Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 210 Arrival ceremony! Only the gods cannot be enemies! (1 more)

33 War Zone.

The time is approaching night.

At this time, the stronghold of the Temple of Heaven on the Planet of Life No. 6 is like daylight.

The whole earth was roaring.

A space rift opens.

This time, using the stronghold magic device.

The opening of the fissure is far greater than before.

Therefore, it can also accommodate more strong people in and out.

In a short period of time, dozens of legends emerged from them.

There are also golden people shining with golden light all over,



Three in total.

Like 3 stars in the sky!

For a time, the base of the Tianshen Temple was boiling.

But the surprise is far from over.

next moment,

The space fissure expands slightly, and there is a more powerful legendary peak that slowly emerges from it.

The upper body is a human, the lower body is a snake.

Snake woman alone, overshadowed the rays of 3 "suns.

For a time, the entire Tianshen Temple resounded with tsunami-like cheers.

However, the strong snake man did not respond to cheers too much, but called the commander of the Temple of Heaven.

"Seven sixty-three install this device immediately!"

"The magic circle is expanded by 5 times, and more magic devices are installed!"

"Get ready for a grand arrival!"

The powerful Snake Woman opened her mouth and commanded.

Her voice was soft, but involuntarily, the attention of everyone around her was firmly attracted to her.

Amazing charm!

Only the three golden figures on the side turned their heads with difficulty, their faces a bit ugly.

The same level, the other party can easily interfere with their attention,

This is a very dangerous sign.

Even if they were warriors under the command of the gods, they were deeply afraid.

The powerful methods of the snake people are really too strange.

If you are not careful, you will be played by the other party.

Be very careful!

In frontal combat, the snake girl is not weak!

In a word, everyone felt that as long as that one did not fall, the Snake People would become a very noble race in the Temple of Heaven.

There is even a chance to be on an equal footing with their golden man.

This time, it is also headed by the snake people!

Hearing the orders of the legendary peak snake people powerhouse,

The commander of the Temple of Heaven was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic,

"Hi... Could it be the one who is coming?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, hurry up and prepare for the arrival ceremony!

The snake girl snorted coldly.

She is very dissatisfied with this dilapidated remote star area.

Not even a decent space rift opening device.

That idiot can actually fall in such a place, if the snake people are all this kind of guy, there will never be any hope of rising!

Alas.. Hurry up to complete the task and return to the core area.

she thought.

this task,

She is so confident!

The commander of the Temple of Heaven was a little dissatisfied with the attitude of the strong snake man.

But when he heard the arrival ceremony, he suddenly burst into a smile.

There are many strongholds stationed in the surrounding strongholds, and they are also excited.


"The rumor is true! That lord is about to appear!

"Quick, brothers, hurry up and prepare for the arrival ceremony!"

"With that lord here, we will win!"

"This is the second day that the evil slave owners have invaded here."

"I don't want to wait any longer."

"They have to be dealt with tonight.

The commander of the Temple of Heaven smiled happily.

If it is that adult.

This time, not only victory, but also a big move!

That adult is too powerful.

So even the largest space rift is almost meaningless.

A more powerful and stable space channel must be used!

However, not everyone is obedient to Snake Girl.

The three golden men who came together were very upset.

"I said Ms. Olitoka, the original plan, doesn't it seem to be the case?"

"There is no god in the clan yet, so it's so grand. If one day, I really don't dare to think about it."

"Aah...the ceremony of'd better explain it a little more.

As the upper race, the 3 people have gods born in the race.

For the snake people, there is a natural psychological advantage.

"This time, I am fully responsible for this task."

"Have I said that clearly enough? Three lords?"

Olitoka deliberately lengthened her tone without giving any face.

The three golden figures suddenly looked ugly,

Turn away.

Holy Terra.

"Don't, don't do this, please don't put me on it!"

"I will definitely be smashed into slag by those golden people!"

Snake immediately begged for mercy.

At this point, even the goddess of luck, who has always protected their family, can't stop it!

"In this way, the internal struggle within your Heavenly Temple is really fierce."

Looking at the fearful expression of the snake girl,

Chen Mo couldn't help feeling emotional.

This snake girl is clearly the enemy of life and death with him.

But the other party's fear of the golden people of the same camp was no less than his own.

Even the heart of caution is even heavier!

Comparatively speaking, the Star Soul World can be regarded as a harmonious and loving family.

"What shit inside the Temple of Heaven! Only the gods can't be enemies!"

"The rest are our enemies!"

"If they find a chance to get rid of me in an open and fair manner, those beasts will not be soft-hearted!"

Snake girl revealed all the information,

this time,

It doesn't matter.

Express your true feelings.

Chen Mo couldn't help being surprised, he really felt the power of hatred.

like substance.

"What's your name?

he asked.

"Opera, Serpent Royal Family!"

Opera proudly said, her chest still straight.

But it's a pity that her lower body hasn't grown out yet, and this action made her almost fall down.

"Looking at your rank, it doesn't look like you were excluded from the Temple of Heaven."

Chen Mo said.

The other party is currently the pinnacle of legend,

This level, as far as he knows, is enough to gain a certain right to speak within the Temple of Heaven.

Not to be madly oppressed and exploited.

"That's a hundred years from now!"

Opera said this, out of anger.

"Before that, our snake people were bullied and bullied inside the Temple of Heaven."

"Always used as slaves mining Tiberium ore."

"Dozens of my sisters all died tragically in the mining area."

"It's pity that when they died, their beautiful faces were gone, and their flesh and blood were corroded to reveal their bones...

"You slave owners just want to attack our planet, but after all, they haven't succeeded yet, but the golden man, who is riding on our head to poop and pee, I don't know how many hundred years!"

The hatred between the snake people and the golden people is far greater than that with the slave owners!

If it weren't for the gods..

Speaking of which, the snake girl gritted her teeth.

However, she always kept in mind the Queen's words, "Only the gods cannot be enemies.

Therefore, hatred can only be on the golden person.

As for the gods...

If the queen is on the throne...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a volcano in her heart, which she could hardly suppress.

"An enemy of God is courting death."

"Are you so sure that your queen can ascend to the throne?"

Chen Mo was curious.

It's definitely overconfident.

Ascension to God is not that simple.

Even in the Star Soul World, it is not easy to achieve Star 3.3 God.

Once successful, it means, immortality.

Even in the case of advance layout, it can come back to life.

"Of course, our Lady Queen is a super genius!"

"Her talent and beauty are the best in the entire snake people.

"In the past 100 years, the situation has been reversed, and the golden man has even suffered cancer many times, thanks to Her Lady Queen!

Speaking of the Queen, Opera's eyes were left with nothing but adoration.

I can tell.

This is already close to the level of a fanatic.

If it is not deliberately cultivated... then this Queen, it seems that it is indeed the one that everyone expects.

Extraordinary ability.

Of course,

Chen Mo is very clear that all of this is based on the fact that the other party has foreign aid.


It is impossible to impress the gods and give the snake people a chance to turn over.

The source is the key to everything.

That serpent queen was the one Ashe met in her dream.

Chen Mo is 100% sure about this.

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