Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 55 The Great Bloodline Wizard! The Limb-Removing Knight!

The primary life green liquid seeped into the soil and was absorbed by the developed root system of the natal immortal tree.

Ronan immediately felt a surge of vitality suddenly flourishing in the natal immortal tree.

The natal immortal tree was slowly growing.

He summoned Hongmeng and analyzed the natal immortal tree.

Immediately, fine blue light patterns appeared on the tree.

A stream of information appeared in his mind.

[Spiritual Plant: natal immortal tree]

[Year: 81↑]

‘There are still nineteen years left after a hundred years! ’

Ronan couldn’t help looking forward to this year.

By then, his body would be the “green wood spirit body”.

The natal immortal tree had grown a lot taller, reaching the root of his thigh. The pot where the natal immortal tree was planted was also ready to be replaced.

After watering the natal immortal tree, Ronan continued to refine the primary growth green liquid.

After refining a portion, he took it down to the cellar.

He first summoned Hongmeng and analyzed the Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo buried in the flowerpot.

[Spiritual Plant: Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo]

[Year: 0.3]

Since the Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo was cut into several sections by him, its age has dropped significantly.

Ronan used his mental power to manipulate the two wizard hands and poured the primary growth green liquid in the crucible into the soil of the flowerpot.

Then, he saw that the age of the Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo was growing wildly!

[Year: 0.3], [Year: 0.6], [Year: 1]...

A bulge appeared in the soil in the flowerpot.

Then, a section of green bamboo broke through the soil and sprang up at a speed visible to the naked eye!

About a moment later, this section of bamboo reached the top of the cellar.

[Spiritual Plant: Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo]

[Year: 20]

After drinking a bottle of primary growth green liquid, the age increased by nearly twenty years!

Ronan was surprised and happy.

If this trend continues, he will be able to harvest five hundred years old Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo in a month, and thus refine the Qingling Sword.

In this way, the power of the guardian will be greatly increased.

Then, Ronan continued to refine the initial growth green liquid and poured it into the other four flower pots with Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo buried in them.

Whenever the initial growth green liquid was poured, the Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo would break through the soil and grow higher and higher!

He summoned Hongmeng and analyzed the five Qingling Cuiyun Bamboos.

It was found that their age was about twenty years old.

The difference should be that different parts of the bamboo have different growth potentials.

After continuously cultivating so many spiritual plants, Ronan's awakened natural heart also increased his blessing.

[You have obtained the blessing of the natural heart. ]

[Current status: plant affinity. ]

[Status effect: When next to a plant, strength, spirit, and mana are increased (the increase ratio is determined by the quality and number of plants). 】

[Amplification ratio: 10%↑]

[Amplification range: 20 meters]

Ronan looked at the five Qingling Cuiyun bamboos in the cellar, which were almost as tall as him, and all reached the top of the cellar.

‘The cellar must be deepened. ’

He thought to himself after seeing this scene.

In the following days, Ronan lived a very fulfilling life.

Practicing the Ancient Wood Longevity Technique, promoting the growth of spiritual plants, practicing the Qingmu Sword Technique…

Sometimes, he would go to Diagon Alley and the Immortal Realm of the Huanzhen Sect to see if there were any witchcraft and spells that suited his taste.

At noon that day, he practiced the Ancient Wood Longevity Technique and breathed in and out for a few rounds.

Feeling hungry, he stopped practicing and went out for lunch.

Ronan walked on the street while thinking about what to eat for lunch.

As he walked, he arrived in the lower city.

He smelled the sweet smell of pie that had once made him salivate in a tavern, so he walked in.

After ordering two servings of honey beef pies and a large glass of blackberry wine, he was about to enjoy his meal when his eyes suddenly fixed.

His eyes were fixed on the four people who walked into the tavern.

Ronan knew one of the four people. He was a knight squire in his father's territory. His name seemed to be Jack.

Jack was a young man in his twenties. He was a little unkempt. His slightly long golden curly hair hung down on both sides, and his cheeks were dotted with golden roots.

He wore a gray linen coat and a leather vest on his upper body, and a short sword on his waist.

After the knight squire walked in, he glanced at the tavern and soon saw Ronan.

The other three people also froze when they saw Ronan.

Ronan immediately knew that these three people were probably his father's people.

It's just that he had never met these three people before.

As the second son of Baron Lawrence, he often appeared in various public occasions with his father.

Those soldiers should recognize him.

"Second Young Master Lawrence."

The four men came over together and saluted Ronan.

"Why are you here?" Ronan asked.

The four soldiers looked at each other for a while, and then Jack smiled bitterly and said, "There are too many people here, so it's not convenient to tell."

Ronan did not continue to ask about this question, but asked again:

"Who led you here?"

"It was Young Master Lawrence." Jack said:

"He also entered Triumph City and said he was looking for you."

Ronan stood up immediately after hearing this, took out a Valant gold coin, and put it on the table:

"I'll treat you to food and drink here."

Then he left.

These four people were suddenly given money to treat them to a meal, so they were naturally delighted and thanked Ronan.

Ronan walked on the street, thinking in his heart.

He did not write about his change of address in his family letter or tell his family members.

In fact, he did not expect that in a short period of time, his family members would cross the distance of most of the kingdom and come here from Redwood Territory.

Ronan hurriedly walked back to the middle city. When he saw his small attic, he saw a strong and tall man knocking on the door of the small attic.

Ronan hurriedly walked up and shouted, "Brother!"

The man trembled when he heard it, and immediately turned around and looked at Ronan.

This man also had black hair and black pupils, but he had beards on his cheeks, chin and lips, which made him look very rough.

"Ronan!" Leon Lawrence shouted, and then hurried down the stairs and hugged Ronan.

Although Ronan came from a time travel, he had been with this brother for several months and could feel Leon Lawrence's love for him.

Being held tightly at this moment, a sense of intimacy can't help but rise in my heart.

"Brother, why are you here?" Ronan asked.

Lyon let Ronan go, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's go inside and talk."

As he said, he was about to go up the stairs again.

Ronan said "I moved" and took Lyon to the bungalow.

Lyon looked at the bungalow. Although it was not luxurious, it was much larger than the small attic. It should not be cheap in Triumph City, where every inch of land is worth a lot of money.

"It seems that your wizard training is progressing well." Lyon said.

Ronan heard it and knew that the family didn't know his lie yet.

"Yes, brother, you haven't told me yet, why are you here?" Ronan asked.

"This is also related to your wizards." Lyon said:

"Bloodline Wizard, I guess you know it too?"

Ronan nodded.

Bloodline Wizard "Sopher Oren" is notorious in the wizard world of the Kingdom of Valant.

Sophiel Oren was a wizard second only to the legendary wizard "Dolifa Augustus" in strength. He was not tolerated by the royal family because he had performed several bloody and dangerous human body transformations.

After failing to fight against the royal family, he fled to the Orc Empire.

After arriving in the Orc Empire, he used his blood witchcraft to create many fighting orc species, making the Orc Empire's combat power unprecedentedly strong.

In particular, he used blood and body transformation witchcraft to create the [Limb Reattachment Knight], which has a combat power that makes border soldiers terrified.

Seeing Ronan nod, Leon said: "Under Sophiel Oren's instigation, the orcs invaded the kingdom again, and the royal family recruited soldiers from all over. Our territory, Redwood Territory, also needs to send 500 soldiers to participate in the war."

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