The dawn was breaking, and the capital of the kingdom, Triumph City, gradually became active.

Ronan also got up from the bed.

After a night's sleep, he was refreshed.

Moreover, the natal immortal tree fed back the refined spiritual energy of heaven and earth day and night.

While he slept well, his cultivation was also improving.

After slapping himself with a cleaning talisman, Ronan got out of bed, put on straw sandals, and walked towards his small botanical garden.

In order to cope with the growing natal immortal tree, Ronan has been buying more vigorous and older magic plants and placing them around the natal immortal tree.

Magic plants are very expensive, but fortunately Ronan has the skill of drawing talismans.

After earning spirit stones in the Immortal Realm of Huanzhen Sect and exchanging them for gold nuggets, he returned here and exchanged them for Valant gold coins to buy magic plants.

Sandwiched among nearly ten magic plants, the natal immortal tree does not look so conspicuous.

Now, Ronan's small botanical garden is lush and green.

When he looked at his life tree, his eyes suddenly fixed.

There was a little green bud on his life tree.

This green bud was different from what he had seen before.

‘Could it be a flower bud? ’

Ronan immediately called Hongmeng and issued an order to analyze the green bud.

The next moment, Hongmeng responded that it was indeed a flower bud.

‘I wonder what pleasant changes will happen after the life tree blooms? ’

Ronan was looking forward to it.

His life tree was transformed from the Elf Treasure Tree.

If he wanted to speculate what would happen after his life tree bloomed, he might have to understand what changes would happen after the Elf Treasure Tree bloomed.

However, he knew very little about the Elf Treasure Tree.

After all, the elves had long since declined.

When the Kingdom of Valant talked about elves, they were all those slim and beautiful elf slave girls. Few people talked about other things about the elves.

‘I wonder how much Awen knows about the Elf Treasure Tree? ’

Thinking of this, Ronan decided to visit Awen.

He took off his pajamas, put on a tunic, tied his cape, fastened it with a brooch, and walked out.

First he went to a restaurant and had pigeon meat pie and honey milk for breakfast.

After the meal, he went to the market to buy some cherries and ate them while walking.

While eating, he walked to Awen's bungalow.

He knocked on Awen's wooden door.

After waiting for a few seconds, no one responded.

He knocked again, but still no one responded.

'Not at home? '

Ronan immediately released his spiritual sense and swept towards Awen's bungalow.

He immediately sensed that there was a single bed in a small room in the bungalow, and a woman was sleeping on it.

After a careful scan of his spiritual sense, it was undoubtedly Awen.

'So you haven't gotten up yet, and you can sleep at this time? '

Bang bang bang!

Ronan used his strength to knock on the door loudly.

Then, his consciousness sensed that Awen on the bed, after pupa a few times, fell asleep again.

Bang bang bang bang!

Ronan knocked on the door even louder.

Finally, Awen on the bed, after pupa a few more times, lifted the quilt and sat up.

After cursing a few words, she put on a long dress, got off the bed, and walked out of the bedroom barefoot.

"Excuse me, who is this?" Awen asked politely.

"It's me, Ronan Lawrence." Ronan replied.

Ronan's consciousness immediately sensed that Awen's little hands were clenched, her lips moved, and after cursing a few words in a low voice, she cast a spell.

A magic plant stretched out its roots and opened the door for Ronan.

Suddenly, a large piece of sunlight shone in and hit Awen's body.

Awen's long brown hair was messy and fluffy, and she exuded a sense of laziness all over her body.

The linen dress she was wearing slid slightly to the left, revealing a little of her collarbone and her smooth wheat-colored left shoulder.

"Ronan, why are you here so early?" Awen patted her mouth with her slender hands and yawned.

Since she became more and more familiar with Ronan, Awen put away the noble etiquette of Triumph City.

She also changed from calling Ronan "Mr. Lawrence" to calling him by his name.

"I want to ask you about the three wood-attributed combat witchcrafts." Ronan said.

He certainly couldn't ask about the Elf Treasure Tree right away, which would make Awen suspicious.

"Okay, please sit down."

After all, she was paid, so Awen didn't refuse.

After performing the witchcraft and closing the door, she asked Ronan to sit down.

Then, she asked Ronan to wait for a while, went into the bathroom to wash up, tidied her hair and clothes, and then came out.

After Awen sat down, Ronan asked her a few questions about witchcraft.

Awen answered in detail, and then Ronan gradually changed the topic and led to the magic plants in Awen's bungalow.

Among Awen's magic plants, there are also several plants with flowers in full bloom.

After talking about Awen's magic plant flowers for a few words, Ronan asked: "Will the legendary magic plant, the Elf Treasure Tree, bloom and bear fruit?"

"The Elf Treasure Tree blooms, but it doesn't bear fruit." Awen said.

"Then what's the use of the Elf Treasure Tree blooming?" Ronan continued to ask questions.

"After the Elf Treasure Tree blooms, it will produce tree seeds. After planting the tree seeds, you can get the Elf Treasure Tree's subtrees."

"In the legend, when the elves were still the overlords of the continent in the past, their subtrees were almost all over the continent."

"Each subtree can release magic power and provide power for the operation of the formation of the elf settlement."

"Alas." At this point, Awen sighed:

"The Elf Tree is really a magical plant. Over the years, many wizards from the Druid School and other schools have studied how to use the roots of the Elf Tree to grow an Elf Tree."

"But there is still no progress."

Ronan listened to Awen's words and drank a glass of wine, his eyes did not change.

'So it's a sapling? '

He couldn't help but look forward to it.

If there is really a sapling, then after he plants another tree, the two trees will give him the refined spiritual energy of heaven and earth together.

In this way, his spiritual body cultivation will be accelerated.

After this period of practice, he found that the cultivation of the acquired spiritual body is actually the feedback of the refined spiritual energy of heaven and earth by the natal immortal tree to continuously change his physique.

It is said in the "Ancient Wood Longevity Art" that the green wood spiritual body can be formed in a hundred years; the Yi wood Dharma body can be formed in a thousand years; the eternal green body can be formed in ten thousand years. It should be aimed at the environment of heaven and earth when the "Ancient Wood Longevity Art" was created.

In the current environment of the world of immortal cultivation, the spiritual energy is not rich enough. It is a problem whether it is possible to cultivate green wood spirits after planting trees for a hundred years.

Then, Ronan talked to Awen about some elves.

Awen said that some knowledge in the Druid sect was also learned from the elves.

In the Druid sect period, the druids and the elves were relatively friendly.

However, after entering the wizard era, people in the Druid school rarely communicated with the elves.

Because now, the invasion and persecution of elves by wizards and knights are more serious than before.

After all, in the era when gods appeared, many people thought that elves were the people of gods, and they were cautious about persecuting elves.

And wizards do not believe in gods, but only believe in truth and knowledge.

In the eyes of wizards, gods are just powerful humans or some kind of existence. As long as they have learned enough knowledge, gods can also be killed.

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