After testing the power of the amulet and the light body amulet, Ronan returned to Triumph City with satisfaction.

It took him most of the day to leave the city, test the amulet, and return to the city.

It was already afternoon, and the afternoon sun was lazily shining on Triumph City.

Ronan returned to the middle city and saw several knights wearing golden armor, white cloaks, and royal emblems on the street, guarding three sedan chairs with colorful patterns and walking on the street.

Only the royal guards would wear such attire.

And in Triumph City, only royal nobles are qualified to ride sedan chairs.

Ronan didn't know which royal noble in the upper city suddenly had the leisure time to go out for fun.

He had heard that there were several arrogant royal children among the royal nobles.

He didn't want to get into trouble for no reason, so he turned his eyes away from the three sedan chairs.

He walked into another street, turned a corner, and returned to his small attic.


After not eating for nearly half a day, Ronan returned to the attic and used wine to buy a baguette to satisfy his hunger.

Then, he began to perform the growth spell on the natal immortal tree.

The growth spell was immediately activated by activating the witchcraft model.

The magic power full of vitality grew in the potted plant and wrapped the roots of the natal immortal tree.

The soil of the potted plant began to bloom with emerald green light.

Ronan gave Hongmeng an order to analyze the natal immortal tree.

Spiritual plant: natal immortal tree

Year: 13↑

‘The natal immortal tree has grown, and my pharmacy has reached [proficient], so I can try to refine the magic plant growth agent. ’

Ronan thought while performing the growth spell.

‘With the growth spell and the growth agent working together, the natal immortal tree will grow faster. ’

Ronan continued to perform the growth spell until his magic power was about to run out.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced the ancient wood immortality skill.

After planning to restore his mana to full, he went to the Wild Deer Bar, found Paul, and asked him to find the formula of the "growth accelerator" for him.


Wild Deer Bar.

The aroma of wine was everywhere, and the voices were noisy.

Except for a bearded bard who was playing his harp with a poor tone that sounded like an old woman's wail.

The noisiest place was the big table on the left, where a group of six mercenaries gathered. Everyone was holding a big wooden wine glass, and a woman with very little clothes was sitting on their laps, laughing and talking together.

Ronan saw Paul in the corner again.

The young wizard apprentice was drinking by himself again, and his eyes drifted to the table of mercenaries from time to time.

"Paul." Ronan sat down next to Paul.

At this time, Paul came back to his senses and greeted Ronan.

After ordering the food and drinks, Ronan said to Paul, "Can you get me the formula for the growth-promoting agent?"

"Are you going to start cultivating magic plants yourself?"

Paul's blue eyes showed a little surprise:

"I didn't expect your magic plant science to progress so fast."

"The growth-promoting agent is just a first-level magic potion, easy to make, no problem."

Ronan nodded, and saw the bartender bring his pineapple beef pie.

He scooped a piece with a spoon, put it in his mouth, and said while chewing:

"Also, have you found a potion with a low success rate?"

Now, Ronan's amulet and light body amulet are already quite powerful.

He has already planned to explore the place where monks gather.

Carrying a large number of amulets and light body amulets in a bag is inconvenient and easy to attract attention.

So, he thought about it and decided to save money and buy a storage magic device.

Selling potions with low success rates is his hope to make money quickly.

"I did find a formula." Paul said:

"However, the success rate of this formula is extremely low, and the use of this potion is relatively limited."

"What is the potion formula?" Ronan asked.

"First-level potion, anti-aging agent." Paul replied:

"This potion does not require casting, and the materials used are not expensive."

"It's just that the steps of refining are cumbersome and complicated, and the time, temperature, etc. must be controlled very accurately."

"Not to mention a third-level wizard apprentice, even a formal wizard may only succeed five times out of a hundred times."

"This potion is used to slow down skin aging. It is only effective if used before the age of thirty."

"If you use it after the age of thirty, it will have almost no effect."

"After a wizard has learned to become a formal wizard, he can use Energy particles temper the body. "

"When you reach the stage of a formal wizard, you can practice a third-level wizardry, anti-aging magic."

"You can use energy particles to help people of any age group slow down the aging of their skin."

"So, if a formal wizard wants to make money, it is better to practice anti-aging magic."

After listening, Ronan just said lightly: "Do you have a recipe?"

"You want to try it?" Paul frowned, then let go: "Okay, I'll get the recipe tomorrow, and give you 20 sets of materials, and send them to your attic."


The next afternoon, the attic.

Paul brought the recipe and materials, chatted with Ronan for a few words, and then left.

Ronan glanced at the recipe and threw it aside.

Then, take out the materials and lay out the tools for refining medicine.

'Start refining!'

Ronan set up a crucible and lit a charcoal fire.

Pour the materials into the grinding mortar one by one and grind them with a stone pestle.

Anti-aging potion requires eleven kinds of potion materials. Although they are both first-level potions, the types of materials required are much more than those of primary meditation potions.

Ronan summoned the AI ​​"Hongmeng" and asked Hongmeng to measure the temperature and analyze the potion status while refining.

After working for almost an hour, the refining was coming to an end.

Ronan was concentrating on stirring the milky white liquid in the crucible with a copper long-handled spoon.

As he stirred, the milky white gradually faded.

The whole pot of liquid became clearer and clearer.

Until the liquid was clear to the bottom, Ronan took out the copper long-handled spoon and put it aside.

'It's done! '

Ronan took an empty bottle and opened the cork.

After inserting the funnel, he poured the anti-aging agent in the crucible into the bottle.

'It's worthy of me! Even if the success rate of a formal wizard to refine a potion is only 5%, I can almost refine it 100%! '

Ronan thought to himself while filling the potion.

‘However, a success rate of almost 100% is too eye-catching. ’

‘Paul sent me 20 portions of materials... Then I will refine 4 portions. ’

‘As for the other 16 portions of materials, I will find another channel to sell them. ’

After packing the medicine, Ronan continued to refine the anti-aging agent.

Two days later, he used another wooden box to pack four bottles of anti-aging agent and went to the Wild Deer Bar to find Paul.

“I have refined the anti-aging agent. It took a lot of effort. I only succeeded in 4 out of 20 portions of materials.” Ronan whispered in Paul’s ear.

At this time, Paul was holding the sauce bread and was about to bite it happily.

After hearing Ronan’s words, his pupils suddenly shook, and he slowly turned around and looked at Ronan.

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