Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 182 Void Prostitute Chen Mo, the man behind the goddess (2 more)

When Chen Mo was looking at evolutionary opportunities.

Almost at the same time,

The news that Planet 1 is going to be hit is also getting bigger and bigger.

More and more outrageous.

without exception,

The newcomers on Planet 1 panicked.

At this moment, the newcomers do not have the ability to directly rise up and settle down in the universe.

Finding a suitable planet for life is a must.

Therefore, this panic news spread very fast, and it was corroborated by the moon with the sky getting bigger and bigger.

unambiguous evidence!

"It's absolutely true! I measured it carefully, and the asteroid is really getting closer and faster!"

"I also found out, brothers who haven't left, hurry up, this is definitely not a place to stay for a long time, fortunately I haven't invested in a large scale yet, so the loss is not big!"

"Hey! Big Brother Chen Mo, this is so exciting, did you just kill the world?"

"Alas.. I said just now that we will unite, and now we will collect the fare for the escape. This is the surface brother!"

"Then what do you say?"

We "fly to other planets with all our strength, spend time on the road without saying anything, and go to good places to be occupied, do we have nothing to lose?"

"Brothers don't panic, Chen Mo directly lost most of a planet's resources, and he lost even more! We panic!"

Upstairs, "The shivering, people lost a fart, just this trembling, they made a lot of money, right? And there are so many planets in Chen Mo, so it is estimated that this loss is not considered in the eyes."

"Mr. Chen Mo is awesome!"

"Hey, after all, he is the only one who possesses a demigod."

"Still talking about demigods?"

The world-destroying asteroid above your head is boring?

Who the fuck is coming to pick me up!

I can only pay 50,000 freight per person, if you can't pull a few, just drop it!

Here is a brother, to make a friend.

Otherwise, I swear to live and die with the planet!"

"You are awesome, you are haggling with your life!"

"What makes this brother so hard-hearted? I think it's definitely not the love for the planet, nor the twisted resistance to the big boss Chen Mo.

"Let's put it bluntly, poverty. Poverty gave him courage!"

"Listen to what brother said, don't get angry, hurry up, 100,000 is not much.

If you leave early and grow early, you can only be eliminated when the asteroid hits!"

"Stay on Planet 1, a dead end!"

"Where are you, haggling brother, report the coordinates, let's form an ally, how about I give you a free ride?"

"Brother upstairs, where are you sending a ride?"

"Hahaha! Brothers, I made a small fortune! The indigenous forces belonging to the Temple of Heaven actually surrendered to me!"

"I showed these people the video of Chen Mo digging through the demigods, and these natives actually broke down and cried."

"666~~ The big guy is awesome, this can be fake and powerful!"

"Hey...for a while, I didn't know whether to say you are awesome or Chen Mo is awesome."

"It's all awesome! Even, this brother is a bit more awesome, after all, it's a fake whore from Chen Mo!"

"Indeed! I really didn't expect to be able to take advantage of Chen Mo in this way."

"This proves that Mr. Chen Mo has surpassed his arrogance, and is even more like a god. Just a name can make aboriginal children cry!"

"Are you complimenting or cursing?"

"You are not allowed to use my Chen Mo dad~~woooo~~I don't allow it~~Don't watch my Chen Mo dad's video, woohoo~~You guys get out!! Don't watch my dad~~

"Sudden illness?"

"No, no. Brother."

"Afraid of something serious?"

In the 33rd theater, there was a lot of discussion. In short, it didn't take long for Planet 1 to have no one.

After some analysis, everyone thought:

Don't stay here for long!

As a result, a spectacle that had never appeared in previous competitions appeared.

A complete planet with fairly good resources, no one wants it.

Everyone was packing gear and getting ready to move.

It is a pity for the remaining power of the Temple of Heaven on the entire planet.

Some of them even ran out and surrendered.

Without it, many newcomers look too real.

Not like a trick.

