Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 212 Yimu Divine Light, Human Mountain, Nightmare Stone!

The seawater was churning violently, and the ship where Ronan and other wizards were located was shaking.

Suddenly, there were several splashes, and more than a dozen huge tentacles emerged from the sea.

Some of them hit the protective shields around the ship.

The protective shields produced waves of ripples.


"Attack these monsters!"

Including Ronan, all the legendary wizards gave orders to the wizards they brought.

The wizards raised their staffs and released witchcraft emitting various colors of light towards the tentacles that almost covered the sky and the sun.

Bang bang bang...!

The witchcraft hit the tentacles, and the tentacles exploded, and the dark green blood flew everywhere like juice.

Soon, the sea area where they were was dyed a filthy dark green.

After repelling the tentacles that attacked the ship, wizards from various countries began to attack those giants with bald heads.

On the ship, the wizards tapped their staffs.

Fire, frost, lightning and other witchcraft mixed into a torrent of various colors and blasted towards the monsters.

Boom boom boom!

The witchcraft hit the monsters' heads and exploded one after another!

The monsters shook their huge heads and were about to fall.

Ronan did not use his staff, but just flicked his fingers.

One after another, Yimu divine thunder was released.

After a divine thunder passed, a huge monster fell down.

Not long after, the sea in front of the ship was covered with monster corpses.

The huge and broken head, with ten-meter-long tentacles, floated on the sea, which looked very shocking.

After killing all the monsters guarding the continent, the ship finally sailed into the thick fog.

The true wizard on the ship cast wind-based witchcraft, released a hurricane, and blew away all the thick fog.

As the ship continued to sail, suddenly, the people on the ship heard a series of extremely irritating, almost maddening sounds, like thousands of mice gnawing on the wall, coming from the bottom of the sea.

Ronan had a strong mental power and immediately felt that these sounds were affecting people's spirits and then their flesh and blood.

"Hold on to your spirit!"

Ronan whispered.

Although the voice was low, it reached the ears of all wizards.

In order to deal with this sound, some wizards released "sound magic".

They took out enchanted instruments and played them.

Suddenly, the sounds played by these wizards covered up a lot of the whispers on the seabed.

Some wizards of a lower level who had been resisting the whispers were able to catch their breath.

As the ship continued to sail, suddenly, the people on the deck saw.

A glow lit up from the seabed around them.

Gradually, it became brighter and brighter.

Then, in the glow, eyeballs appeared.

Soon, the sea around the ship was crowded with eyeballs, staring at the wizard on the ship with a blank look.


With a shout, the lowest-ranking wizard on the ship had a tiny tentacle curled out from the corner of his eye.

And the legendary wizard of the kingdom to which this wizard belongs is even contagious to the creatures of the chaotic plane.

He saw the wizard of his kingdom like this, and he was not soft-hearted at all.

With a wave of his hand, the wizard who was about to fall flew off the deck.

Then, the legendary wizard flicked his staff and emitted a flame, which immediately burned the wizard who was about to fall into ashes.

When some wizards were shocked by this scene, the glow on the sea surface became more and more dazzling, and it had a strange holiness.

The eyeballs in the glow also looked more and more evil.

The power released from it also made it increasingly difficult for some lower-ranking wizards to resist.

Ronan on the deck pinched a spell and pointed his hand upwards.

Suddenly, a large green light descended from the deck at a height of ten meters.

This is Yimu Divine Light.

Yimu Divine Light immediately confronted the glow from the sea.

Not long after, the glow from the sea was suppressed by Yimu Divine Light.

After suppressing the glow, Yimu Divine Light shone on the eyeballs in the sea.

Suddenly, those eyeballs melted one by one under the divine light.

Other legendary wizards on the deck were surprised to see Ronan had such a "magic".

If Ronan's level was lower than theirs, they would definitely snatch this magic.

But Ronan's level was similar to theirs, and they were all legendary wizards, so they had no information about snatching.

Instead, they were secretly afraid of Ronan's disguise as "Dolifa".

