Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 339 Mutation Cannon! Going Into Fish Fry Mode! (1 More)

"A perfect experiment.

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

Just now, under the eyes of a god, he completed an infection.

However, the efficiency is not very high, and Chen Mo needs to take the initiative to guide.

Some time-consuming and laborious.

But... Chen Mo believes that there is still room for improvement in this ability.

For example, combined with the radiation mutation ability of 'Tiberium Ore'?

A 'mutation cannon' swept across, and the entire planet fell apart, all of which exploded into mushrooms or countless wriggling tentacles.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle at this terrifying scene.

Gods, don't look directly at them.

And Chen Mo's mutation cannon, you can't look directly at it!

Just take a look, the organs all over his body immediately fell apart, and then turned into Chen Mo's minions.

As for the impact of the Bastion's behavior of not keeping alive.

Chen Mo didn't care much.

Even Femilis, the goddess of luck, sent another message, warning Chen Mo not to be too cruel.

Chen Mo just nodded casually.

If it was before, or yesterday, Chen Mo would have to be cautious.

Temporarily stop the offensive and show weakness.

Because the movement is too big!

But now that he has the opportunity to evolve, everything is different.

His fighting style has changed again.

The battle at the micro level is about to start!

Infiltration and invasion, this is a strange way similar to evil gods, Chen Mo is very interested in this.

At this moment, Femilis thought she had some advantage.

But she never imagined that the Chen Mo one minute ago and the Chen Mo one minute later might have completely different strengths.

Yes, this is the power of the way of evolution.

As long as it is evolved, this powerful power will take effect immediately and be used by Chen Mo.

Every day, he is getting stronger and stronger!

If you make a deal with him, you must be prepared to be a rabbit today, and come back tomorrow to be a terrible scene of evil gods!

Auran, who is Chen Mo's assistant, immediately knew about the use of the new ability.

She said in awe: "Under the wisdom of the great divine will, our efficiency will be greatly improved. If it can be used on an entire planet like Requiem, from destroying consciousness to allowing all gods to join evolution..."

As he said that, Oran himself became excited, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Isn't it like this, one face to face, one planet will be harvested.

Really efficient!

More importantly, compared to Requiem, in addition to harvesting an entire planet's material, there will be no loss of consciousness.

Even... can infect and control planetary consciousness?

"In short, in the near future, beings below the gods will not pose any threat to us, and even can only be our help. The more such beings gather, the more help we will have.

"Only the gods are a threat to us."

"We must be vigilant against those gods with powerful attack power. They destroy materials and planets, and they will cause great losses to us."

"That's right!"

Chen Mo nodded in agreement.

The gods are his next main opponents.

Newcomers and veteran Star Soul powerhouses are all of the same kind in the Star Soul world after all. There are stronger people pressing down on them, and the competition will not get out of control.

Moreover, more and more people were drawn into his camp.

Now it is no longer time for him to keep a low profile and act alone.

Instead, it binds a lot of interests.

The resources invested in him by the Federation alone are terrifying.

Not to mention, he is already the one who has received the attention of the world law twice!

These are the capital for him to gain a foothold in the Star Soul World.

"Among the gods, the junior gods are not a big threat to me. My infection ability has reached the point where I can slowly control the junior gods!"

Chen Mo said.

"Goddess of Luck should think of a way to restrain those gods. Even if they retreat, they shouldn't destroy the planet."

Fortifying the wall and clearing the field is now the only way to fight that makes Chen Mo feel heartbroken.

Fortunately, his crazy behavior of directly cleaning the entire planet should make the gods not think about it.

And Chen Mo didn't clean one planet, but connected 3 planets.

This gives people the illusion that he doesn't need the creatures on the planet.

"Hehe...this can be regarded as a side benefit of looking for planning opportunities."

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

"Great divine will, Lady Luck is an ancient god, she must know a lot of things outside the Temple of Heaven, she has a lot of retreats, and she is not trustworthy.

Oran said.

When she was in the Temple of Heaven before, thanks to the help of the goddess of luck, she was able to resist the pressure and managed to reach the stage of the gods all the way.

Looking back now, why Lady Luck did this, everything is clear.

…0 for flowers………

"Perhaps... Goddess of Luck is willing to form an alliance with our snake-human race for two reasons: the first is to strengthen her normal race faction.

"Second, it is the talent shown by our snake people, especially the talent for using Tiberium ore."

As a queen, Oran has experienced many battles and has dealt with too many gods. She will not be naive to think that all this is due to the kindness of the goddess of luck.

Gods, only divinity, but there is no such thing as kindness.

Olan was grateful for the other party doing this, but there must be great benefits in it.

It's just that she only knows too little to understand.

After hearing Alan's careful analysis, Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled and said:

"The second reason you mentioned is the key point. Otherwise, there are other genius races in the Temple of Heaven, and I haven't seen Goddess of Luck take special care of them."

"However, it should not only be due to Tiberium ore, but the core of Nesser. The means of Goddess Luck's own research knowledge should not be very good, so she has always relied on others, like the God of Wisdom, and then Ready to raise your Tiberium-manipulating race."

"So, I didn't intend to trust her from the beginning. She and I are in a competitive and cooperative relationship. She thought she could get benefits from me. Similarly, I thought so too."

"Next, we will rely on our own means to see who can have the last laugh. We are willing to admit defeat."

As Chen Mo said, his eyes turned and he looked at the Fortress.

"I have a hunch that if the Bastion continues to attack, occupy more planets, harvest a large amount of consciousness, or breed more angels or special evil spirits, I will be able to advance to Star God. 11

The star god is the high-end combat power of the star soul world.

With a powerful consciousness, it is enough to distort the stars!

Coupled with the unique knowledge of the Star Soul world, as well as the Fortress, Chen Mo himself can fight against the gods.

Even if he has just reached the Star God realm, his strength is enough to crush the Temple of Heaven.

Moreover, as a divine will, his idealism ability will become stronger, and it will be easy to distort and interfere with reality!

When the time comes, make a wish to yourself again, don't know what the result will be?

And at that time, he will be the only star god in the entire theater.

The strength is the highest in the entire theater.

" the battle going back to fish frying mode?"

"Speaking of it, I haven't experienced it for a long time."

Just thinking about it, Chen Mo is looking forward to it.

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