And they also have eyes, and after a little analysis, they find that disaster is indeed coming.

There is no point in fighting.

The whole planet is dying.

If you have the chance, go for it!

Of course, there are also many natives who insist on attacking newcomers from all walks of life!

They believed that the gods had not abandoned them.

This is just the ultimate test and redemption!

new district.

At this time, many elderly people have settled here.

After all, in the near future, as the battle lines advance, the mix of old and new will become the norm.

The battle lines will not be so clear-cut, and the old man may even be seen on the battlefield at that time.

It is precisely because of this that many star soul powerhouses will come to stroll around and show their faces.

Or secretly spy on the screen to see what information is available in the newcomer war zone.

After all, this is already a battlefield, and it is necessary to understand all kinds of information.

The arrival of many elderly people was originally big news,

will be very topical.

Even the geniuses of many consortiums have already begun to build momentum. After all, many of their relatives or close strengths are in the nearby war zone!


Unexpectedly, the most talked about is Chen Mo.

He is still the No. 1 favorite in the rookie zone that can't be shaken.

"Damn it, Chen Mo's strength really beats us all!"

"too frightening!"

"A whole enhanced version of the Tianshen Temple infiltration team, as well as the starship support in the distance, if we encounter such an enemy, we can only run away immediately, and if we delay a little time, we will be destroyed by the group!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid we can only compete if we truly form an alliance and fight together.

"Contend? Brother, don't put money on your face.

The legendary powerhouse relies on the ninth-order peak, as well as the resources and means of federal rewards, we can indeed barely compete.

But with the words of the demigods, do we take the lead?

"We can't do anything about the demigods, it's useless to fill up with human lives, we will lose against them."

"Legends can use shields, I don't even dare to imagine how resistant a demigod is.

"Grass! We didn't even dare to think about it, Chen Mo not only thought about it, but also did it!"

"His luck is also very good. The only slave race he accepts has such an outrageous talent that even demigods have come out!"

"Hey, a beautiful and beautiful demigod slave girl... I don't know what Chen Mo used to raise it."


"This time Chen Mo must have gained the attention of the federation, and I don't know what good things will be rewarded?"

"More than that! I suspect that there are treasures in that location, otherwise why would Chen Mo come to War Zone 33, and the Temple of Heaven is also there!"

"Yeah, both sides seem to know what the other side is fighting for when they go back.

"Hey... the treasure that the demigods will fight for their lives?"

"Anyway, being the first to kill a demigod and also proves that defeating the Temple of Heaven, it is estimated that he also blew up the opponent's spaceship, so he must have gained a lot of benefits!"

Chen Mo "Should have surpassed level 1.0 civilization long ago?

"I suspect that Chen Mo has gathered a star soul, and may even be promoted again. His civilization level is around 1.3!"

"I'm still 10 days away from condensing the star soul!"

"I'm a little confused, there are still 8 days left!"

"Alas, if Chen Mo is promoted to star soul again and reaches the blue star soul state, then

"You're dreaming, I think it's close to blue at most. It's not that easy to break through this layer!"

"Why Chen Mo can be so fast, far beyond the record, the indigenous people say that we are the same speed as a monster, Chen Mo is simply a monster among monsters!"

Perhaps ", this is the so-called super genius!"

War Zone 38.

"Hello, Goddess Luo Bing, I'm Xiao Zian, number 1000 on the newcomer list. I found a mine here, but the Temple of Heaven resisted and tried to destroy it!"

"Can the goddess help? Half, not the resources of the seventh floor are divided for you!"

"Goddess Luo Bing, now you are the number one in our 38th theater! The sisters all regard you as an example!"

"Sisters, all unite to Sister Luo Bing! Let's dominate the 38 War Zone together!"

We, "Is it Sister Luo Bing, we will also help with chores."

"I am willing to contribute 30% of my income for free! Support Sister Luo Bing!"

"It's so frustrating to see these stinky men! Now it's our women's world, let's unite and send them to the most remote asteroid for mining!"