At the same time, these legendary wizards had contact with Youlan, the legendary wizard of the now fallen Kingdom of Loden, and they all agreed to form a continental alliance to deal with the absorption of new blood by the wizard organization of the Wizard Islands.

If "Dollyfa" is also in the alliance, it would make them feel relieved.

After a while, under the full release of Yimu Divine Light, all the eyeballs turned into blood.

Seeing this, Ronan put away the Yimu Divine Light.

The full release of Yimu Divine Light consumed a lot of his mana.

However, he had his life tree to restore his mana.

Moreover, his Yimu Dharma body also helped him to restore his mana.


Soon, the boat reached the shore.

The wizards cast flying magic and got off the boat.

"Wait a minute, no matter what creatures you see, kill them all, leaving no one alive. No biological materials can be collected!"

shouted a legendary wizard.

The "Plane of Chaos" can be said to be the most notorious plane.

Other planes, such as the nightmare world, the plane of the undead, etc., although the existence in them is weird and fierce.

But wizards can use the materials to enhance themselves.

But for existences in the "chaotic plane", although their materials can also be made into magic potions or witchcraft.

After taking magic potions or using witchcraft, side effects will occur.

This side effect may corrupt the wizard and affect others.

Therefore, various kingdoms prohibit wizards from exploring the "chaotic plane" or using materials from the "chaotic plane".

Most of the wizards on the ship, after seeing the horrific scene just now, were wary of the existence of the "chaotic plane", and naturally they would not use materials from creatures from this plane.

However, there are some wizards who are perverted and radical in their hearts, but they are not visible on the outside, but they secretly want to collect materials.

There is such a wizard in the Wizards Council of the Kingdom of Valant.

Just now, during the battle, a small piece of flesh and blood from a creature from the "Chaos Plane" fell in front of him. When no one was paying attention, he took the container and went to collect it.

Ronan released his spirit and sensed everything around him.

He discovered this scene, and after the wizard put the piece of flesh and blood into the container while no one was paying attention.

Ronan immediately used his energy.

The wizard immediately flew up and everyone could see it.

I also saw the container the wizard was holding, as well as the flesh and blood in the container.

Ronan pointed his finger at the wizard in the air.

A ray of Yimu divine light shot out of the air and hit the wizard.

Immediately, the wizard was refined into blood.

Seeing this, the wizard who was thinking about collecting biological materials was suddenly shocked and put his thoughts away.

Several wizards who deliberately fell to the throne and wanted to collect flesh and blood hurriedly followed the team.

Just as Ronan and other wizards continued to penetrate deeper into the mainland, various strange creatures attacked in groups.

Deep divers with fish heads and human bodies, humanoid creatures with multiple heads, humanoid creatures with eyes all over their bodies, and humanoid creatures with black hair all over their bodies attacked them.

They naturally sent out witchcraft one after another.

With so many high-level wizards from many kingdoms gathered together, the fighting power is extraordinary.

They moved and attacked at the same time, attacking one after another. The corpses of those strange creatures exploded and dark green blood spattered.

This continent has not become deserted.

However, as they went deeper, there was no one on the mainland.

And everywhere we go, we are covered by thick fog.

After the thick fog was blown away, the fog was still thick as far as you could see.

The entire field of vision was filled with a kind of gray.

They couldn't see a single person. However, Ronan's Hongmeng analyzed that the monsters just now had human characteristics.

Perhaps those monsters are descended from human beings.

In the endless fog, they continued to go deeper.

When they see strange creatures, they kill them all.

In order to prevent wizards from collecting materials, some wizards have a tacit agreement to set fire to everything after the creature dies.

Not long after, as they continued to go deeper, they heard voices coming from the front.

The sound was equally noisy and disturbing.

This human voice seemed to have many mouths moaning.

Ronan felt a powerful and mixed energy wave coming from the front.

Soon, in the thick fog ahead, they saw a huge black shadow, like a mountain.

