Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 320 Great Harvest, Sun Artifact! (4 More)

The parasitism has reached this step, and it has not reached the end yet?

Chen Mo is unimaginable.

But evolution hints, unmistakably, that:

[It is detected that the host has obtained more clues about the laws of the Star Soul World. According to the system deduction, the power of the Star Soul World is used, combined with core genes such as 'growth' and 'swallowing'

Under certain conditions, evolution opportunities can be obtained: the ability of 'parasitic' has been greatly improved, and the prediction has reached the extreme! The probability of evolution success is 80%]

Yes, Chen Mo got it wrong before,

The ultimate of 'parasitic' is not to sneak into the genes, but to be unable to go any further!

At this moment, Chen Mo has reached an 80% probability, and if there is a specific condition again, it may be triggered!

As for the characteristic conditions, it happened that he had enough opportunities to try this time in the battle of the Temple of Heaven.

At the same time, with the rapid development of the parasitic ability, Chen Mo's ability to control the "093" infection also increased rapidly.

Sun God, soon also controlled by Chen Mo!

At this point, the first mid-level god of Holy Terra was born.


The sun god prostrated himself in front of Chen Mo, with unparalleled respect on his face, and of course, a hint of shock.

Even if he is a god, he has never seen so many consciousnesses gathered together in one world.

Such mighty power... Are all the people in the Star Soul world this powerful?

He couldn't help but wonder.

"It's really a lot of good things."

Chen Mo looked at the sun god and couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

It was not in vain for him to use the proof of conquest, the attachment of a mid-level god, followed by not only the improvement of combat power, for Chen Mo, the most important thing is the civilization represented by this god, the mother planet that gave birth to him .

These things will all belong to Chen Mo.

Among them, it must be possible to sort out a lot of knowledge like the snake-human race.

The knowledge of the newly promoted snake-human race can be sold for a large sum of money, what about an old mid-level god?

This wave will definitely earn blood!

At the same time, his subordinates have also grown tremendously.

Especially the two war lords chasing Sun God Hammer.

At this time, their height has reached 8 meters, standing on the deck of the battleship, like a steel sculpture, full of strong and invincible feeling.

A powerful aura, Chen Mo could feel it even if it was far away.

These two war lords were "flattered" by the green skins all the way. Of course, the actions of the two war lords became more and more exaggerated. Every step was in line with the definition of strength and cunning in the minds of many green skins.

At this moment, enjoying the cheers of many green skins, the force field of "I'm Thinking" became stronger and stronger.

Visible to the naked eye, the size of the war lord is still growing.

The weapons in their hands even began to become extraordinary.

Chen Mo observed carefully and was amazed.

It smells like a blessing from the Star Soul World.

Is the principle similar?

One more battle, Chen Mo reckons, the two lords will be able to advance to the realm of gods.

Such a speed of improvement is terrifying!

As for dying.

This is meaningless to war lords.

As long as their powerful consciousness is still there, they are still invincible existences in the Greenskin Legion. After "rebirth" to obtain a new body, they will also become stronger quickly.

In addition to the two war lords, the ghost cannons that Chen Mo handed over to many greenskins have also obtained a new evolution.

Under the control of many green skins, this powerful weapon exerted even more incredible effects.

What's more, these evil spirits that were emitted, distorted and mixed with other substances began to be able to move for a short time!

Yes, no more to die together,

Instead, it can be like some kind of incomparably distorted monster, continuing to distort matter until it runs out of energy and cannot move.

The special evil spirit in the core of the space was affected by the force field of 'I'm thinking' and became extremely powerful.

Today, its body size is hundreds of times that of the beginning.

One-time, the body that can be separated and folded can twist the entire rune battleship, including the space, into scrap iron.

I believe it won't be long before there will be more amazing changes!

It's a pity that the sun god didn't give Chen Mo any chance to evolve.

But the artifact in his hand looks pretty good.

Shiny, like a sun in your hand.

What's more coincidental is that Chen Mo's powerful perception ability is able to detect that this weapon seems to have some similar knowledge usage with Nesser's core.

Is it a creation from the same system?

Careful inspection: This powerful idealist weapon containing complex knowledge seems to be able to pry consciousness and induce a more powerful power of faith to interfere with reality?

Chen Mo wants to try infection control and in-depth analysis, but he is afraid that it is not suitable for him... 0

"Hehe, don't be greedy, with this, plus the artifact of the God of Plague, even if you just sell it, it's enough to make a lot of money, not to mention the rewards!"

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

Take the artifact to Lilia casually.

Let her help you identify yourself.

When it comes to indigenous artifacts, there are many methods of detection by scholars in the big library.

It's not too late to decide how to deal with it after you understand it clearly!

"This time the parasitic ability has increased greatly, I should be able to continuously infect and control the gods of the Temple of Heaven according to the method this time.

"As long as there is an opportunity, my strength will expand rapidly."

"Cultivate it yourself, how can infection control come faster?"

"And soon, the parasitic ability will go one step further, even stronger than sneaking into the gene... Could it be out of matter?"

For a moment, Chen Mo was a little uncertain.

All in all, looking forward to it!

Now his own consciousness is extremely powerful, and he has complete control over matter. All his subordinates use his mushroom race as their bodies.

There is no need to worry about betrayal, let alone the fear of the divine will being stolen.

Being able to harvest consciousness wantonly is Chen Mo's unique advantage over other star soul powerhouses.

Even if it is an evil god who has harvested consciousness, he still needs to use the Evil Spirit Reincarnation Pool 2.2 for secondary processing.

"However, the Temple of Heavenly God must be very tense now, all the gods are afraid to gather together, and it is impossible for someone to send it off like now.

"I hope my parasite and goddess of luck can give me some strength."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help being a little excited.

Soon, his subordinate gods will break through single digits!

Moreover, he came over recklessly and stirred up such a big situation, and he still hasn't won the reward of the Federation's attention!

If the Temple of Heaven is destroyed in one fell swoop, what reward will the Federation give?

It has to match his record!

Just as Chen Mo continued to count the rest of the harvest,

A video of Lilia has come over.


so efficient?

Or is this busy person just free now?

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