more than ten percent of the iron in the earth's crust, but the iron ore is pitifully small, only 1 in 100,000,000 of which will gather together to form mineable iron ore.

Of course, Chen Mo's exclusive racial phagocytic ability is powerful, as well as metal genes.

Therefore, many ordinary metals have the ability to directly absorb this element and then gather it in the body.

However, the distance to absorb the "wrong" element is still a bit short.

It needs another genetic leap to evolve.

At this time, the demigod corpse had also been transported to the Fortress.

The heart in the corpse is still beating stubbornly.

This is the body of a demigod.

Vitality is very tenacious.

Even if he has lost his will as the main brain, as a cell, as well as various organs of the body, he still has the survival instinct.

But at this moment,

They also ushered in their own doomsday.

A large number of creeps climbed, covering the entire body of the demigod.

Watching this scene, Chen Mo was slightly nervous.

Although the demigods are strong, they don't necessarily have what Chen Mo needs.

Or 2.4, it does not necessarily fit his evolutionary route.

It's like opening a blind box.

Give it a go.

Now it's just luck.

[Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained a demigod body. According to the system deduction, the use of "evolutionary medicine and a large number of Tiberium ore, as well as the catalysis of the wrong ore, can obtain possible evolution opportunities. The probability is 90%."

[Will it swallow evolution immediately?)

"The opportunity is here!"

"If it can be successful this time, it will be able to accumulate to the threshold of leaping evolution."

"But what about the probability..."

Chen Mo was surprised at first, then frowned slightly.

The opportunity came, but not quite.

There is no near complete certainty!

"Is it the blessing of the goddess of luck, is it still in effect?"

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