Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 402 Goddess? It's A Rich Woman! Another Neisser Core! (1 More)

"Very real reaction~"

Ao Dai, the Goddess of Starlight, smiled slightly.

After pondering for a while, she continued: "I need a lot of labor, especially the efficient and obedient ones, and the knowledge they possess must be optional."

"Hmm... preferably an engineer. If you can share your knowledge about using energy to upgrade planets, or the knowledge of biological spaceship manufacturing, I can also buy it.

"Or... knowledge of the use of infinite energy.

The energy conversion device is the main purpose of her coming to Chen Wenli.

This kind of knowledge is almost universal. No matter what kind of civilization, matter and energy, it must be very dependent on one. In the early days, it was usually matter. The more it develops, the more it pays attention to the use of energy, and the demand also increases exponentially.

High-energy minerals are far from meeting her needs.

But Chen Mo has this kind of knowledge, no matter how bad it is, the other party also has the artifact that she wants very much.

Nesser Core!

In fact, she has already looked for several star gods, Chen Mo is the last stop here.

She believes that Chen Mo is able to use the technology of the Temple of Heaven so skillfully, he must be highly skilled in analyzing creations, and maybe he can sell her some knowledge in this area.

She is rich and well-accumulated, and she can afford an offer that the other party cannot refuse.

Doesn't Chen Mo want more planets?

She is plenty!

Not to mention money, even if it is the expansion of influence that the other party desires most, she can help a lot.

Even, it is not impossible to give the opponent a platform and support them.

"It turned out to be knowledge about tool people, energy utilization, and biological spaceships.

Chen Mo suddenly understood.

The combination of these three things is not the most powerful part of his performance?

But the infinite energy plus the spaceship... This immediately made Chen Mo think of the dimensional spaceship on a conditioned reflex.

This is the most basic feature of a dimensional spaceship.

The characteristic of the biological spaceship is that it can continuously and automatically recover with the support of energy, which can greatly increase the fault tolerance rate.

Ao Dai didn't know that Chen Mo had developed to the point where the cells could generate energy shields in terms of biological spaceships, and its performance far surpassed that of ordinary mechanical spaceships.

If the other party knows, I'm afraid they will be more interested!

"Well, you fugitives, it turns out that you are also secretly building ships."

Chen Mo couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Isn't it just to run away when building a dimensional spaceship?

Chen Mo has reason to believe that Ao Dai, the goddess of starlight, should have acquired part of the knowledge about space and dimension travel.

Especially at the moment, when she predicts the horror disaster that is about to come.

But thinking about it, a force like the Goddess of Starlight has come into contact with too many alien forces, including void monsters, so it is normal for her to know some knowledge in this area.

However, it is basically impossible to get the knowledge of infinite energy from Chen Mo.

Chen Mo shook his head and said: "Others are easy to talk about, but the knowledge about infinite energy... To be honest, I haven't analyzed it yet, I'm just using it superficially."

This is the truth!

The core of Neiser is so easy to manufacture, Chen Mo has already made tens of thousands, so how can there be room for the Patilla civilization to jump around?

Already flattened the opponent!

You know, this thing represents the limit of a road, infinite energy, which is so easy to achieve.

If it is thoroughly researched, it will be the cornerstone of a fourth-level civilization.

Hearing Chen Mo refuse directly.

The Goddess of Starlight was not disappointed, and even kept a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

She said politely: "If not, you can sell me the core knowledge of Neisser that you have analyzed, and I will accept it regardless of whether I have it or not.

"Elementary knowledge is 100 million one."

"Intermediate knowledge 10 billion."

"Advanced knowledge, my agricultural planet, you pick one yourself."

"If we do joint research, how about I give you the platform and attract more star gods for you?"

Chen Mo fell silent for a moment.

Today he has seen what it means to be inhumane.

This handwriting is really huge!

It has to be said that Ao Dai, the Goddess of Starlight, gave too much, especially the infinite cooperation, which made him greedy. If he had this condition, his influence in the world of Star Soul would expand rapidly!

So, after thinking for a while, Chen Mo made a decision to cooperate with the other party.

But he really doesn't have much knowledge on hand.

Fortunately, there is no way, Goddess of Luck has it, and the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, so it is not difficult to obtain some knowledge.

Then there is joint research, which can also be launched.

Because there is another Neisser core, with the help of the Starlight Goddess, it can be easily obtained.

It seems that the Goddess of Starlight has also gained benefits, but the other party does not know that Chen Mo's huge benefits from reselling knowledge, as well as his expansion of influence, are not just about influence.

He has more structured plans!

As for the cooperation with the Goddess of Starlight, there is no need to explain to the Goddess of Luck, after all, the other party is not from the Star Soul World, and it is impossible to expect her to trust Ao Dai.

She wanted to extract benefits from Ao Dai, but she didn't even think about it.

This money can only be earned by him personally.

As for whether this will allow the Goddess of Starlight to break through key technologies and become a member of parliament, or even surpass her in strength, Chen Mo doesn't care.

There are many people who are better than him, and this one is not bad.

And the actual situation is the opposite, the cooperation between the two must have made Chen Mo's strength grow by leaps and bounds, much faster.

In a short time, Chen Mo is sure to catch up with Ao Dai!

But in any case, this is an acceptable result for both parties.

It is nothing more than a question of earning more and earning less.

"I can sell you all the knowledge about Neisser's core. At the same time, we set up a joint research team to study Neisser's core together!"

Chen Mo agreed to the matter.

"However, my Neisser core is currently engaged in a war, and the cooperation time may be delayed. In terms of knowledge, I will sort it out and send it to you.

We will finalize the deal when I know the location of the other Nesser core. "


Ao Dai, the Goddess of Starlight, couldn't help smiling.

She knew that Chen Mo couldn't refuse her condition, so she prepared the agreement and deposit in advance. (Qian Zhao's)

Now, just take it out.

"This is a cooperation agreement. You can see which clauses need to be revised. Let's discuss it."

"If not, this is a deposit, an intermediate life planet."

Chen Mo immediately opened his watch and passed the transaction on the trading platform. After the 10% transaction tax was exempted, he obtained a living planet worth 100 billion.

There is also a race attached to it.

For Chen Mo, this value has increased again!

Chen Mo secretly sighed, this is the real veteran Star Soul expert, what a rich woman, the deposit alone is enough to make many people jealous.

Chen Mo's plan is to find Neisser's core and study together. He will slow down the progress. At that time, he will sell advanced knowledge one by one slowly, and wait for his own strength to catch up quickly!

But Starlight Goddess is not stupid.

Similar tricks are blocked in terms of cooperation.

There are various indicators to measure the progress of research.

Chen Mo wants to polish the water, it is very difficult!.

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