Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 241 Sisters Who Have Grown Up! Rookie King! Dragon God Crushes Chen Mo! (1 More)

Star Soul Powerhouse!

With the advancement of Chen Mo.

Cheers echoed throughout the star realm.

The change of the divine will is closely related to every twinkling "starlight".

"Congratulations, Lord Irene!"

"Congratulations, Master Ellie!"

As twins of fate, and the favored one of divine will,

The strength of the two sisters, Irene, is very obvious!


The two sisters burst into golden light,

Advanced demigod!

"This power..."

"Demi god!"

Two sisters stand in the air,

Carefully feel the changes in yourself.

Tap your toes lightly, and there will be splashes of water,

Like stepping on waves.

as a demigod.

They already possess powerful power, and even can use will to change some physical substances.

The two sisters look,

It is more beautiful and moving, about 1.7 meters tall.

This is their human form,

If it changes into a fish tail wrapped in golden scales, it is only about 1.5 meters.

Of course, this is not the perfect body shape.

The two sisters still have the potential to become gods!

Although demigods also have a word for God,

But compared with the perfect god, it's a world of difference.

"Thanks to the great host!"

"Master's gift, let me see the hope of becoming a god."

"I believe that I can use a more perfect form to serve my master!"

Each of the two sisters told each other their gratitude and 30 beliefs.

Rookie zone.

At this time, after nearly a month of tempering, the masters and newcomers have already condensed their star souls.

It can be regarded as the training object of Star Soul World.

And because of this,

Although he has been fighting since childhood, he has upgraded to fight against the Temple of Heaven,

But the losses dropped rapidly.

From eliminating hundreds of thousands of people every day,

Up to now, basically only a few hundred people have been eliminated every day.

At present, the remaining one million newcomers are basically elites.

just give time,

Among these people, many star soul powerhouses and even star gods can be born!

However, although everyone's strength has been improved, the battle with the Temple of Heaven is not as fierce as it was at the beginning.

Especially newcomers who have already condensed their star souls,

They are all developing quietly.

Because they have achieved their own goals, or in other words, everyone has a clearer understanding of their respective positions.

In the case of already having a certain industry, it will gradually seek stability.

No need to risk your life.

After all, the development speed of the Star Soul World is extremely fast.

Fighting the Temple of Heaven, no matter what, time is on their side.

dragged on,

On the contrary, it has more advantages.

At the same time, they also try their best to mine and develop the main planet.

Because for most newcomers, the tax exemption for the newcomer period has a time limit.

Many old people, even seeing the tax-free discounts here, are drooling.

During this period, the more you sell, the more you earn.

It's not just about competing for the contribution value ranking anymore.

Whether the follow-up can develop well or not is extremely important to the operation of the main planet's industry and the orientation of civilization development during this period of time!


The newcomer chat area became extremely lively again at this time.

Many newcomers are here, sharing new development directions and new achievements.

At the same time, the number of resources sold in the newcomer area also showed explosive growth.

At this time, the amount of resources sold by a newcomer can easily be hundreds of times more than at the beginning.

Therefore, the area for newcomers presents a hundred flowers blooming at this time,

Just at this moment,

A message from Chen Mo appeared.

Immediately shook the entire newcomer area,

for a while,

The newcomer area is even more lively, giving people the illusion that there are tens of millions of people.

"Brothers, look at the trading platform! Someone is selling legendary cosmic life again!"

"I don't even need to look, I guess it's Mr. Chen Mo!"

"I bet a dime, someone will say: 'Chen Mo is awesome'.

"Damn it! Boss Chen Mo is auctioning off many cosmic beings, as well as a bunch of commander rings..."

"A string? What do you mean?"

"Really? I can't believe a word."

"If there is such a thing, only Mr. Chen Mo can do it."

"You said Chen Mo did it, then I'm not surprised at all."

"Wait, how could there be several different kinds of life in the universe?"

"Hiss! It's a Tiberium mine!"

"Awesome~~ This is silent [killing the life in the universe?"

"Damn it! Two more hang up!"

"Damn it! Just looking at the quantity, I thought it was selling dried salted fish, it's outrageous, Chen Mo is awesome!"

"Two war zones, a cosmic life invasion, this record, invincible to the point of explosion!"

"As expected of Mr. Chen Mo, this record can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented, right?"

"More than two waves of the Temple of Heaven and life in the universe, Chen Mo has defeated the infiltration team of the Temple of Heaven several times before, blowing up a starship!"

"It is possible to gather so many cosmic beings, and there are many golden men among them. Their behind-the-scenes messengers must be gods! There is a high probability that they are god-level lizard dragons!"

