Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 307 Knowledge Expansion! Sisters Advanced! (1 More)

First thing in the morning, open the trading platform.

Take stock of yesterday's harvest.

After a busy day yesterday, most of the resources on Chen Mo's shelves have been sold out.

including that knowledge.

Correspondingly, Chen Mo obtained a large amount of funds, which in turn could buy a large amount of top-level equipment that he could not manufacture, as well as a large amount of evolution potions.

Of course, with too much money, Chen Mo has become numb.

The only thing that surprised him was:

The set of "planet transformation" knowledge he built has also sold about 100 copies.

Those who will buy this are all newcomers.

With a thought in his heart, Chen Mo made a separate list of buyers into a table, and checked it...huh?

this is?

The Gray Steel Consortium also purchased 1 piece of knowledge! Chen Mo couldn't help being surprised.

But he didn't care.

Anyway, the follow-up knowledge is in his hands, and this knowledge of the Gray Steel Consortium is probably still used by a certain operator, on an unimportant planet.

It should be to evaluate how effective his knowledge is.

In addition to the Gray Steel Consortium, Chen Mo also discovered that Obsidian, as well as many big forces, have purchased his knowledge.

This part is regarded as the money Chen Mo got for free.

Because obviously, the big forces don't need these, they have their own complete training system, or even more than one.

They bought it entirely because Chen Mo was too powerful. They were all curious and wanted to discover some reasons from this knowledge.

But what they don't know is that the real secret will never be reflected in the real thing. They can only send money to Chen Mo in doing so.

As Chen Mo expected, apart from the major forces, the rest of the buyers are all newcomers this year!

Although these people are not strong, but with Chen Mo's knowledge, it should not be a problem to condense the star soul in the future, and they can also make a little money.

"Haha... If I continue to develop like this, then I will have a great influence among the newcomers. After a few years, I will also be a camp that cannot be underestimated."

"No, you don't have to wait for a few years, just a year, or even half a year..."

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

As long as knowledge, as a precious resource, continues to be managed in such a unified way, this is inevitable.

The creators of knowledge, virtually, will gain many supporters and communities of interest.

But this also proves from the side how powerful those congressmen are.

Each of them, within the Star Soul World, intentionally or unintentionally promotes the knowledge they are good at. It can be said that their influence is intertwined.

Just like the requiem song and teleportation base used by Chen Mo now, these are the technologies of the big bosses. If they want to upgrade in the future, the resources will eventually flow to these big bosses.

And using this method also makes the entire Star Soul world highly bound, there is me in you, and you in me.

On the outside, there is basically no life-and-death infighting in the Star Soul world.

On this point, Chen Mo is quite satisfied.

Otherwise, according to his current way of doing things, there are already big forces who can't sit still and force him to join the group, or kill him.

In short, Chen Mo's means of harvesting resources now far exceeds that of ordinary rookies.

There are many Star Soul powerhouses, and he is incomparable! At the same time, Chen Mo flipped through the rookie platform, and there are more and more alliances and teams that have never heard of names.

Looking at the entire War Zone channel, the same is true for the Star Soul powerhouse.

In addition to the Genius Tribe, there are also two other very powerful alliances called Abyss Fire and Gray Steel Spear. The initiators and speakers of these two alliances are very well-known veteran powerhouses.

Especially the Spear of Gray Steel, who is simply about to be promoted to Star God.

But you can tell from the name that this is the work of the Gray Steel Consortium.

The people here are all the kind who want to be valued by Gray Steel. If they want to enter the Gray Steel Spear Alliance, they have to pass the assessment first.

"Brothers, join the Genius Tribe. In the future, everyone will exchange information. We have the final say on the battle of the Temple of Heaven!"

"Grey Steel's subordinate, 8-year elite operator, will soon become a star god, if you want to cooperate, you can submit an application, and be sure to attach your resume.

"Hehe....The capitalists talk like a fool, and the alliance cooperates. It's like being a dog to him.

"No, I don't know if Chen Mo is here, so you still have this tone."

"Be sure to attach a reward~ before you can join Gray Steel Hair~~become a hair on your thigh~"

"The big battle is coming, don't push yourself, whoever can't brag, your alliance kills the most enemies and contributes the most to the Star Soul World, whoever is the best!"

"That's right, I look at the chat area every day, and those who didn't know thought you guys had already ascended collectively. You speak so arrogantly."

Many people became angry.

The attitude towards these recruiting alliances is very uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, it is because of Chen Mo.

Because of Chen Mo's slap in the face twice in three days, the alliances in this area, consortiums, etc., have a very low reputation.

But after all, there are more and more groups of all kinds.

The Spear of Gray Steel was full of applicants.

"It seems that this time the Heavenly God Temple puts a lot of pressure on everyone, if you can't beat them, stick together, that's the truth.

Chen Mo carefully analyzed to

From this, we can also get a glimpse of what a large-scale battle will look like.

There will be fewer and fewer people like him who fight alone.

As the enemies you encounter continue to become stronger, joining together to piece together a powerful army, or cooperating to advance and retreat together, is the mainstream.

"々`But this also means that the battle will become more brutal, and it will be difficult to have room for tension. Once the war starts, it will be a full blow, and it will be difficult for the Temple of Heaven to survive.

Because the more people involved, the greater the benefits needed, until the entire Temple of Heaven is wiped out.

But on the other hand, every time Chen Mo occupies an additional area, he will offend not just one or two people, but an entire alliance, or more?

But it doesn't matter, that's how the Star Soul World competed all the way.

Even if there is no Chen Mo, there will be other strong people who want to eat alone.

Those who can't grab the resources will go to plunder, go to other star regions, go to the Great Expedition, and launch battles one after another.

In short, the world of Star Soul is so aggressive.

Cosmic slave master, no kidding.

Chen Mo is very clear that he is in the middle of it, and he is forced to move forward by the big laws and strategies of the world (Li Mo's), so he must strive to do his best.

If it lies flat, it is very likely that one day, it will be destroyed by a more powerful civilization, such as the cosmic locust?

Just like the natives of the Tianshen Temple now, others swept past, and there was no scum left.

After checking the things on the Internet, Chen Mo woke up under the service of Oran and Ai Xi, and he was about to eat breakfast.

at this time,

There is a golden light, marching in a corner of the manor.


The whole world seemed to come alive.

Especially in the ocean, all the fish seem to be singing, and there is a beautiful singing voice that floats in everyone's ears.

Chen Mo couldn't help being surprised, and looked in the direction of Jin Guang.

It's two mermaid sisters, breaking through!

"Wow! This is... god level!"

“Girls are great!”

Ashe couldn't help being surprised, with an excited smile on her face.

"Congratulations, master~ Two more capable generals have been added!"

Aside, Oran was surprised at first, then smiled and congratulated. .

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