Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 50 Beheaded! The Necromancer's Collection!

"Go to the Wizards' Council quickly!"

Ronan pushed Paul, who was slightly stunned.

Paul came to his senses immediately and ran out of the bar.

While running, he took out a bottle of potion and drank it.

His running speed increased visibly to the naked eye.

As soon as Paul left, Ronan also left the tavern.

He walked quickly to the side, specifically towards a place with few people.

After turning into an uninhabited alley, he immediately took out the cloak and mask from inside, condensed the wizard's hands, and quickly put them on.

Since practicing the "Yan Shen Jue", his mental power has greatly increased, and his coverage range has reached 120 meters. Moreover, his spiritual consciousness is more acute and he can perceive many subtle things.

When Ma An used the spar to leave, he released his spiritual consciousness and vaguely captured the direction of Ma An's teleportation.

So, after putting on his cloak and mask, he opened his consciousness and searched for that place.

"Beware of the revenge of the Necronomicon."

This sentence popped up in Ronan's mind again.

Ronan felt unhappy when he thought that someone held a grudge against him.

‘This man cannot live. ’

In fact, even if Ma An didn't say this, he didn't want Ma An to live.

After all, this was a Necromancer who remembered his face.

A deserted alley.

Suddenly, a white light swirled and flashed.

Immediately afterwards, a figure spun and enlarged from the white light.

In just a moment, Ma An's figure appeared.


After Ma An appeared, he immediately vomited against a big tree.

The crystal he used to escape is called the "Shadow Gem".

This is only used by wizards above the formal wizard level.

Because a formal wizard's body has undergone benign radiation of energy particles, he can fully withstand the distortion of the physical body caused by the movement of the Shadow Gem in space.

As a second-level wizard apprentice, he reluctantly used the Shadow Shifting Gem, and suddenly felt his body turning upside down.

After vomiting for a while and vomiting all the drinks and food in the bar, I felt much better.

He took out a handkerchief from the storage ring and wiped the vomit residue from his mouth.

A pair of eyes that were originally haggard due to vomiting turned cold.

‘Paul Wilson, and who the other one is... I don’t know, he’s probably a minor figure, both of them have to become my skeleton soldiers! ’

He expected to see the two men's frightened expressions before undergoing the transformation ceremony.

After putting the handkerchief back into the storage ring, Ma An was about to run away in one direction.

Suddenly, a ray of silver light appeared from the corner of the alley in front of him!

Ma An's pupils dilated, and he did not identify what the silver light was. He directly used his magic power, injected it into the "Bone Shield" witchcraft model, and then released it through the witchcraft amplification ring on his right hand!

The shield that blocked the first-level medium witchcraft "Flame Flow" flashed in front of him again.

The next moment, silver light flashed at Ma An.

Suddenly, Ma An's movements and expressions froze.

Immediately afterwards, the shield split into two halves and fell to the ground, and Ma An's head fell off from his neck.

The entire headless corpse fell down like a mountain.

At the corner of the alley, Ronan made a gesture, and the silver light that killed Ma An immediately turned into a line of smoke and dissipated.

After leaving the tavern, he kept releasing his consciousness and searching for Ma An.

Finally, just now, I found Ma An who had finished vomiting, and immediately used a flying sword talisman.

Ronan possesses the power of the first-level high-grade talisman "Wind Chasing Talisman". With a slight exertion of his feet, an afterimage appeared from his body, and he ran to Ma An's body at an extremely fast speed.

He condensed a wizard's hand and put away the storage ring on Ma An's hand.

The spirit probed into this storage ring and sensed that there was about one cubic meter of space.

He immediately put Ma An's head, body, and dissipating bone shield into this storage ring.

Then, five wizard hands were condensed.

In each wizard's hand, there is a stack of cleansing charms.

He used the cleaning talisman to hit Maan's vomit, blood, and other areas.

After all these traces were removed, he moved, pulled out an afterimage again, and left this place.

While running, he used the cleaning charm to remove all traces he might have left on the road.

Moreover, his consciousness is fully open and he is always aware of the people near him.

After running to an uninhabited alley far away, he immediately changed his clothes and returned to the attire of an aristocratic young master.

Then, he walked back to the small attic leisurely.

After returning to the small attic, Ronan immediately changed his clothes and traveled to the secular world of the world of immortality.

Go to an uninhabited forest and take out Ma An's body and head from the storage ring.

Ma An's head and body fell on the forest floor.

His head still rolled twice, his eyes widened, and his face still had the same frightened expression he had before his death.

Ronan took out a flame talisman and threw it at Ma An's face!


Ma An's head was hit by the flames and immediately turned into a ball of fire.

Later, Ronan searched Ma An's body again, and after making sure that there was nothing else on him, he threw the flame talisman on the body one after another.

Soon, the entire corpse also burst into flames.

Ronan left Ma An's body burning and took out all the belongings in Ma An's storage ring.

These things were stained with Ma An's blood and were sticky.

After piling all these things on the ground, Ronan threw the cleaning charms on them.

Every time a cleansing talisman was thrown up, the blood stains on it dissipated.

After throwing out the five cleaning talismans, all those objects will be as clean as ever.

However, some paper objects have been soaked in blood for a long time, and even the cleaning charm cannot remove the blood stains on them.

Ronan knelt down and picked up the items one by one to look at them.

The first thing he picked up was a witchcraft book, which contained the [White Bone Meditation Method].

And three matching witchcrafts:

First-level medium witchcraft: Bone Shield.

First level of advanced witchcraft: Spear of Bones.

Second level medium witchcraft: bone substitute.

‘This Ma An is just a second-level wizard apprentice. He probably only learned the Bone Shield. So he was killed by my sword. ’

Ronan thought, then picked up another book and started reading it.

This book is "Notes on Creatures from the Necronomical Plane", which explains and draws several creatures from the Necronomical Plane.

——Skeletons, rotten corpses, black corpses, undead...

But it only records the witchcraft formations for summoning skeletons and corpses.

Although Ronan memorized the witchcraft formula, he would not try to summon it.

The essence of this witchcraft formation is to establish a transmission channel in two planes.

At that time, I am afraid that those who come here may not be skeletons and corpses from the plane of death, but may be more powerful and uncontrollable existences.

Ronan closed the "Notes of Creatures from the Undead Plane" and looked at a blood-stained parchment.

This parchment is a sea map.

On the left side of the picture, looking at the outline, it should be the Dawn Continent.

And far to the right of Chenxi Continent is an archipelago.

‘Is this a chart to the Wizard Islands? ’

Ronan guessed in his mind.

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