Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 189 Lie on the advection and met the horizontal push flow! Do you call this a good chat? (1

"I also brought you a small gift~

"Thank you for taking care of me all this time."

Mu Yao continued.

She is still very grateful to Chen Mo in her heart.

I am also glad that I met Chen Mo at the beginning.

Confused "forced" to sign the agreement.

But from now on.

The original choice was simply perfect.

Not only overcame the difficulties in operation, but also established trust with Chen Mo.

Not even a friend.

But they already know each other very well.

Is a very trustworthy partner - partner.


"I just have time right now."

Chen Mo replied to the message.

At the same time, I agree to the entry-entry request issued by Muyao!

At present, the eight suitable planets under Chen Mo's command are all transforming the ocean.

With Queen and Tiberium, the process will be quick.

Up to 5 days!

Instead, it is a trained planetary governor.

It will take longer than this.

Anyway, some agricultural planets are already producing.

After that, fishery products will be continuously provided.

Therefore, it is an urgent matter to arrange sales channels.

It must be done before all kinds of fish grow up.

When it is time to ship, it is best to put it all out in one go.

After all, unlike ore, if you put fish for a day, it will grow old.

The quality of the meat will be worse and the price will be lower.

The most suitable delivery time is the days when it has just grown and matured.

In short, negotiating a trustworthy sales channel is a must.

It will save a lot of trouble later.

Looking forward to deepening cooperation with Muyao!

At this time, Planet 2.

"Fuck! The big one is coming!

"Chen Mo is here, everyone run away!!"

"Fuck! Do you really want to kill them all?"

"Don't panic, we have established a base, and the other party dare not do anything to us!"

"I'm afraid of a chicken~~ The big deal is to give up the mining area and directly loot the Temple of Heaven, which is also very profitable!"

"As long as I'm poor enough, Chen Mo can't help me."

"Don't Brother Fan have a large mining area? He also invested a lot of money."

"Brother Fan is afraid that this wave is going to lose a lot."

"Hey, who isn't, I spent 2 million yuan in the mining area to run the business. This wave is for Chen Mo's infrastructure."

"Laying flat flow to horizontal pushing flow, this wave is just one word: miserable"

"Brother Fan, why don't you hurry up and rescue the equipment?"

"Yeah, now you can earn a little bit of money and get some blood back!"

Liu Fan looked at the suddenly lively chat area and couldn't help smiling confidently.

"Ah. A bunch of idiots, really think I'm like you?"

"Chen Mo...I'm not wrong!"

"The other party will not dare to touch my mining area.

"Go as far as you want.

As soon as the voice fell, the sky suddenly dimmed.

A huge shadow appeared above the head.

Looking at the veiled Leviathan,

Liu Fan was dumbfounded.

An overwhelming army of parasites,


The entire sky began to dim.



Huge machines were spit out from Leviathan's mouth.

The giant green belt took the machinery and began to airborne!


"Who are you!"

Here "is the great star's..."


There's no nonsense about mermaid Erin.

slap directly in the air,

The guard who summoned up his courage and tried to come forward to Axuan slapped flying.

The people of these slave owners Liu Fan are loyal.

But it doesn't make sense.

"With such power, it also pretends to be great!"

Erin stands on Leviathan's head.


The master's enemy is her enemy.

For the enemy, it must be as cold and ruthless as the cold winter.

Facing Erin's words,

Liu Fan was at a loss for words,

The whole popularity jumped up and down.

Did he make a mistake, he was a dignified master of star souls, and was actually mocked by a slave.

Even in front of him, he beat up his people!

The dog also depends on the owner.

"Chen Mo! You deceive people too much!"

"Don't go any further, you slaves!"

If you dare to "walk forward half a step, I will immediately detonate the entire mining area!

"Magma pours into the mining area, when all the manganese ore melts in it, you won't even think about it, can you hear it clearly?"

"Get me back now!

Liu Fan is not someone who hesitates,

lift off immediately,

At the same time, let all the men evacuated from the mining area.

The mines that have just been mined are also not needed.

Show your resolve!

In short, whoever dares to rob him, don't want it!

At the same time, he immediately contacted Luo Bing.

Confused and angry.

Chen Mo can't afford to offend him, but what the hell, are you sure Luo Bing isn't asking for him?