"Goddess Luo Bing holds the strongest battlefield, and there are many people who are willing to be loyal, and she can compete with Chen Mo in the future!

"It must be possible, the 38 theater has the most abundant resources, and even beneficial mines!"

"Why doesn't Goddess Luo Bing speak?"

"Fan, the cold goddess, I am so envious~~ I have become a dog~~

Look at the speeches of these people in the war zone.

Luo Bing was very happy at first.

After all, since she met Chen Mo, she hadn't heard so much tout in a long time!

Chen Mo would only look at her vigilantly, look at her with contempt, look at her speechlessly, and look at her calmly.

The treatment of the goddess, she hadn't enjoyed it for a long time.

But looking at it, she gradually became speechless.

These people blow and blow, and that's it.

It's not as good as Chen Mo's words!

And... also dominate area 38 and compete with Chen Mo?

She almost didn't laugh out loud, how could this be possible!

These people only saw her beauty.

But she didn't know that there was a man behind her so-called "iceberg goddess".

*|Could it be to answer the sentence: behind every goddess, there is a *she#¥ man who wants to vomit?"

The more Luo Bing thought about it, the more speechless he became.

This is definitely not the case with her.

But when the truth comes out,

It's bound to make others think so.

This is simply the back garden reserved by Chen Mo.

She is only managing here temporarily.

In the end, everything is still Chen Mo's.

Chen Mo has the resources and strength to move forward, and has the ability to transmit knowledge!

"Oh, I really noticed that it's getting bigger and bigger.

"I stopped thinking early, it is correct."

"Chen Mo surpassed us by too much.

Luo Bing muttered to himself.

At this time, it is a joke to mention surpassing Chen Mo.

She knows more than others, and her own strength is also strong, so she is very aware of the gap between herself and Chen Mo.

That is not something that can be changed by hard work, or a little chance or luck.

"My lord, the people of the Temple of Heaven have begun to act!"

Right here, a beautiful angel flew in.

At this time, her angels, all of them of the ninth order, are already very powerful!

But the digital display is still too small.

Therefore, in every battle, try to avoid losses as much as possible.

"They were attacking a newcomer's camp, and many newcomers around went up to help."

The beautiful angel bowed slightly and said respectfully.

There is no alliance between the newcomers.

But at the critical moment, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Everyone still has this IQ.

"We don't go to the rescue field, we directly attack the stronghold of the Temple of Heaven! (Zhao of Qian)

"Put them out of the planet first and build a defense system!"

Luo Bing ordered it very calmly.

In Chen Mo's eyes, she may not be serious, and she is often naive.

But in the eyes of others, Luo Bing also has the title of the female god of war.

Kill decisively!

Holy Terra.

At this time, Chen Mo didn't know that Planet 1 was clean.

Just waiting for him to occupy.

He was still thinking before, how to deal with the rest?

Unexpectedly, all the newcomers made their own choices at this moment.

Don't bother him at all.

And this, simply because it takes a day or so to grow a huge gravitational core.

"Space" gene! I will have a keen space detection ability, and if the Temple of Heaven wants to create a space rift, I also have countermeasures!"

"As expected of a demigod, this devouring gene is too powerful!"

Space ability, even if it is only a faint trace, is very rare!

From the price of the portal and the space ring, it can be seen that as long as space is involved, it must be tall! One word, expensive!

"But after all, he is a demigod with too many abilities, and there are genes that fit evolution, which is normal.

Chen Mo was all smiles.

“This battle has really been very rewarding.


"In addition to the "space gene", there are also federal rewards!

"If nothing else, it should be a reward for some useful knowledge.

Depending on my preference, there may also be ancient technological creations. "

Hold down your excitement.

With a thought, Chen Mo evolved the corresponding "space" gene.

Let the "space" cells grow rapidly!

At the same time, he focused his attention, carefully examining the space and the ability of genes.

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