Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 495 Looting? There Is A Way To Kill! (1 More)

In the eyes of many strong fourth-level civilizations, although the slave owners are now killing people, they are not much stronger than them.

The opponent can engage in a sneak attack, so naturally they can.

Anyway, it is to increase the degree of confusion. Doing this can be regarded as a little "help" for the slave owners.

Lest they be too tired to kill.

The infiltration team didn't want much.

It is to kill the masters of several planets and surround Chen Mo's secret weapon.

Considering that there are so many ring belt devices, more than a dozen are broken, which is within Chen Mo's budget. According to speculation, even the failure rate should be higher than this.

Just use the spare ring to replace it, and you won't be chasing them.

Totally unnecessary.

If they are not allowed to succeed, the behavior will continue.

With the support of this point of view.

Some fourth-level civilization forces, who were afraid of chaos in the world, also took advantage of the chaos to attack and targeted some planetary masters in the marginal areas. 30 Looting these slaves is much less beneficial than robbing the master of the planet.

At the same time, as the news leaked out, many cosmic beings also began to fish in troubled waters.

They didn't target the Star Soul world that much, but robbed the other fourth-level civilizations together.

What's more, a large number of cosmic beings gathered together because of the suppression and killing of the fourth-level civilization formed an organization called the Exiles, and there were so many strong ones that they suddenly became outside the fourth-level civilization alliance. most powerful organization.

Many gods and giant cosmic beings who were originally alone joined in one after another.

The masters among them have also vaguely realized the crisis that the universe may face. Although the details are not clear, they have some reasonable guesses about the destruction of other civilizations by the fourth-level civilization.

If level 4 civilization wants to do this, they won't let it!

Spread civilization everywhere.

Go against level 4 civilization.

All of a sudden, the entire space battlefield became a mess.

All kinds of forces are fishing in troubled waters.

There are gigantic cosmic beings, and they took the opportunity to rush into Chen Mo's ring, but they don't have much purpose.

Instead, he thought that as long as he grabbed something, the fourth-level civilization would definitely buy it.

At that time, you can make a fortune at any time.

Opportunity to make money is right in front of you!

The current world is in such a mess, such an obvious opportunity to make a fortune, an opportunity to do business with a fourth-level civilization, they will not miss it.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's the life in the universe taking advantage of the fire to loot, or the planned looting of the fourth-level civilization.

This is what makes Chen Mo unhappy.

Although this had little effect on his plans.

As estimated by the fourth-level civilization, such a huge plan has a very high error tolerance rate. Chen Mo even imagined an extreme situation where 50% of the halos cannot be activated.

Less than 0.5% of auras are currently attacked, which is hardly worth mentioning.

But, no matter how little, it was breaking ground on Chen Mo's head.

Can't bear it!

"Hey, cool!"

"Brothers, hurry up, this wave will definitely piss off Chen Mo, and the other party probably won't let it go."

"Speed ​​up! Whoever still has room in his stomach, install this organ weapon, this thing will definitely sell for a lot of money!"

"Haha! So that's what happened! I finally got the knowledge of the energy circuit!"

"I've analyzed this knowledge, and I've earned a fortune!"

"Be careful, Chen Mo has already started to move, but there are only a few god-level masters, so it's not a big problem!"

Many members of the infiltration team communicated quickly.

Among them, there are also some masters, who have obtained a lot of inspiration by analyzing some of Chen Mo's weapons.

At the same time, they are also in contact with the life of the outlaw universe.

Some cosmic beings plundered the aura, and when they saw that there was no support from the Divine Spirit Legion, they immediately sent people over to plunder!

This behavior may seem sloppy.

In fact, there is a command center that coordinates the entire plan.

There are masters in the fourth-level civilization alliance observing the entire Star Soul world, and any actions of Chen Mo will be reported immediately.

Therefore, when they plundered, they became more and more open.

"Chen Mo can block us from sending support, and we can also block each other."

"And we have so many regions, attacking together [what can the other party do to us?"

A member of the infiltration team laughed triumphantly while manipulating the halo to make it accelerate and enter the warp state.

Thinking about it this way, it is true.

After all, no matter how powerful it is, the basic rules still have to be obeyed.

So after understanding this point, many looting teams changed from cutting some important parts of the halo to looting the entire spaceship temporarily.

As for those who attacked the Lord of the planet, they were even more merciless, and went straight to destroy the entire planet.

For a moment, there were stars shining, which were blasted abruptly.

"court death!"

Oran knew about the attack immediately.

In fact, when the fourth-level civilization began to observe, she had roughly guessed the next situation.

It's just that there are too many attack locations.

The universe life and the fourth-level civilization alliance add up to about a hundred places.

"For us, the loss is more than 260, but once they succeed, they will definitely be more unscrupulous."

"We must stop their thinking."

Mermaid Erin said.

"We can apply to use the dimensional spaceship, without any blockade, we can stop this secret weapon."

Sister Ellie also spoke.

The two are now in charge of planetary upgrades and management, so with this attack, the direct sisters are very unhappy.

"It just so happens that the dimension spaceship is also going to be tested. Although these bugs are crushed to death, some are overqualified."

Oran nodded, his expression indifferent.

Anything that harms the interests of Holy Terra is against her.

She vowed to eliminate all threats.

I haven't gone to trouble with these fourth-level civilizations yet, but I didn't expect them to come to the door first!

"Kill all!"

"We still have to give them a piece of advice for the Joint Command!"

"It's not a good thing to gather together!"

The two sisters also agreed.

The next moment, the application came to Chen Mo.

With Chen Mo agreeing.

The dimensional spaceships in the outer space of Star Soul World began to gradually blur.

Like a gradually dimming shadow, it slowly disappears.

But in another space, the bloody light became more and more intense. .

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