Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 236 Envy Luo Bing! Quickly bury the baby in the soil! (3 more)

Holy Terra.


Luo Bing has nothing to do,

So after the goods were delivered, she followed.

Take a tour.

Chen Mo took the other party to visit, and by the way, also classified the planets under his command according to different planet types.

At this time, Terra is also in the process of designing a new manor according to the Queen's arrangement.

In short,

Most of the rest under Chen Mo's control are busy with work,

Mining, transformation and evolution, expansion of warehouses, and planning of specific types of fishery resources.

As far as the eye can see, it is prosperous!

30 planets,

25 of them have long served as agricultural planets.

The other 5 are currently mining planets, and after the resources are exhausted, they will be transformed into agricultural planets.

Chen Mo's current average utilization rate of all planets is less than 50%,

Of course, it's not that the queen or the mermaid are not strong enough.

It is their ability that is most suitable for taking effect in a wide range of water bodies.

That is the ocean.

Of course, a planet cannot be all oceans.

There are few planets like that,

Still mainly land.

currently poor,

It is a race suitable for transforming the land and suitable for farming!

"Chen Mo. You have changed a lot."

"I was moved when I saw it, such a big Gold Coast, it's so comfortable to stay here.

Here, other planets are also developing very fast. I currently have 2 planets in my hands, and I want to ask your mermaid to help them take care of them. "

Luo Bing said with a smile.

look around,

She walks on the beach with her feet 29, feeling the cool sea water, very comfortable~

The mermaids here at Chen Mo are not only beautiful, but also very capable!

She would be unbelievable if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes!

Originally, this was just a barren planet,

Everyone is not optimistic.

But at this moment,

This planet is almost reaching the level of Garden World,

The environment of the whole planet is outrageous.

What's even more eye-catching is that it can return to its home planet at any time.

The permanent parent star channel is not only the guarantee of upgrading and transforming the planet, but also the guarantee of absolute safety.

live here,

There is no need to worry about some gods with strange abilities.

It must be more comfortable to sleep at night.

"It's no wonder that you were able to sleep in bed for a day yesterday. It's really comfortable here, suitable for rest and relaxation. I'm so envious~~"

Luo Bing said directly.

If she usually praises a boy like this, she will feel that she may be seriously ill.

But for Chen Mo,

She was genuinely envious.

Chen Mo knew that the other party was really complimenting,

But... it's not for this reason that I'm lying on the bed...

What a strange misunderstanding.

He just smiled and didn't answer.

"We will be neighbors in the future~ I often come over to squat, is it alright?"

Luo Bing finally couldn't help but say.

"Well, yes."

Chen Mo hesitated, but agreed.

This is really not a requirement.

It's as simple as dropping by.

But considering the sound of the Queen last time, the whole manor could hear it.

Although it sounds,

Really cool.

But when I thought that there was a guest like Luo Bing next door,

how to think,

Just feel embarrassed.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Luo Bing pursed his lips and laughed.

Anyway, she is in a rotten state with Chen Mo,


Chen Mo and Luo Bing were talking and laughing, over the Tiberium mining area,

Things are completely done.

[Ah! According to the evolution by deduction, the system detects the appropriate evolution possibility appears!]

Is it [devouring the legendary peak cosmic life form "Void Dragon, acquiring the opponent's genes?)

【Expect over 99% success rate!)

Looking at the system prompt,

Chen Mo was instantly happy.

good guy,

I thought there were no demigods and no chance for evolution,

The result is worthy of the life of the universe, even if it is a legend, it is high enough!

"Good news, master!"

"I found a claw from the fastest running monster. It's the claw of a lizard dragon. It's so strong, it's comparable to an artifact!"

Immediately afterwards, the queen sent back a message.

good news keeps coming,

Chen Mo was startled, and immediately smiled.

The leap evolution has not yet begun,

There is a new ability here, lining up to come!

After a while...

The efficient parasite army has cut all flesh and blood,

and the statistics of the harvest,

"A total of 58 legendary creatures were killed, including 10 humanoid creatures, and half of their equipment was complete."

"It was found that there are space rings, 3 pieces, and various high-level equipment, 15 pieces."

"What's more interesting is that many cosmic beings actually have magical equipment, and there is one, and there are many collections in the stomach, so it's a good thing to carry treasures with you."

"Master, the other party explained that he was instructed by the dragon god Momaris.

The queen has just interrogated this information,

I immediately reported to Chen Mo.

Of course,

She dared not say the name of this Dragon God directly,

Instead, the message was sent.

"I suspect that the other party has already located our position."

The queen spoke solemnly.


Chen Mo responded.

Is the name of the gods so easy to call?

Especially this kind of gods who try to develop believers at first sight.

When this servant of the Dragon God called out "Momaris".

The other party should have already located the Tiberium mining area.

But being noticed by the other party,

Chen Mo is not surprised.

After all, it is normal to kill the young and the old to come to the door.

What's more, many of his subordinates have also suffered the so-called "Lizard Dragon Curse."

This was left over when the last legendary lizard dragon was beheaded.

The other party should have confirmed the first time, killing a few enemies, this is the family.

But what Chen Mo didn't expect was that,

This dragon god is quite bold.

Not only dare to send people over to collect information,

Use your own name directly without saying it,

He also dared to let his subordinates hold parts of his own organs.

There must be some reliance,

Strength will not be weak!

However, this is simply giving Chen Mo a spree!

Is worried that there is no way to deal with each other.

At this moment, the weapon was delivered to the door by the other party himself.

The claws of the gods are so sharp, it should be no problem to stab yourself to death, right?

And Chen Mo, will soon have each other's dragon claws!

Not even one.

The rest may take this as a family heirloom,

But here in Chen Mo, the baby is buried in the soil, and after a period of time, many, many babies will grow!

But "If the other party is not afraid of death, he can easily destroy my colonial planet, including the Tiberium mine.

Chen Mo thought carefully.

But don't worry about that.

After all, the gods are almost immortal, and they are not so stupid.

It's not worth fighting with him, a small cosmic slave owner.

But it is more troublesome to be determined by the other party and staring at it all the time.

At least when the time comes to attack the Snake Clan, Chen Mo's parasites that have already played will no longer be able to go.

Especially the queen.

so as not to be noticed in advance by the other party.

Come and make trouble.

"Chen Mo, what's the matter with you, do you have something to deal with?"

"Then I won't bother you, you go first.

Seeing that Chen Mo suddenly stopped speaking, Luo Bing knew that the other party was managing other things.

She has encountered this situation several times,

It's no wonder.

I just don't know what's going on. At this time, it's reasonable to say that there's nothing wrong.


Suddenly, she thought in her heart,

"It can't be the Tiberium planet, what happened?"

she asked worriedly.

"Well, it was targeted by the minions of the gods there."

Chen Mo nodded.

For a time, Luo Bing was stunned,



Did you hear it right?

This word made her mind buzz.

Chen Mo's ability to do things will always exceed the limit of her imagination.

"You... you better not provoke them, let the superior handle it,

Luo Bing suggested.

"I've killed them all, and captured that god's servant alive, wait, dead, he committed suicide."

Halfway through what Chen Mo said, he couldn't help but feel a pity.

would like to find out more information,

As a result, the other party was still a believer, and directly committed suicide under the influence of the Dragon God.

at this time,

Luo Bing:

She was too shocked to speak.

Dare to offend the gods now,

He also killed the opponent's minions.

The star soul is on top.. you kill it when you say it?

This is not out of the rookie period, and the ability to do things is so outrageous.

When you go further, who are you going to provoke?

Luo Bing didn't even dare to think about it!

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