Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 480: The Evil Shendu Comes To Contribute! Heart-Thumping Ice Queen! (3 More)

These people are very loud!

Even the snake girl who looks like the commander has a confident face.

Everyone is still very serious about the Dimension Devourer.

But when it comes to the void, they are very relaxed.

Could it be that void is really that easy to deal with?

Broni couldn't help being very curious.

The big plan Chen Mo is talking about...what is it?

I have to say, is there really such an awesome plan?

She couldn't believe it.

However, there are signs that Chen Mo is preparing a big plan.

Some kind of endless belt device that is constantly being made.

Massive portals.

And the secret acquisition of Broken World.

There are also people who have been building momentum, but now they are obviously free, but they are still here, not going to the parliament hall.

It seems that... some big conspiracy is brewing.

Especially the delay in going to parliament.

Broni felt that Chen Mo took "693" seriously and was preparing to give a big blow to the rest of the councilors.

You can brag about other things, but this matter, the entire Star Soul World is paying attention to it, which is extremely important to the councilors.

Chen Mo couldn't possibly joke about his fame.

He must have had an extremely gorgeous opening.

By the way, there is also the other party who has won the favor of the goddess of luck.

The Protoss is a race that Broni knows.

This race is not well-known among low-level civilizations, but it is very famous among major civilizations, especially among the big library scholars who like "archaeology".

Anything about the Protoss is a super-sought-after valuable item.

The goddess of luck is a protoss, so her own ability is naturally not bad!

The opponents all bet on Chen Mo, and took the artifact and their own knowledge as sincerity

Thinking of this, Broni couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It's absolutely right to form an alliance with Chen Mo."

"If I can reach an in-depth cooperative relationship with the other party, just like the goddess of luck, it will be of great help to me in the future, at least in the face of the Devourer of Dimensions and the subsequent turmoil in the universe, I will take the initiative. "

Broni wanted to do this.

Of course, she didn't want to kneel and lick Chen Mo.

Although the other party is very handsome.

But that's not her style.

What she wants to rely on is her own strength.

Now the master of space dares to be so arrogant, even trying to win over all the councilors to serve his own plan, why?

It's because he can stand against the Eater of Dimensions!

Although this confrontation, it is only a shameful escape.

But that's what will keep the rest of MPs on their toes.

In the face of the catastrophe of world destruction, whoever has the means is the boss.

Now, Chen Mo has a way.

Even, not there is, but to solve the problem itself, that is, the solution of the dimension devourer, he is planning!

Lady Luck has already mentioned a plan, that is 'anti-entropy technology'!

She is very interested in this.

Because according to the information of Lady Luck, this kind of knowledge is indeed proven to be able to kill the Devourer of Dimensions.

This is much better than space masters who can only manufacture dimensional spaceships.


Chen Mo will definitely gain influence over Space Master.

And if she joins it and becomes Chen Mo's ally, she will definitely gain far more influence than she has now.

Even if Chen Mo doesn't give her extra help, he just relies on this relationship.

Broni can become stronger!

She has always been very confident in her abilities.

"Next, just cooperate with Chen Mo well."

"It is natural to gain the trust of the other party and deepen the cooperative relationship."

Broni looked at Chen Mo, and couldn't help feeling a little expectation in his heart.

At this time, high-level heaven.

Luo Bing had a look of affection for the news that was spreading.

On the Internet, it has been fried again.

There are evil gods looking for Chen Mo!

The giant spaceship has arrived in the void!

The Star God who applied to join the Ascension Project will arrive a week later!

All in all, a blast.

She was dumbfounded.

"Oh my's much hotter than I expected."

"The evil Shendu is here to contribute."


Looking at it, she suddenly widened her eyes.

The Ice Queen Broni's trip to Holy Terra has also been exposed!

"I'm afraid all the councilors can't sit still now!"


Luo Bing couldn't help smiling.

This situation is really getting bigger and bigger!

So exciting!

She couldn't help feeling excited.

There is a feeling of calling the wind and rain on the Internet and affecting the whole world.

Of course, this is not the illusion of the keyboard man.

Luo Bing is very clear that all of this is true!

She did participate in an extremely huge plan, and played an important role in it as Chen Mo's propaganda trooper.

At this moment, she can swear that there has never been a congressman who has received such a high degree of attention from Chen Mo... 0

This is true, everyone from a 3-year-old child to a thousand-year-old star god is following Chen Mo!

This time, it's really more powerful than a wave!

"But it's all over..."

"Chen Mo hasn't come out yet!"

"Could it be that there are bigger ones behind..."

Thinking of this, Luo Bing couldn't help being stunned.

She couldn't think of it, how could it be bigger?

Holy Terra.

The chat of several people is still going on.

"Don't worry, I believe in His Highness the Holy Emperor, he has made me more and more confident."

The goddess of luck, Femiris, looked at Broni and said.

"In the beginning, I was a firm fugitive."

"But until now, I can tell you with certainty that I already believe in Chen Mo's shape very much.

More, it is difficult for Femilis to disclose.

In short, mixing with Chen Mo is definitely the best choice in this universe!

"At the beginning, the painful experience of our Protoss' failure will never be repeated this time.

Fimilis said firmly.

As she saw hope, the flame of revenge in her heart also blazed.

At the beginning, the entire universe was destroyed, and the war was really extremely tragic.

Everyone she knew died in that war.

Only a very small number of people escaped with the aid of dimensional spaceships.

These people are scattered in different universes.

After fleeing for so long, Fimilis was a little numb.

Even, having lost the shackles of her home planet, some protoss even drew her attention. 4.9

She died last time because of this.

All in all, it's difficult!

Back then, the Protoss was the most powerful race in the entire universe.

It is conceivable what kind of desperate situation they will face once they fail to resist the Dimension Devourer.

"Currently in the entire universe, the most promising place is the Star Soul World. You are the most powerful."

"In the world of Star Soul, the one who has the most hope of unifying resources and making a new one is Chen Mo.

"Only by integrating the resources of the entire universe, quickly adjusting the 'entropy value', and manufacturing anti-commercial weapons, can we hope to fight against the Devourer of Dimensions!"

After listening to Fimilis' words.

Chen Mo asked: "According to the information from you and Broni, I probably know the ability of the Dimension Devourer."

"My biggest concern right now is when they will arrive."

"At this point in time, I should be able to delay, but I want to know, can I control it precisely so that they will come at a specific time?"

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