As soon as you walk into Fangshi, a shanty town, you will be greeted by the breath of life.

The roads in Fangshi are not paved with stone slabs, they are all dirt.

Stalls are lined up on both sides of the road.

They sell everything.

There are not only talismans, elixirs, and magical instruments for cultivation, but also pots, pans, firewood, rice, oil, and salt needed for daily life.

The stall owners shouted, the buyers bargained for prices, and all the voices merged into one.

On one side, there are food stalls and food stalls.

The smoke from cooking fireworks rises high, and the smell is mouth-watering.

"Boss, have a bowl of beef noodles and add more green onions!"

Ronan shouted as he sat down at a food stall.

He didn't come back after lunch in Triumph City, just to have a taste of the craftsmanship here.

Soon, a bowl of fragrant beef noodles was served by the boss.

Ronan was not satisfied with one bowl, so he asked for two more bowls.

After eating, I paid the bill, loosened my belt slightly, and walked towards Fangshi.

This is B-shaped square city.

This time he entered the Huanzhen Sect's Immortal Domain, which was closest to Yizhaofang City.

So I came here first.

Ronan looked at the stalls in Fang City and saw that the prices of talismans and other items were back to normal.

From this point of view, the world of cultivation during this period was quite peaceful.

Ronan walked around the stalls for a while with his hands behind his back, then suddenly stopped.

He saw a thin book with the four words "Aoki Sword Technique" written on the cover.

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that it is suitable for cultivation by Mu Linggen cultivators.

"Can I read this book?" Ronan asked.

"Please." The stall owner responded.

Ronan immediately picked up "Aoki Sword Technique" and opened it.

After reading the first few pages, I knew that this sword art was indeed the sword art of Mu Linggen.

His sword moves are all executed with the power of wood.

The general outline of the sword art states that there are twelve levels in this sword art.

As long as you practice this "Green Wood Sword Technique", you can use the magic power of wood to release sword energy to hurt the enemy.

After reaching the third level of practice, you can master the "Aoki Sword Light", which is more powerful than the sword energy.

After reaching the sixth level, you can learn the "Sword Shadow Light Splitting Technique".

After reaching the ninth level, you can learn the "Protective Sword Formation".

After reaching the twelfth level, you can learn the "Twelve Green Spirit Sword Formation". Twelve green spirit swords need to be cast to form this sword array.

The pages Ronan flipped through only briefly introduced this sword technique.

The pages of the book on how to practice in the future are all in the hands of the stall owner.

"How to sell this sword art?" Ronan asked.

The stall owner raised two fingers: "Two middle-grade spiritual stones."

Two pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones, even about two hundred pieces of low-grade spiritual stones.

Ronan mentally searched into the black storage ring and knew that he only had about sixty low-grade spiritual stones, which was not enough to buy this book.

"It's too expensive," Ronan said.

"Fellow Taoist, this sword technique is worth this spiritual stone, it can't be cheaper!" said the stall owner.

"I only have about fifty pieces of low-grade spiritual stones. If you are willing to sell them, I will give you all the fifty pieces of low-grade spiritual stones." Ronan said.

He thought that books like this were all copied by hand anyway.

Even after selling him fifty or so spiritual stones, he could have sold another manuscript.

"No, no, no! I only sell two pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones. I won't sell anything less!"

The stall owner waved his hand but refused to let go.

I don’t know if this stall owner knows the trick of some customers - pretending to be poor to keep the price down.

"Forget it, I don't have enough money, so I won't buy it."

Ronan shook his head and walked away immediately.

After leaving, he walked slowly, expecting the stall owner to call him back.

However, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

The stall owner didn't speak at all.

Ronan sighed inwardly and left immediately.

He walked around in the other two markets and found that the books on spells and moves he saw were not as satisfactory as "Aoki Sword Technique".

Because this "Green Wood Sword Technique" is the exclusive sword technique of the wood spirit root, which can exert the killing effect of the wood's magic power.

Moreover, it has twelve levels and five sword moves, which is much richer than other books he saw today.

‘You can only earn spiritual stones. ’

So, Ronan bought the talisman paper in the market.

Go back to the shack and start drawing the symbols.

What he drew were all first-level mid-level talismans of [Mastery level] and below, such as amulets, light body talismans, flame talismans, etc.

He will not draw talismans above [Master level].

First, the price was high and it was difficult to find a buyer for a while.

Secondly, it will touch the interests of some Talisman Masters.

He knew that there were some talisman masters in the shanty towns who specialized in selling [Master Level] talismans.

He didn't want to cause trouble again after occupying the market of these talisman masters.

Thirdly, after exposing his talisman attainments, he may get into trouble.

After all, this is the Immortal Domain of the Huanzhen Sect, with its Immortal Cultivating Family and the even larger Huanzhen Sect.

If he had known that he had such a talent for talismans, he might have controlled himself and dedicated himself to drawing talismans for them.

‘Although this is a time of peace, consumables such as talismans are not easy to sell. ’

‘But I’ll lower the price. In a few days, we should be able to collect two mid-grade spiritual stones. ’

While thinking about it, Ronan drew out the first-level mid-grade talismans one after another.

The perfect talisman attainment was achieved by not delaying in drawing the talisman even when he was distracted.

It took a long time, and towards evening, Ronan drew nearly a thousand [Mastery Level] first-level mid-grade talismans.

He let out a breath, put all the talismans into his storage bag, and with a thought in his heart, returned to the wizarding world.

Next, Ronan set up a stall in Yizhaofang Market in Huanzhen Sect's Immortal Domain during the day, and returned to the wizarding world to practice and sleep at night.

He chose the market number B where he set up his stall, just to see if his copy of "Aoki Sword Art" had been bought by anyone.

If someone bought it, he might be able to buy a manuscript from that person at a lower price.

And every time someone goes there to inquire about the price and then walks away, he will go back to bargain with the stall owner to see if the stall owner is willing to let go.

The stall owner just refused to sell at a lower price.

Ronan had no choice but to continue collecting spiritual stones.

After five days, I finally saved enough two mid-grade spiritual stones.

Ronan took two middle-grade spiritual stones and walked to the stall. He paid the stall owner with one hand and delivered the goods with the other.

After delivering the goods, the stall owner closed the stall and left.


Ronan saw him and immediately stopped him:

"Fellow Taoist, you have to wait until I verify the authenticity of this sword technique before you leave, right?"

The stall owner is still closing the stall: "You have also seen it. This book has a hundred pages in total. By the time you finish reading it, I don't know how long it will take you to read it. I have to go back."

"I will inspect the goods quickly, please wait here." Ronan said.

The stall owner ignored them, packed up all the stalls, and walked directly outside Fangshi.

‘Is there something fishy about this sword technique? ’

Ronan had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly followed him.

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