"Damn it! God? Dragon God? Evil God?!"

"The evil god is exaggerating. I guess it's just ordinary beings in the universe becoming gods. Typically, the younger ones come and the older ones come. I don't know if there are any old ones."

"Ordinary cosmic beings...... this breath, awesome, it's all cosmic beings, are there any ordinary ones?"

"This dragon god is probably very powerful! Even his minions have suffered from Chen Mo's hands? He was even sold out!"

"If nothing else, yes."

"If you calculate it like this, Chen Mo not only killed the forces of the Temple of Heaven, but also killed the life in the universe in this area."

"Based on this calculation, the fact that Mr. Chen Mo bullied the rest of the newcomers is not worth mentioning at all..."

"Yes, next, Boss Chen Mo wonders if he will choose to continue with the 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven'. If that is the case, he should soon become the overlord of one side."

"I predict that Mr. Chen Mo will become a star soul power within 2 years!"

"2 years? Who do you look down on, let me say the number: 1 year!"

"It's so powerful! There's never been a scene like this before."

"The sparrow pecks at the cow's butt - sparrow food is awesome!"

"Yeah, it looks like the star soul powerhouse came to the rookie area to fry fish!"

"When the time comes, our newcomers will probably leave their names in history. I'm very happy to be with Chen Mo."

"Big brother Chen Mo is indeed the strongest rookie king, I just want to say one word: Awesome!"


someone is envious,

Then naturally some people will be jealous and hate.

I feel that Chen Mo is just like that person, and he is not relaxed.

"I admit that I am the rookie king, but now I am boasting that I am invincible, isn't it too much?"

"Haha... dare to call yourself the rookie king before the final results of the Federation have been announced? This damn is crazy!"

"Don't look at Chen Mo's awesomeness now, he's like an invincible genius, but... don't forget, even if he is a star god, he dare not say that he will be safe. When the time comes, don't draw water from a bamboo basket, it will be nothing!"

"Don't panic, rookie period, I am indeed no match for Chen Mo.

But in the future, I will be the heir of the consortium.

Hehe....Do you think Chen Mo can beat me? He is just a high-level wage earner. When he sees me, he is waiting to call out respectfully: Mr. Zhao!"

"Don't just drink upstairs, it should be served with cephalosporin."

"With some slippery slime and loach~"

"If you brag that you have to pay taxes, Mr. Zhao will have to pay at least 100 billion yuan in taxes!"

"He really doesn't necessarily have great talent, there are countless strong people in the Star Soul world, and a mere rookie king is nothing.

"That's right, my brother was also the last rookie king, so he's not working for the consortium yet!"

"If you don't become a star god, that's it. Masters are also divided into grades."

"Honestly speaking, Chen Mo has offended so many local tyrants, if it weren't for the protection of the Federation, he would be killed in minutes!"

"Don't talk about these internal strife, let's just talk about the Dragon God, the life in the universe is notoriously fond of tit for tat 633, offending this old female dragon, Chen Mo is afraid that some will suffer!

in the chat area,

Following Mr. Zhao's speech,

all of a sudden,

All kinds of people who were not happy with Chen Mo started blowing.

In their mouth, Chen Mo is very strong, but only in the moment, in the future, that is what should be done, return to normal!

After all, the Star God can't be done quickly by relying on genius.

A lot of resources are required.

And this is precisely the advantage of consortiums and big families!

At the same time, they believed that the dragon god would greatly slow down Chen Mo's development,

Even, Chen Mo was hit hard!

Mere rookie, to the gods?

Even thinking about it is impossible!

Even if it is a strong star soul, it will feel a little difficult, even tricky!

You know, civilizations with gods can no longer be called indigenous.

It is the Temple of Heaven,

For this kind of civilization, recruiting is the main thing, and if there are any mistakes, let them go.

Although there are many strong people in the Star Soul World, they don't feel that there are so many gods,

But never underestimate any god!


How strong is the Dragon God? Can Chen Mo compete against it?

Most people don't care much.

It's just eating melons, of course, the more outrageous, the more powerful the Dragon God, the better!

In this way, the melon tastes delicious!

"Hahaha! This is definitely super good news, very eye-catching.

In a reporter's office in Natsumi City,

Some reporters saw this incident and also thought it was good.

"You said...if we reversed it and made Chen Mo very strong, wouldn't it be more dramatic and more appealing?"

At this time,

Reporter Wang said suddenly.


Her words caused everyone to laugh.

While everyone was happy, they couldn't help admiring Reporter Wang.

"Reporter Wang is not only an elite in the industry, but also has a great sense of humor!"


Just humor.

How is this possible?.

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