Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 299 God Of Plague? Infect? Artifact? It's Just In Time!

I want to go back to thinking.

Luo Bing did not ask Chen Mo directly.

If people want to say it, they will naturally say it. If they don't want to, it means it's some kind of secret, and it's best not to ask yourself.

Work more and ask less.

Thinking of this, Luo Bing sent some more messages to Chen Mo.

"What I just sent to you is the information of all the members of the 'backup group' I gathered, their positions on the star map, and the part we gathered [detection and mapping]

Luo Bing said.

These news will be of some help to Chen Mo's next actions.

Chen Mo used his watch to receive information, opened it, and found that all kinds of information were classified into categories, such as personnel, talents, evaluations, regions, etc., which were quite complete.

After looking at it this way, he discovered that Luo Bing is still a master of intelligence analysis, and he has collected so much information without making a sound.

Among these pieces of information, what caught Chen Mo's attention the most was the race types cultivated by different newcomers:

There are spiritual creatures, mythical creatures, energy life, and even strange plant life, as well as special races and so on.

Some of these races are quite distinctive, such as elves, demon gods, and world trees.

In the whole group, there are about 100 people in total, and they are all of different races.

The type and number of this race, to be honest, almost surpassed the Temple of Heaven.

"If you really want to talk about the race and the development route, compared with us, the Temple of Heaven is Wang Tu who is a bit more advanced."

Luo Bing added: "These are carefully selected support group fans, it's true that they all want to hug your thigh, but there are some girls with good talents among them.

"And each race has its own characteristics, and its own strength and talent are also above average."

In fact, these are all Luo Bing's allies from the beginning, and she doesn't like them in general!

Chen Mo nodded. Compared with the Temple of Heaven, the Star Soul World is obviously much stronger and more inclusive.

Therefore, obtaining knowledge from the Star Soul World is also Chen Mo's main channel.

Looting the Temple of Heaven is still based on resources and consciousness.

Of course, it's not that Chen Mo didn't think about playing against his own people before.

He even lurks a lot of green titan and green titan 2.0 among the other newcomers, selling them for money and serving as eyeliner.

But if you want to say that the person who infects and controls the Star Soul world, he is not that stupid.

Looking back now, it was a wise move not to do that at the beginning.

With his current strength, the things that he racked his brains at the beginning can now come to fruition.

Just spend some money!

Even, money is not spent.

Chen Mo only needs to keep expanding his power, let others see his strength, and then include them in his planetary upgrade system and economic system.

Luo Bing is a good example.

I don't need to control her, as long as I control her source of knowledge and the subsequent development of the planet.

Everything after that is logical.

The most important thing is that doing so will not leave people with any excuses. It can be seen from the attention the federation has given to Luo Bing that this is an act worth encouraging.

If he does this, the top federal officials will not care about it.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, he has obtained more knowledge about the cultivation of races, infected and controlled the reincarnation pool, and those who are included in his upgrade system have obtained more resources

status, and development prospects.



Luo Bing thought for a while, then said: "Genius Tribe, do you know?"

"This is an alliance composed of newly promoted Star Soul Masters."

"Their recruiting criteria is to be promoted to the star soul powerhouse within one year. It can be said that all of them are geniuses. This group of people has also absorbed several high-end talents in my theater.

"Many of them have threatened to compete with you and suppress your arrogance."

"Their purpose is very clear, in fact, it is to let you not eat alone, and occupy too much territory in the Temple of Heaven by yourself.

Chen Mo smiled indifferently. If words could hurt him, he would have been sprayed to death by tens of millions of people.

To be honest, there are not many competitors, and there are not many competitors.

After all, he has fought against all the rookies on his own, so it is not normal to continue to fight against the geniuses of the Star Soul powerhouses in the entire theater?

This...maybe it will improve my evaluation within the federation.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

Limited struggles have always been encouraged and allowed within the federation.

The winner in this fight has great potential!

But at this moment, Lu Shui's delicate face became pale.

"Chen Mo, please read the news quickly. There is a star soul strong man who said that there is a powerful god in the Tianshen Temple, and he wants to take refuge in him!"

"Before that, the other party revealed a message that the gods of the Temple of Heaven will personally lead the team to attack the 38 theater!"

Theater 38 is the area where Luo Bing is located!

…0 for flowers……

Not only that, but this is also the area Chen Mo is prepared to defend!

Faced with this sudden and breaking news, Luo Bing was shocked.

Does this mean that the inside of the Temple of Heaven has already known that this war zone is the weakest and a breakthrough?!

"Wait! This star soul boss released more news. He said that the Temple of Heaven gave him more news. There are 2 gods who came to attack!"

"These two gods are old-fashioned gods, and one of them has intermediate strength!"

"The other one, although it is only a low-level god, is the god of plague! It seems to have a strong infection ability, which can kill an entire planet with poison!"

"What's more, they all carry artifacts!"

As he spoke, Luo Bing's voice trembled slightly.

She gasped and looked at Chen Mo.


His usual cold expression became flustered.

At this moment, she is completely bound to Chen Mo, and this affects the entire 38 theater!

In this terrifying battle in the Temple of Heaven, she has nowhere to escape.

Afraid of being crushed ruthlessly!

Looking at Luo Bing's frightened eyes, Chen Mo's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"God of Plague? Infection?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth.

It seems that... even Goddess of Luck can't completely stop his luck. Make a wish to yourself, it really is kingly way!

"Damn it...this Star Soul powerhouse is too bad, he actually said that when we are about to fail, he will bring people to rescue us!"

Luo Bing gritted his teeth and said.

On the Internet, the tribe of geniuses was even more ecstatic.

I can't wait to see Chen Mo make a fool of himself.

"However, this star-soul expert is so arrogant that he leaked the news in advance, probably to make us panic, and then ask him for help in advance.

Think about it too, since he has god-level spies inside the Temple of Heaven, he must still have valuable information in his hands, such as when and from which direction will the people from the Temple of Heaven come?

The other party is trying to blackmail us.

Blackmail beforehand, don't save us when time comes.

Money and good people are all done for him. "

It has to be said that Luo Bing is really good at analysis, and she forcibly calmed down, and she quickly thought of more possibilities.

"We can't be fooled."

Luo Bing looked at Chen Mo and said firmly.

But how to break the situation?

Let her wit, in the face of absolute strength, it is difficult to think of a way.

Involuntarily, she looked at Chen Moyi. .

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