At three o'clock on Monday afternoon, Ronan stepped into the Robin family garden.

He drank the mid-level transformation potion and changed his appearance.

Now he is a wizard with long curly brown hair, a curly beard on his cheeks, wearing a dark brown wizard robe, and holding a cane in his hand.

When he entered the garden, he revealed the energy fluctuations belonging to a first-level official wizard, and the knight guarding the entrance of the garden let him in.

The garden is an apple forest. Apple trees are distributed in the garden, with brightly colored apples on them.

Ronan could feel that every apple tree was absorbing energy particles. It was obvious that these apple trees were extraordinary.

It is estimated that the apples produced will also be beneficial after eating.

The floor of the garden is paved with off-white stone slabs, with a huge fountain in the middle.

In the center of the fountain is a statue of a woman.

This statue has no clothes on its upper body, but its lower body is wrapped in cloth. Its hands are raised, holding a conch-like water bottle, and water spurts out of the bottle.

In the garden, there were about a dozen wizards talking among them.

These wizards are all first-level wizards, some are male and some are female, some are old and some are young.

One by one, the maids shuttled through the garden like butterflies.

Either holding a wine tray, serving the wizards, or delivering messages to the wizards.

These maids were only wearing an off-white robe, exposing their smooth and white backs.

The person who presided over this exchange was the most qualified wizard of the younger generation of the Robin family, John Robin.

He is about thirty years old and is a first-level official wizard.

The Robin family occupies a large area, and this garden is just a small garden in their family.

The family gave it to him specifically to make friends with other wizards.

John Robin is a handsome-looking man with long curly blond hair, a high nose, thin lips, and blue eyes. His face is very contoured, and his eyes seem to be able to speak.

After he saw many wizards coming to the garden, he coughed lightly and said loudly:

"Welcome to this party. I hope you have a good time!"

Other wizards raised their glasses in response.

Ronan also raised his glass symbolically and drank it down in one gulp.

He saw a maid holding several plates of small cream pies.

He immediately walked over, picked up a plate, and started eating.

While eating, he walked towards the other wizards.

Other wizards, each in twos and threes, formed small groups, exchanging what resources they had in exchange.

Ronan listened. The wizards were exchanging witchcraft tools, witchcraft and some witchcraft materials, but there was nothing that interested him.

After walking for a while, his ears twitched slightly, but he heard two wizards holding wine glasses whispering.

"I recently obtained the coordinates of the Earth Elemental Plane."

A wizard whispered:

"This plane is not big, but the earth element giants in it are very powerful. They have something that I really want to get."

"If I were the only one who entered, I would be no match for the earth elemental giant guarding the magic stone."

"Friend, I need your help. If I get the earth element magic stone, I will give you something else as a reward."

Another wizard pondered for a moment, "Is it enough if you add me?"

After hearing this, the wizard who suggested it was silent for a while and then said: "How about we find another first-level official wizard."

Just as he was thinking about it, he looked at the entire garden.

Most of the wizards in the garden were chatting in small groups, while Ronan was holding a small pot of pie and wandering around while eating.

The wizard immediately set his sights on Ronan.

"This gentleman." The wizard immediately approached Ronan:

"I'm Jim James and this is Russo Breen."

"We have something to do. I don't know if you are interested in it, sir."

After briefly introducing himself, Jim told Ronan about going to the earth elemental plane and asked Ronan if he would help.

Although Ronan didn't know if there were any wonders of heaven and earth he wanted in this plane, he had never traveled to other planes except the world of cultivating immortals, so he wanted to go and have a look, and immediately agreed.

"When?" Ronan asked.

"Otherwise, tomorrow, in my mansion." Jim said.

Next, in order to better cooperate when exploring the plane tomorrow, the three of them introduced the witchcraft they are good at.

What Jim is good at is earth element witchcraft, especially good at confinement and defense.