The contact you said was good, why did you call me directly!

He believes that Chen Mo is not crazy,

Such a good mining area,

He works steadily with Chen Mo!

You can even help each other in secret.

Of course,

This should not be too obvious,

But he can be sure that he is the only one who can make Chen Mo jealous!

manganese ore,

The value is so high!

"Goddess Luo, didn't you say you must help me contact Chen Mo?"

As soon as the video was switched on, Liu Fan asked.


Hearing this, it was Luo Bingcao's turn.

Chen Mo "Said to talk to you in person."

"Why, hasn't he contacted you yet?

"Don't worry if you don't, what do you mean by that tone? I don't owe you anything!"

Luo Bing said in a cold tone.

This attitude of the other party made her very unhappy.

Hearing what Luo Bing said,

Liu Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

His face was extremely ugly.

He turned the camera to the giant Leviathan in the sky.

"This is what Chen Mo calls a good chat."

"Aah...then his communication method is quite special.

"Since this is the case, then I have to make some responses, I am not a soft persimmon."

Liu Fan does not hesitate,

He took out the remote control in his hand.

Press lightly.


A mine was blasted away,

Lava surges.

The whole volcano is rumbling,

Some kind of power is brewing underground.

As long as you stimulate it a little, the entire area will be blasted to the sky and turned into a sea of ​​magma.

Then let's not talk about mining.

In the entire mining area, even a complete stone could not be found!

Chen Mo "! You come out!"

… ask for flowers…

"I know you're looking here.

"Hiding behind a woman is nothing."

"I, Liu Fan, put my words here today. I can't get it in this mining area, so don't even think about it."

"Don't even take a gram of ore with you!"

Liu Fan shouted loudly.

At this moment, half of the mining area was engulfed by magma.

Enough to show determination!

This time, he wants to retire Chen Mo's army of millions.

If the other party does not retreat, this loss, huh...

"Do not impulse!"

"You've shown determination to sit down and have a good talk.

On the other end, Luo Bing was startled.

Unexpectedly, the conflict has intensified to such a level.

Chen Mo must have wanted to exert extreme pressure.

But obviously, this time he was wrong.

Underestimated Liu Fan's determination.

resulting in the loss of a mining area in vain,

this loss,

It hurts her heart just thinking about it.

At least tens of billions!

What's wrong with having this money?

Two people have to fight.

"Back up!!"

"I said the number, 20%, how about it?"

"Chen Mo, don't be too greedy!"

*2 or no more!"

Liu Fan's expression was extremely fierce, and he spoke softly.


No one responded to him.

Leviathan continues to enter the atmosphere,

The sky began to rain green skin.

seeing this,

Liu Fan panicked.

He thought about various situations and cleverly arranged countermeasures.

Even the explosives were not exploded at one time, but arranged twice.

The purpose is to show determination at critical moments.

But... Chen Mo hid in the dark and pretended not to know.

I don't want to deal with him at all.

Deliberately put a lot of pressure on him!

"In this case,

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Gritting his teeth, Liu Fan directly pressed the switch.

next moment,

The ground began to shake.

The volcano erupted.

As the magma surged, terrifying black smoke rushed out of the atmosphere, like a huge beacon.

The entire continent trembled slightly.

The movement here is huge.

The entire planet felt it in an instant.

Many newcomers even noticed this situation at high altitude.

"Hi... Did you blow up the mining area?"

"Brother Fan is awesome, and he won't let Chen Mo succeed if he can't get it!"

"Go! Brothers are about to follow suit!"

"Yeah, why didn't I expect that as long as the entire planet is rotten enough, Chen Mo won't come to occupy it!"

"It's not enough to lie flat, it has to be rotten!"

"Wipe shit on your body? I never imagined this way!"

"Liu Fanzhen is the first person to fight against Chen Mo!"

This "trick works!"

"Look, those big monsters are in a hurry!"

"Yeah, it's still flying down, it's all magma, and there's nothing left."

"Hahaha! He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry! What are you doing! If you're in a hurry, the rabbit will bite!"

"Alas.. Sin, what a fine ore.

"Humph! It's all Chen Mo's fault, he wasted the resource potential of the entire 33rd theater!"

"Brothers rush! Directly to the mining area!"


For a time, the entire No. 2 life planet.

All ready to act. At

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