Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 422: Luo Bing Whose Shape Gradually Changes (1 More)

However, unlike other things, the one-sided praise of Chen Mo is different.

There are many different voices on the matter of the Energy Network Dao.

Even, the sound volume is still a lot.

There are also experts and scholars from the big library come out and criticize Chen Mo's technology.

"I think this is a replica of the Goddess of the Magic Net. History has proved that this is something that cannot stand the test. 7"

"Chen Mo has indeed gained a lot of knowledge from Ms. Magic Web, and has used Ms. Magic Web's trick before. This thing uses similar techniques."

"Because of that, I don't think it's such a big deal."

"What is really useful is the Nesser core."

"It may use zero-point energy, if it can be popularized, it will really benefit the entire Star Soul world.

"Whether it's the Magic Net or the Energy Net Dao, it's a monopoly in essence!"

"And it's the most basic monopoly! I will protest like Parliament!"

"Yes! The expansion of the energy grid is not allowed!"

"The dog from the consortium upstairs has been identified."

"Stupid consortium, your monopoly of energy is not called monopoly, but others' monopoly is called it?"

"They just promote it within their own system, so it's not a monopoly."

"Hurry up, the dog started barking, please don't take your seat

Looking around, many people are opposing the Energy Network Dao.

It was similar to what Luo Bing guessed, and this really made some people anxious.

Although Chen Mo has been very careful, he did not promote it outside the system, and only let out rumors.

But it has already caused an uproar.

Many consortiums are paying attention to Chen Mo's movements.

Immediately, he ran out to object.

Because the energy is controlled, the influence is terrible.

This was originally their basic set.

Energy block trading, high-energy ore processing, 80% of the market is occupied by them.

The benefits of this can be imagined.

More importantly, influence!

So they don't want Chen Mo to set foot in this area.

Chen Mo didn't attract more than one person to join the energy network channel, and they lost a customer permanently.

After all, who wouldn't love access to unlimited energy?

Almost no one can refuse!

It can be predicted that the future is very pessimistic.

It is also because of this that even if there is only a slight disturbance, the consortium and many big families will be blown up.

To be honest, Chen Mo was a little nervous this time.

After all, they used to fight for interests outside, and internally, they were just being exploited by those talented newcomers and star gods.

And only on the battlefield.

So you don't really feel much pain.

But if you say you want to uproot other people's property, then no matter the star god, they will resist fiercely.

Many planets that mainly produce energy blocks even jumped up and scolded Chen Mo.

Buckle down all kinds of big hats,

Chen Mo was dumbfounded.

But fortunately, everyone is just talkative, no one is really doing it.

First of all, Chen Mo's strength is already very strong.

Second, his influence is already very large.

Three years later, there were councilors and star gods who endorsed him.

This has led to the current battle still staying on the Internet.

But how long can this last?

Chen Mo felt that as long as he took his time and did not break away from the system of the Star Soul World, he could always maintain it within an acceptable range.

Fortunately, the middle and lower classes are almost one-sided, supporting Chen Mo.

These are the future of the Star Soul world.

According to the mechanism of the Star Soul world, it can be predicted that even if Chen Mo dares not do anything, ten years later, he will be able to respond to everyone in the newly formed Star Soul powerhouse system.

"Fuck off, which reform of the Star Soul world didn't lose any benefits? Why can't it be your consortium||?"

"Laugh at the downfall of the consortium~"

"The energy market has long been unhealthy for me. The price of high-energy minerals has been rising for a year and has never fallen. Shouldn't we develop?"

"Whoever has the cheapest energy, I will use whose energy!"

"The Star Soul World has the impetus to reform spontaneously, and no one can stop it, not even a member of parliament!"

"That's right, I should be thankful that no one can completely control the laws, otherwise, the knowledge market would be full of backwaters."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, from the promotion of Chen Mo's energy network, to the development system of the knowledge of the entire Star Soul world.

In short, this time Chen Mo's matter caused an uproar!

Whether it is breadth or depth, it is far beyond the previous.

This is also something that Chen Mo did not expect.

Whether it is for him or against him, the reaction is great!

Holy Terra, inside the manor.

Chen Mo at the center of the public opinion storm drank tea slowly.

After turning off the theater channel, he turned his attention to the front line.

At this time, the resistance of the Patella civilization had already collapsed.

But Chen Mo's advancing speed remained unchanged.

The next step is to press on step by step. There is still a battle between Patila Civilization and him.

And next time, the ownership of this star area will be decided, as well as the stronger fourth-level civilization!

The loser either walks away in despair or surrenders.

Of course, Chen Mo does not accept surrender unless otherwise ordered by the Federation.

Anyway, so far, he has been using extinction mode.

"々`Chen Mo, many star soul masters have followed up, and they expressed their desire to continue the 50% model.

Luo Bing said.

Chen Mo has noticed this a long time ago, and now, everyone has a customary rule. If you want to contact Chen Mo, you must make an appointment in advance and contact Chen Mo's "communication officer" Luo Bing.

"What do you think?"

Chen Mo asked with a smile.


Luo Bing was taken aback, he didn't expect Chen Mo to ask her this question.

"I think it's pretty good. After all, don't you want to expand your influence? All these people join in, and you give both kindness and power. From now on, this war zone will be all up to you, but I think 50% can be reduced a little bit. 30% is not bad, because it’s not that much of a gain.”

"But your reputation will go up quickly."

"It is indeed time to adjust the benefits of cooperation."

"But not down, but up."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

Luo Bing is good at everything, but his skin is too thin.

You can't be a good old man.

(What?) I want to increase it to 70%. "

"I seven them three."

Chen Mo said with certainty.

"It used to be five to five because they thought my thigh wasn't thick enough, but now, with my thick leg, countless people want to hug it, and they still have to see my face.

"You have to know that it doesn't matter whether a profiteer is a profiteer or not."

"Word of mouth is the real word of mouth."

It's not that he doesn't want word-of-mouth in the Star Soul world, but is the so-called good reputation, good people, useful?

What he wants is the image of a strong man, who says what he says and does what he says, and he is absolutely trustworthy!

Only in this way will someone be willing to cooperate with you.

But no one will cooperate with you just because you sell things cheaply.

There is no reason.

Luo Bing nodded, somewhat understanding Chen Mo's idea.

If you want to continue to follow along, you must follow Chen Mo's ideas.

Adapt to Chen Mo's ideas and match the opponent's strategy.

Be the shape Chen Mo needs. .

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