But because the plane he is exploring is the earth elemental plane, the earth elemental giants in the plane also know some earth magic, so he will not be able to please him.

The witchcraft that Lu Suo is proficient in is wood witchcraft.

Wood witchcraft has always restrained earth witchcraft, which is why Jim asked Luso for help.

When asked about the witchcraft that Ronan is good at, Ronan said that he is good at telekinetic witchcraft, which is to use telekinesis to control weapons to fight.

In fact, he used sword control to control the Qingling Sword to fight.

He didn't say that he was also good at wood witchcraft, because when he was Ronan, he was a wood elemental affinity wizard.

Now he drank the transformation potion and attended the party.

In order not to let others associate it, he did not tell the matter.

After the three people discussed it for a while, the party ended.

Jim was the host, and after giving Ronan and Russo a drink, they went back.

The next day, the three gathered in Jim's mansion.

Jim was originally a wandering wizard, but later joined the Wizard Council and did some work for the Wizard Council. He had some money and was able to buy a small mansion in the upper city.

Jim and Luso were both in their forties and fifties. Seeing Ronan, who was also a first-level formal wizard, but looked to be in his twenties, they couldn't help but feel a little envious.

After the three arrived at Jim's living room, Jim took out the materials for teleportation one by one.

Essential oils, candles, monster blood... and other things were arranged in a circle by Jim in a certain order.

Ronan secretly recorded this formation with Hongmeng.

He recorded this formation not for Jim's plane coordinates, but because this formation was related to space witchcraft. He recorded this formation and went back to study it slowly, which was conducive to the expansion of space witchcraft knowledge.

And the plane coordinates can be recorded not only by recording the teleportation array.

He saw the record of the wizard's process of traveling through different planes in the first-level formal wizard library of the Kingdom Wizard Academy.

In addition to setting up the teleportation array, the wizard must use his spirit and magic power to guide the energy fluctuations and open the channel to the other plane.

At this time, the wizard on the side can only barely calculate the plane coordinates by capturing the mental fluctuations.

And capturing mental fluctuations requires a very high level of mental power from the wizard.

Unless the mental power of the wizard who detects the plane coordinates is much greater than the mental power of the wizard who opens the plane channel.

Otherwise, it is difficult to capture the mental fluctuations.

In addition to being able to capture mental fluctuations, it is also necessary to record the trajectory of the mental flow in order to accurately grasp the plane coordinates.

Coincidentally, Ronan, who has cultivated the Yanshen Jue to perfection, has a much stronger mental power than Jim.

What's more, he also has Hongmeng, which can easily record the trajectory of the mental flow.

Jim chanted the spell to drive the power of the teleportation array, while using his spirit to drive the power to open the channel.

At this time, Ronan used his spirit and Hongmeng to remember silently.

As Jim chanted the spell, the candle flame on the ground became more and more vigorous.

A gust of wind poured in from the gap between the windows and swirled around the teleportation array under the feet of Ronan and the other two.

Gradually, Ronan felt that the energy particles around him lifted up his feet.

Jim's chanting became louder and louder.

As the last syllable of Jim's chant burst out of his mouth.

Suddenly, the energy particles swarming from all around collided with the feet of Ronan and the other two.

With a bang.

A big hole immediately appeared under the feet of Ronan and the other two.

Ronan immediately saw that the big hole under his feet was a large wasteland.

The next moment, Ronan and the other two fell into this big hole.

After falling completely into the big hole, Ronan saw this different plane.

This plane was completely an endless wasteland. There was no sun in the sky, but there was a faint light shining from the sky.


"The devil is coming!"

At this time, there was a group of earth element giants under the feet of Ronan and the other two.

These giants were not as huge as Ronan imagined.

Most of them were about two meters tall, and the tallest was no more than three meters.

When these earth element giants saw a big hole suddenly appear in the sky and saw Ronan and the other two falling from the sky, they immediately screamed and ran away.

