Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 485 Space Master! Conflict! Have Something To Say!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire parliament hall seemed to freeze.

The seriousness of such an accusation is enough to make every congressman feel terrified.

Not to mention, as the master of the named space.

His face turned completely cold.

He stared at the Ice Queen Broni.

The pupils shrank to the size of a needle point.

It seems that the next moment, there will be a violent murder.

The space master is the most powerful one among the veteran councilors, and his portal knowledge is a must.

As long as he is the master of the planet, he must know the name of the master of space.

It can be said that as long as the Star Soul World exists, he, as the creator of knowledge, can exist for a day.

The entire Star Soul world has already left his mark deeply.

As for the Ice Queen Broni, it's not easy.

She is the most talented and powerful person in the past few hundred years. Although she is only the 99th seat, everyone knows that as long as "327" gives her some more time, she will sooner or later become a bigwig in the council.

Her strength, and the legion under her command, are even more powerful!

If the two really wanted to fight, if they relied solely on their own strength, the Ice Queen wouldn't even be at a disadvantage.

But the space master is not a vegetarian, he can be said to be the oldest group of sun gods.

The two stared at each other, and the terrifying momentum continued to rise.

The Ice Queen's hair, starting from the tip, slowly turned light blue.

Her eyes were like sharp blades, and she was not afraid of the killing intent of the master of space.

Thrust -!

In the sky, thunder suddenly sounded.

Dark clouds even began to gather.

The sky of the main city of Star Soul World suddenly dimmed.

Various projections, lights, and teleportation devices on the square outside flickered.

The world law felt the struggle among the councilors and the exclusion of Tianfen.

So much so that both the space master and the ice queen felt strong pressure.

However, neither of them backed away.

The momentum is still rising.

For a while, many congressmen who were planning to watch the show suddenly panicked.

One of the clever members trembled and hurried up to persuade.

If this happens, the two of them don't even think about becoming councilors, and they have to drag them down. In the end, it's completely cheap Chen Mo!

Many congressmen also reacted and came up to stop it.

So, both of them took advantage of the opportunity to find the steps.

The atmosphere inside the parliament has eased a little.

But outside, the pot exploded.

Because the world of Star Soul, especially near the main city, has not been hit by thunder for a long time, not to mention the dense clouds. This kind of asymptomatic, sudden appearance, it is a barren planet with poor climate regulation, so it will appear of.

Why did it suddenly appear in the Star Soul World now?

"It's the law of the world...someone has touched the will of the planet!"

"I feel it. One of them is very familiar. It should be the master of space. As for the other one, although I am not familiar with it, it is easy to guess. There is a high probability that it is the queen of ice."

"But... they are all our councilors, why are they doing this? Are you openly trying to violate everyone's accepted laws?"

"I'm curious, what are they fighting about?"

Just at this time.

A veteran star god, even a strong man who had been a member of parliament for a while, said:

"It must be something that determines the direction of the entire Star Soul world, and it must have a huge conflict with the interests of both parties.

"I think the Ice Queen must have gained confidence and is ready to challenge the authority of the master of space."

"Over the years, the Space Master has penetrated into every aspect of the Star Soul World. It can be said that a person in the Star Soul World, from birth to death, has to deal with all kinds of knowledge of the Space Master, let alone the consortium under his command. Yes, the economic aggregate accounts for 0.5% of the entire Star Soul world.

"In the face of such a strong person, the Ice Queen dares to provoke, I think she must have a very good reason.

"Of course, this reason is just her own opinion. I personally think that she is in a hurry."

"She wanted so much more."

"Before, the Ice Queen just came back from Chen Mo, it was hard not to make people suspect that this had something to do with the agreement between them. 11

"Does the Ice Queen do this to us? We trust her so much, but she fights back against the Space Master. If it weren't for the Space Master, our Star Soul World would not be so convenient.

It can be said that the Star Soul World is so powerful that the Master of Space has contributed a lot!"

"Hmph! Who is not the same as the credit? The Queen of Ice has opened up the territory of our Star Soul World in the past few years. How many of you have the first planet given by the Queen? Don't be ignorant of your conscience!

"That's right, the space master wants to interfere in everything, I'm disgusted! Credit is not the reason for making mistakes!"

"Hehe...the reform is not changed like this."

"Conservative idiots don't say a few words, no one thinks you are dumb!"


Soon, the nature of the topic began to change... 0

Everyone changed from discussing the reason to starting to argue.

And start pointing hats at each other.

Mainly divided into conservatives and reformers.

Some people think that the veteran star gods like the conservatives have gained too much interest.

The model of the large library has become a means for them to monopolize and obtain profits.

And latecomers, it is more and more difficult to succeed quickly, and even, they can only be forced to continue the big expedition to work hard.

"Okay, no more!"

"Whether it's the newly-rising Chen Mo, the Ice Queen, or the conservative Space Master, they are the pillars of our Star Soul world. The laws of our world are here. In the end, everyone can only sit down and talk."

"What's there to argue about?"

"I think they will finally be able to agree!"

"Makes sense."

"The weather is ready, and the conflict is drunk."

For a while, everyone stopped discussing this matter.

After all, I dare not let the matter of the congressman be said.

They don't think about MPs, but believe in the will of the planet, which no one can ever control.

Members of Congress, let them fight for themselves.

Anyway, I just want to mix it up, and I guess I want to mix it up!

Of course, there should be no violent conflicts, internal friction should be reduced, and everyone can work together, which is of course the most ideal state.

However, no such organization has yet been born in the Star Soul World.

Nobody thinks that such an organization can exist.


Parliament hall.


"One of the most powerful star gods in the Star Soul world."

The master of space relaxed his tense body, leaned back slightly, and sank into the seat, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. He looked at Broni and said lightly:

"Why, do you want to show your fangs to your benefactor?"

Hearing this, the Ice Queen Broni frowned immediately.

I want to go back right away.

But she was speechless.


Although she was very upset that the master of space wanted to say that, she really couldn't refute it.

In fact, many of her resources were indeed obtained under the concession of the space master.

Her certificate of conquest was also issued by the other party.

But it is not a day or two that the two sides have different ideas.

In comparison, she agrees more with Chen Mo's proposition. .

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