Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 467 Light In The Darkness! Star Torch! (1 More)

"Test was successful!"

Ashe said excitedly.

As for the Kuroshio surging in the distance, she just ignored it.

Although scary, but the divine will is watching here, don't worry!

"test was successful!"

"Quick! Get ready to return!"

The goddess of luck Femiris blushed with excitement, but compared to Ashe, she was not so calm, and immediately manipulated Nesser's core and began to exit the warp state.

"Not urgent!"

"Give some gifts to these void monsters first!"

Ashe was extremely excited.

She is no stranger to these terrifying monsters.

In fact, on the entire dimensional spaceship, only Lady Luck was a little nervous.

Because through the astral world, all people have received the information that happened in the battle zone of the Temple of Heaven.

For various void monsters, everyone already has "memories".

It's like fighting these monsters in person.

Don't panic!


Horrible requiem, shine up.

At the same time, a halo that was temporarily installed also launched an attack.

Terrifying energy fluctuations swept across the surrounding dark area.

The entire dimensional spaceship, like a blazing star, illuminates the entire area.

Coupled with the blessing of Chen Mo's powerful consciousness, the sun appeared in the void!

The entire void boiled.

Consciousness, the effect is particularly strong in this space.

There is only energy here, no matter.

Powerful consciousness, in this world, looks like stars.

And Chen Mo's, is stellar.

Burning blazingly, bursting out terrifying energy.

"It's the Astronomican ~"!"

"Hiss! What a powerful soul!"

"No—my body!"

This is the first time in billions of years!


Countless howls sounded in the distance.

At the same time, the great demon who was looking at this side suddenly screamed.

It was burning all over.

Suffered instantly!

A whole dimensional ship, Planet Will is Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo was watching the spaceship even more, so his consciousness was extraordinarily strong.

It is unbearable for any creature, not even a void creature, to look directly at his powerful consciousness.

The powerful demon was also instantly chased by the city's creation hospital.

However, in the next instant, the entire darkness surged like a whirlpool.

Even at that moment, Chen Mo's whole body sank, and he felt a real gaze.

The goddess of luck who manipulated the spaceship of the dimension was emitting dark smoke all over her body.

However, it was directly dispelled by Chen Mo's strong will.

Immediately afterwards, the entire dimensional spaceship suddenly gushed out energy, and a large number of empty monsters rushed up were reduced to ashes.

And the dimensional spaceships all returned to the normal universe.

The surrounding darkness, like an illusion, dissipated directly.

Only the void energy surging and spreading around showed unusual signs.


"Opened the void directly!"

"That terrifying roar just now was..."

The Ice Queen who witnessed the whole scene was stunned.

Is it the big devil?


Second only to the existence of evil gods!

Although she is not afraid of this kind of existence, but you must know that there is nothingness there.

Chen Mo was so far apart, and directly injured the other party.

It relies on extremely powerful consciousness.

The power of idealism is stronger in the void!

For a while, Broni had a guess.

"This spaceship can reach the void in an instant, it seems that it has not exhausted its full strength."

"Could it be that Chen Mo's purpose is to attack the void?"

"It doesn't make sense. It's not realistic to rely on a spaceship. It can only maintain an instant passage."

"However... Chen Mo's power can reach the battleship in an instant regardless of the distance."

"It's really scary!"

Bruni gasped.

This is true of her, not to mention the rest of the star gods.

If at this time, the other star gods saw this scene, they might have to kneel down!

It is almost like the actual sun that illuminates the entire darkness.

So brave.

Come to think of it, Chen Mo's reputation will also spread in the void, right?

"々`This is only a small part of the power of the battleship."

"The test went well.

"Next, continue testing!"

Chen Mo cast his eyes on the battleship returning again in the distance.

Many places on the battleship have been damaged.

But it's a small problem, with the blessing of infinite energy, it will be automatically restored soon.

"After all, it is an evil god, and the other party has been entrenched in the void for countless years. It is really powerful. Just a face-to-face damage to my weapon."

"If you face each other directly, I'm afraid you will overturn."

"Follow-up tests, we must be more careful."

"However, this also laid the foundation for the subsequent Void Gate."

"Next time, the Vi (Liano's) spacecraft will be able to travel directly to another universe."

"At that time, I will walk the fugitive faction's path for him, so that he will have nowhere to go!"

hear this.

Ice Queen Broni was dumbfounded.

What's the meaning?

Can this spaceship travel directly to other universes?

Is this a dimensional spaceship?!

Wait! Is this how Chen Mo dealt with Fugitive Yong?

For a while, Broni couldn't laugh or cry.

At the same time, a sense of powerlessness rose in my heart.

She is real, she never even thought about this plan!

Because, it feels unreal.

But it's such a difficult thing, and the space master can't fail to do it.

Chen Mo here, it's a breeze!

Just when her eyelids are lowered!.

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