Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 427 The 3Rd Seat, Master Of Space! (2 More)

"It seems that no matter which civilization you are in, you can't be too arrogant!"

"Indeed, it doesn't matter if you have infinite knowledge in your hand. If you meet someone with a bad temper, you still don't blink, and you will be crushed!"

"Mr. Chen Mo is so handsome. I just felt my chest tighten when I grabbed it. Damn it, everyone was scared."

The War Zone channel is boiling again.

No one expected that at the last moment, Chen Mo would actually make a move himself.

And as soon as he made a move, it was a thunderous blow.

Kill people who everyone thinks will not be killed, and kill them directly!

"Unfortunately, I was too irritable and directly lost a lot of knowledge."

"That's right, Chen Mo is still too young, wouldn't it be good to kill him with the knowledge?"

"Hehe... You only saw the appearance. I think Chen Mo should have controlled the rest of the people. This scene was just for us to see."

It was also speculated that Chen Mo still got the benefits.

After all, there are benefits not to take, not Chen Mo's style.

"Hehe...a good vigilant mentality, otherwise I would have shot."

In a space that no one knows about, a powerful star god witnessed Chen Mo killing the Patilla engineer, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"This crisis is an opportunity for low-level people like Chen Mo."

"For me, sleepiness is not. 11

"The laws of the Star Soul World and members of parliament all have their own ideas, but they are all cowards. Only I can save the entire universe."

"It is enough to unite 10 councilors, and I will be able to get enough votes. At that time, I, my main world, will be able to advance to become the companion mother world, which is the satellite of the Star Soul world!"

"At that time... it's time for Thunderbolt to reform!"

If someone witnessed this person's words, they would definitely be shocked.

Of course, the people who saw it, except for the congressman, could only be a dead end.

He is one of the strongest in the Star Soul world, the third seat, 'Space Master'.

The transmission network of the entire Star Soul World is based on his knowledge and constantly improved and constructed.

It is precisely because of this that he is the first to have insight into things outside the universe.

"The Devourer of Dimensions is not only a danger, but also an opportunity."

"Especially for me."

"The prosperity and gestation of civilization are all born from the alternation of change and crisis.

"I am the seed of change."

"As for the rest, it's just a foil."

The space master couldn't help but smile.

His plan had already been approved by Parliament, and once successful, he felt, no one would be in the way.

The Star Soul World will unite around him.

At that time, it is absolutely not a problem whether he can fight against the Devourer of Dimensions, but at least save his life.

Taking ten thousand steps back, he and the core members of the Star Soul World will never be harmed in the slightest.

As for other star gods,

Then there is nothing he can do, the bald head in the crisis of civilization, someone has to sacrifice, right?

This person is not him, that's fine.

"But when will the Devourers of Dimensions arrive?"

This problem has always troubled Space Master.

I don't know if anyone knows.

If he knows, even a few days in advance, he can gain a huge advantage.

Patilla War Zone.

The space blockade on the battlefield has been lifted, and a large amount of resources have begun to be sent away.

At the same time, due to the gravitational force, a large number of corpses also began to converge towards the evolution number.

Automatically falling into the giant eyeball, these will be reprocessed into materials for the next countless minions.

Of course, some of the spaceships of the Patella civilization, as well as the corpses of the legion of the gods, will be collected separately.

Chen Mo may not be needed, but the market for Star Soul World is huge.

These things are quite precious materials, and they have always been high-end goods in the market, and the supply is in short supply!

After all, they are all of the same level of civilization, and they are not of the same level as the indigenous things. Many of the knowledge and artifacts are unknown to the Star Soul world.

What's more, the analysis of this knowledge by the big library has become a very profitable industry.

Of course, for such an expensive item, the master of the planet in Chen Mo's own sacred system must not be able to afford it. Chen Mo is always listed on the trading platform, and if it is good, it will be auctioned, and generally it will be estimated at a price and sold directly.

Because his quantity is too large, yes, in the high-end market, there are actually not many goods that can be obtained.

With only one person, Chen Mo has been able to impact the high-end market. All of a sudden, the supply volume has increased significantly.

A price drop is inevitable.

But also because of this, the pricing power is also in the hands of Chen Mo.

This is real influence.

From the beginning to the end of the sale, after careful calculation, Chen Mo found that he still made a lot of money!

Monopoly is very profitable, even if it is a monopoly that makes people feel cheap.

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, these items from the Patilla civilization are worthless in his hands, but if they are thrown into the Star God World to digest, a large number of people will know that from Chen Mo, they can get good goods!

At the same time, this also brought a large amount of funds for Chen Mo.

With these funds, his teleportation network can continue!


Oran also came back at this time.

At the same time, there was a message sent back from the astral world, and Chen Mo miraculously and safely transported all the things in the broken world.

Especially the broken (good) body in it.

Of course, many shells and the like burned by themselves, bursting into energy overflow.

This is also impossible, because of the war, the laws of the broken world have long been incomplete, and the substances born in that environment appear extremely fragile when they come to this universe.

"Hide those infected Patila civilization engineers well, interrogate them carefully, and sort out all the knowledge, starting from the most basic, don't look at the most powerful knowledge first."

Chen Mo cautioned Daocai carefully.

Peeping at the fourth-level civilization that still exists, you have to be more cautious.

If this job was done in the past, Chen Mo would hand it over to the big library.

But now, Lilia is studying the broken world, and Chen Mo's own people have grown up. He believes that with his current strength, even if there are some small accidents, they are still within the controllable range!.

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