Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 435 Higher Knowledge, Energy Network Transformation! Extreme Evolution! (2 More)

"I must work hard!"

Luo Bing couldn't help saying.

Compared with Chen Mo's current strength, her current strength is really too big.

Any capable general under Chen Mo's command is stronger than all her angels combined.

She must be desperate.

This time, no matter what, we must follow in Chen Mo's footsteps.

At least not for nothing.

Otherwise, she believes that even if Chen Mo wants to use her, he will be embarrassed to find that her strength is too low, and there is nowhere to use her.

Over time like this, she gradually became an insignificant role in the entire sacred system.

Even, one day, Chen Mo may forget that there is a person like her.

She will never allow this to happen!


Becoming the strongest star god is her dream. "One Seventy"

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo's army approached an important fortress of the Patilla civilization.

This entire galaxy is armed to the teeth.

In particular, one of the planets was completely hollowed out and turned into a planet-level fortress.

More importantly, with the powerful space knowledge of the Patilla civilization, this star-level fortress can still be teleported.

It stands to reason that at this time Chen Mo should open the Evolution's infected parasitic energy field and start preparing to attack.

But Chen Mo was not in a hurry.

Because his research on Neisser's core has been carried out to the most critical place.

Soon, he will acquire a crucial knowledge.

Through this, maybe he can further stimulate the power of Nesser's core, expand the scope of infection, from one light-year to at least 3 light-years!

In this case, the entire galaxy of the enemy will suddenly fall within Chen Mo's attack range.

Such a wide range of attack is enough to catch Patila civilization by surprise.

Except for the gods and the creations protected by the energy shield, anything under Chen Mo's infection can only spit out mushrooms strangely, and then gradually set off a frenzy of infection.

At the same time, the halo array production line built by Chen Mo has also been debugged.

According to the engineers, the next step is to start the production line and start mass production.

Of course, debugging is required at the beginning, but slowly, productivity will reach its limit.

At that time, Chen Mo can make a ring-shaped energy emitter every day.

Relying on this, Chen Mo can spread his infection energy field to an extremely distant area. As long as the layout is reasonable, it is not a problem to instantly impact the entire river system!

A river system contains planets, counted in trillions!

Infecting the creatures of an entire river system with energy at once, no one has ever done this kind of thing.

Too insane.

But Chen Mo is ready to try.

If it succeeds, then the Patilla civilization will be the turtle in the urn, and the entire river system belongs to him. With Patilla's small chassis, what can he use to fight him?

As long as this launch is successful, Chen Mo believes that the planetary fortress in front of him will be destroyed by itself!

Infect the entire galaxy in an instant, and then obtain billions of creatures, and then, infect and control the will of the planet.

At that time, Chen Mo's star soul will be extremely powerful.

The entire river system will be his world.

At that time, he must be promoted to a high-level star god.

This idea of ​​a secret weapon is also where Chen Mo's confidence lies.

Although the minions under his command can continue to jump and quickly infect other life planets, they always rely on physical actions, and there is a limit after all.

But his halo array with the evolution number as the core is different.

Relying on the infinite energy of Nether's core, he can use energy infection to increase the scope and ability of his own infection almost without limit.

It can be said that the star gods are still in the era of legion battles, and Chen Mo has entered the use of the rules of the universe, and has begun to reduce dimensionality and strike general crushing battles.

The enemy doesn't even know where the attack is coming from!

They can't even read it!

It is only known that there is terrible infection energy, and it is rare that everything in the entire river system begins to be infected with mutations.

Even if the rich god is not infected, but suddenly outside his shelter, all organic matter, even the existing gene fragments, have Chen Mo's mushroom race.

Once the opportunity is ripe, it will be conceived.

As long as the activation is successful once, Chen Mo's strength will increase dramatically... 0

Based on this.

How could Chen Mo fear the competition from other star gods?

The fighting methods used by the two are not at the same level at all!

If the Star Gods manually harvested the remaining civilizations with a sickle, Chen Mo is a combine harvester, driving all the way, and the harvest is full!

Therefore, Chen Mo is looking forward to the rapid expansion of the strength of the star gods.

In this way, his next plan will become more profitable.

That is to let other star gods join his sacred system.

And, after becoming a member of parliament, gain more powerful power.

The gains here are actually directly linked to the star gods and the vast number of star soul powerhouses.

The stronger they are, the more they will gain.

After gaining enough strength from here, he will become even stronger.

Naturally, it can calmly face the attack from the Dimension Devourer.

Chen Mo doesn't want to weaken the power he can take over in the future because of internal fighting with the Star Soul World. You must know that these people are the powerful cornerstones of the Star Soul World!

He also didn't want to hurt himself and had to bear it, and everyone didn't contribute.

What he wants is the power of the entire Star Soul world, and then defeat the Devourer of Dimensions, end the fate of Goddess Luck who keeps fleeing, and completely reverse the universe!

[Through a large number of engineers and infection control, you have analyzed most of the knowledge of the Neisser core 0.8 core, and you have sorted out the key advanced materialist knowledge from it: 'Energy Zone Networking. 】

[Ding! Through the knowledge of "Energy Network Daoization", the evolutionary system deduces the evolution chance of the "Energy" gene, whether to consume a large amount of evolution medicine, use the evolution number as the evolution sample, and start the evolution? The probability of evolution success is 99%!】

With the continuous increase of Chen Mo's power, the use of consciousness can already change and distort many realities.

The probability of evolution is almost full directly.

And engineers can always research the required knowledge.

And hardly bothered.

Incredibly fast!

This time, I hope to evolve the 'energy' gene to the extreme.

Enter a whole new realm!

"Evolve immediately!"

Chen Mo didn't hesitate at all. .

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