Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 503 Prepare To Attack! Leap Forward Again! (2 More)

"Theoretically not."

"But I'm afraid that the cunning slave owners will use the powerful power of their planet."

"And besides the emperor, there are quite a few difficult characters."

There is a representative of the fourth level of civilization ~ said.

The current situation is really difficult for them.

Because apart from Chen Mo, there are many star gods in the Star Soul world.

The powerful individuals among them can even extinguish the sun with one hand.

"Everyone, don't panic."

"We are not fighting alone.

"Although it is said that the void creatures are all rubbish who fear the world will not be chaotic, but this time, it is rare for us to have a common goal, and that is Chen Mo."

"So this time, the pressure is actually not as great as you think."

"As long as the evil gods are dispatched to deal with Chen Mo, our strength is completely sufficient."

"Indeed, as long as a large evil god infection breaks out near the Star Soul World, the whole situation will be reversed, and we will gain the absolute upper hand."

Kill two birds with one stone!

The commander of Luke's civilization talked eloquently.

After some discussion.

Most of the members of the fourth-level civilization alliance became eager to try.

They all believed that this battle would be the key to turning the situation around.

As long as he can succeed, he will definitely be able to get rid of this serious problem.

Even, if you are lucky, you can also severely damage void creatures!

No matter how you think about it, it's a good deal.

As for the Dimension Devourer, under the current circumstances, they can't care about it anymore.

Of course, if they knew that Chen Mo hadn't considered attacking them at all, I don't know how they would feel.

In fact, Chen Mo's plan is to use the halo array first, and then send out all the forces at hand to forcibly clean up the fourth-level civilization directly.

Because at that time, the entire battlefield, except those above the god level, will perish!

Any level 4 civilization will suffer heavy losses.

"Support Chen Mo!"

"Hurry up and start, I can't wait to make money."

On the side of Star Soul World, since the representatives expressed their views, the direction of the wind has become clearer.

All of a sudden, a large number of star gods, even those who have not yet joined the sacred system, all inquired about the plan.

Prepare to follow suit.

See if you can reap any benefits.

"At least hundreds of billions of people participated in this war? If you add their forces..."

"Tsk tsk."

"The charisma of Mr. Chen Mo is too scary."

"Except for this boss, no one has such a powerful influence."

"Shit, the chief must be better than this."

someone countered.

After all, this is the strongest star god in the Star Soul world, and no one knows how powerful he is.

No one has seen him do it himself.

Many basic methods and sources of knowledge in the Star Soul world are marked with his name.

"Wait, have you ever thought about what benefits Mr. Chen Mo will gain if this operation is successful?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone fell into deep thought.

Yes, this is a campaign initiated by Chen Mo.

Or use his chain of command.

"If there is a decisive blow in the follow-up battle, Chen Mo, I guess...forget it, I can't guess, there has never been a similar case in history."

A star god boss said honestly.

This answer shocked many people.

The contribution is too much to count!

"'s probably going to change."

"When I see Boss Chen Mo in the future, I will immediately kneel down and call the Holy Emperor!"

"It's as if there's no such thing, so you don't kneel."

"It's because there are so many bastards like you that the Star Soul world is developing so slowly!"

"I have already complained to the Federation. Chen Mo's influence is too terrifying. Relying on this ability, he is kidnapping the entire Star Soul world for his own benefit!"

"I have already complained, and I tell you very clearly, it is useless."

"I have a hunch that it won't be long before Chen Mo will fight the chief's doctrine, and if it comes to the outside world... it is probably a void creature.

"Isn't it, so arrogant?"

"It's not a matter of arrogance or not. Haven't you noticed that Chen Mo's development and strength are inseparable from expansion. I suspect it has something to do with his exclusive racial characteristics."

"No matter what the reason is, in short, if he wants to become stronger, the fastest way is probably to continue to make troubles and expand the war.

"You really do say that!"

"Good guy, everyone says that void creatures are terrible, and after a long time, our own people are even more vicious.

0 looking for flowers......

"The analysis is very reasonable, but this is also good, we can also become stronger together!"

"That's natural. When the war starts, the Star Soul World will become stronger. As a unit, we will naturally benefit a lot.

"According to what you said, don't you join early and enjoy early."

"Wouldn't that be Chen Mo's dog?"

"Dog? It would be nice to have the treatment."

"A non-staff dog."

Someone made a funny joke.

"It's decided, join the sacred system immediately!"

"No rush, as long as Chen Mo can win this time, I will join immediately!"

Dimensional ship.

At this time, the place is already crowded with people.

A large number of green skin legions are gathering here.


The planet inside the spacecraft has also been replaced by countless Leviathans and a bunch of halos from the original star.

These auras are used to repair damaged areas.

With one missing, Chen Mo's array cannot cover the complete area.

At that time, you have to attack again, which is very troublesome.

So make sure to cover a full quarter of the visible universe.

"It's almost ready, now we're waiting for the star gods to arrive."

Chen Mo looked away, with an expectant smile on his face.

Apart from the occasional mess from void creatures, everything is going very well so far.

Just when he was about to contact Oran to inquire about the construction progress of the Nether Gate.

Suddenly there was a pleasant voice.

[Ding! It is detected that the host's super weapon "Halo Array" has been set up. According to the system deduction, using this array, plus a large number of extinct creatures, can obtain a suitable evolutionary environment, and can strengthen the 'growth' or 'swallow' genes. Both The probability is 90%, please choose the evolution type.]


Leap forward!

There is actually an evolutionary opportunity that can directly affect the core ability of the mushroom race.

Chen Mo couldn't help being ecstatic.

How could it be like this!

Speaking of which, his exclusive race, the core ability has indeed not increased for a long time.

I thought I was going to get evolution opportunities from void creatures.

Unexpectedly, an opportunity appeared inadvertently, in an unprecedented war!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for thousands of subscriptions!.

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