After the thick fog blew away, this mountain-like thing appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This is a mountain of people.

I don't know how many people, a thousand or ten thousand people, were piled together by some strange power.

Some of the expressions on these people were in pain, some were smiling strangely, and some were dull.

Everyone's face was pale and distorted, looking very strange.

The bodies of these people are not simply piled up, but are fused like conjoined twins.

Their hands melted together, their feet melted together...

Some people's necks were fused together, several heads were crowded with each other, their eyes were looking at each other, their mouths were wide open, showing each other weird smiles.

Some people's internal organs turned out and merged with other people's bodies.

All in all, this mountain of meat seemed to have messed up various human organs and piled them together.

Moreover, the people on it seemed to have fallen into a strange mental state.

These made a groaning sound, which reached the ears of Ronan and others.

The sound matches the image of the mountain of people.

Some lower-level wizards immediately became mentally confused.

Eyes and flesh sprouts popped out from the faces of these wizards.

There are great wizards, but there are also signs of degeneration.

Moreover, there is not only one such mountain of people, but also several mountains of people, gathering here from all directions.

The impact brought by the pictures and sounds, there are more and more wizards showing signs of corruption.

Seeing this scene, Ronan wanted to stop it.

Suddenly, an idea came into his mind.

He retracted his hand into the wizard's robe and took out the Nightmare Stone in his hand.

He poured mana into the nightmare stone and cast illusions.

An illusion for all wizards.

The spiritual pollution of this "chaotic plane" is so strong that even the spirit of a legendary wizard is hard to resist.

The fall of the Kingdom of Loden is the best proof of this.

Suddenly, under the cover of the illusion, the scenes in front of all wizards and the sounds in their ears were changed.

In front of them, it was not the weird flesh, but a huge but not annoying monster.

Under the influence of Ronan's illusion, those wizards cast their own witchcraft and attacked the flesh.

Ronan cast illusions while casting Yimu Divine Thunder.

Yimu Divine Thunder, as thick as tree trunks, shot out in the air and hit the meat mountain.

The meat mountain was so huge that it took three divine thunders to completely disperse it.

However, with the help of other wizards, the meat mountains were also destroyed very quickly.

Using the nightmare stone, he cast an illusion that worked on so many high-level wizards.

Ronan felt that the passage to the nightmare world was opened, generating a suction force that sucked his spirit.

However, his body was strong, and with his strong spirit, he also had a defensive force.

His spirit was firmly in his body.

No matter how strong the suction force of the nightmare world passage was, it could not do anything to him.

When the human mountain was almost destroyed, Ronan's spirit detected the spirit connected to the meat mountain.

He felt that these meat mountains were not completely free to move, and perhaps someone was controlling them.

Soon, his spirit detected a source of spirit.

Immediately, he performed Yi Mu Xian Dun and went towards the source of spirit.

Not long after, he saw a woman.

It was the woman who was injured by his spirit that day, the great-granddaughter of You Lan, the legendary wizard of the Loden Kingdom.

He could sense strong mental fluctuations in this woman.

It was as if this woman was possessed by some kind of existence.

His Hongmeng also analyzed that there was some strange confusion in the body structure of this woman.

Just when the woman saw Ronan, suddenly, the flesh and blood on her body exploded.

Her hands and feet turned into flesh-colored tentacles, and the internal organs and ribs in her body also turned into tentacles.

The flesh and blood on the tentacles had no epidermis, and the flesh lines rolled up, forming circles, like a whirlpool, and like eyes.

This existence that occupied the woman's body wanted to repeat the same trick, just like it had degenerated Yulan, and degenerated Ronan.

Although Ronan felt that the scene was disgusting, his spirit was not affected at all.

He integrated his spirit and stretched out his finger.

Suddenly, a ray of Samadhi True Fire with a bright glow sprayed out in the air.

It covered this strange thing and submerged it in an instant.

When the Samadhi True Fire was put away, there was not even ash left.

Then, the fog on this continent dissipated, and the sun shone on the earth again.

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