However, Ronan and the other two only heard a low rumbling sound with some tones coming from the mouths of these giants.

Although they could guess that this might be the language of this plane, they didn't know the meaning of the language.

"These are all low-level earth element giants, wait for me to deal with them."

After Jim said this, he took out a magic wand.

The magic wand was made of brown stone, and a yellowish-brown crystal was inlaid on the top of the magic wand.

Jim pointed the magic wand downward, and the yellowish-brown crystal immediately burst into light.

Suddenly, a large piece of the ground under the feet of the group of earth element giants collapsed.

The originally hard land suddenly turned into a sand swamp.

Those earth element giants wailed and fell into it.

Soon, the yellow sand ground all the earth element giants, and the wailing of the earth element giants disappeared.

Jim raised the wand in his hand, and suddenly, a bunch of yellow-brown stones like pebbles floated up from the yellow sand.

"This is the magic core of these earth element giants. Its function is similar to the earth element magic stone in our wizard world."

"Come on, everyone who sees it will have a share."

Jim waved his hand and summoned all the magic cores.

Then, he distributed them to Ronan and Luso.

Ronan and Luso were not polite and took them first, as the down payment for this time.

Ronan thought to himself, I wonder how much it would help to integrate the magic core of the earth element giant into his spiritual realm to form soil in the spiritual realm.

As he thought, he followed Jim and Luso and flew in one direction.

As Jim flew, he said: "What I want is the magic core of the strongest giant in this plane. With that core, I can transform my magic wand, and my earth element witchcraft will be much more powerful."


At this time, on the other side of the plane.

About a hundred earth giants were kneeling down to worship a statue.

The shortest of the hundred or so earth giants was six meters tall.

The tallest was about twenty meters tall, very tall, kneeling in front of the hundred or so giants.

These giants seem to be composed of pieces of yellow-brown stone.

Compared with the giant Ronan had just seen, he was slimmer and did not look bloated.

The stones that make them up are all mottled with moss.

Their eyes, without eyeballs, glowed with green light.

The statue in front of them was a larger rock giant, about sixty meters tall, overlooking them.

The earth giant kneeling at the front is the leader of this plane.

It has extremely strong power, and can even mobilize the power of the plane to cast some earth spells with just a thought.

According to the legend of this plane, there is a god in this plane.

The statue in front of you is the place where the miracle appeared.

He heard from the old rock giant that when a miracle appears, this statue will come alive.

"Great God!"

The leader of the rock giant shouted:

"Our plane is under attack from external demons!"

"They are powerful and their abilities are weird!"

"God, please show your spirit and give us the strength to deal with them!"

"A few days ago, we sacrificed many rock warriors and killed several external demons."

"We found that those external demons have items that can enhance our strength."

"God, if you want your followers to continue and have greater power, give us the power to defeat those external demons."

The leader of the rock giant knelt on the ground, looking up at the statue in front of him, his hands dancing, and a rumbling sound came from his mouth.

Just as he finished speaking, suddenly, a gust of wind blew towards their group of giants.

Suddenly, they discovered that their core magic power had suddenly increased a lot.

The green light in their eyes became much brighter.

"God has appeared, God has appeared!"

Rumbling sounds came from the mouths of these rock giants.

There were no tears on their faces and no expression on their hard faces.

But if there are humans around, you can still judge the joy in their hearts from their actions.

Just as their strength increased, the wind that was blowing towards them suddenly blew up a cloud of mud and dust on the ground.

Then, this piece of mud and dust, like a ribbon, went away with the wind.

These rock giants looked at where the mud was going, with green light flashing in their eyes.

“What did God want to say?”

All the giants asked questions.

"It is God who guides us!"

Among the giants, an old rock giant made a sound.

Because of his old age, the magic power in his core has weakened, and the green light emitted by his eyes has dimmed.

Then, these giants started running and followed the dust everywhere.

The earth trembled, and the rumbling sound, like thunder, resounded throughout this plane.

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