"The young master is out!"

"Welcome young master!"

Ronan, wearing a green robe and a crown on his head, stepped out of the courtyard.

As usual, twelve delicate maids have already been waiting to welcome you, bowing down to you.


The housekeeper Guan Fu walked over quickly and bowed.

Ronan nodded slightly and asked, "Have you heard anything about immortality or magic recently?"

Guan Fu shook his head: "To my disappointment, young master, I still haven't heard any news."

"However, I found a book related to magic in a bookstore in the east of the city."

"Oh, what is it?" Ronan's eyes lit up and he became interested.

"It's a book that teaches people how to draw talismans." Guan Fu said:

"The content inside is quite detailed, including the steps for making talismans and the techniques for drawing talismans."

"However, I heard that the store owner once tried to calligraphy and painting talismans based on this talisman."

"The drawn talismans are beautiful to look at, but they are useless."

"Master, if you are interested, I can show it to you."

"Then show me." Ronan said immediately.

He thought to himself that although there were some fake talisman books circulating among the people, this talisman book might be genuine.

If you can't draw a talisman by looking at it, it may be because the spiritual energy here is too thin to form a talisman.

Not long after, Guan Fu presented the talisman book.

Ronan took it and took a look.

This talisman book looks very old, and there are still traces of moth damage on it.

Just by looking at the appearance, one would think this is a fake.

After all, according to the novels he had read in his previous life, if it were a real secret book, the material would not be bad, and it might even be invulnerable to water and fire.

The book is very thin, and Ronan estimates that it will not exceed twenty pages.

Open the yellowed cover.

On the first page, there is a drawing of a talisman.

——In the middle of the rectangular frame, there is a series of indescribable strokes swimming like a dragon and a snake.

Next to the talisman, the word "talisman" is written.

Starting from the second page, the selection of talisman, talisman ink, talisman pen, and the brushwork for drawing talisman are recorded.

Every step is quite detailed.

While Ronan was reading, he called out Hongmeng and analyzed everything in the record book.

Not long after, Luonan flipped through the talisman book.

In the Talisman Book, there are three types of Talismans.

——Amulet, light body charm, evil-proof charm.

"Please step back. You are not allowed to enter the courtyard without my instructions."

After Ronan said a word, he turned around and walked into the moon gate.

Triumph City, small attic, bathroom.

Ronan's figure suddenly appeared among them.

He walked out of the bathroom and sat at the desk.

Call out Hongmeng and recall everything in the Talisman Book.

The Talisman Book was left behind in the world of cultivating immortals and he did not bring it over.

But all the contents of the Talisman Book were recorded by Hongmeng.

According to the Talisman Book, when drawing a talisman, you must first choose the talisman paper.

The more expensive the paper used as talismans, the greater the power of the talismans.

But the principle is not explained in Fu Lushu.

Then, it was time to choose Fu Mo.

The Talisman Book says that chicken blood, pig blood and other animal blood can be mixed with cinnabar to make Talisman ink.

The more expensive the animal's blood is, the more powerful the talisman is.

For example, cow blood is more powerful than pig blood.

And the talisman drawn with tiger blood is even more powerful.

The selection of talisman pens is also similar to the selection of talisman paper and talisman ink.

The more expensive the animal hair on the tip of the pen, the more powerful the talisman drawn.

Talisman brushes made of wolf hair, sheep hair, rabbit hair, and rat whiskers have different powers.

Finally, there is the brushwork of drawing symbols.

Talisman paper, talisman ink, and talisman pens are all external objects and are better to be controlled.

The brushwork is the key to successful drawing of talisman, and it is the most complex and cumbersome content in the talisman book.

The brushwork is divided into the ritual of drawing the talisman, the selection of the time, the mobilization of mana, the length of the strokes, etc. according to the process of drawing the talisman.

"Guan Fu said that the bookstore owner was writing and painting talismans according to this talisman. It was definitely the owner who was in a panic." ’

‘Then it’s impossible for the boss to follow this process wholeheartedly and accurately. ’

‘Besides, it’s impossible for the boss to mobilize the magic power. ’

Ronan thought about it and decided to test the authenticity of this talisman book.

Although, in the wizarding world, there are monsters.

Using its blood as talisman ink and its hair as talisman pen, the power of the talisman should be even greater.

However, the private trade of Warcraft materials was prohibited by the royal family, and hunting Warcraft was quite dangerous, so the price of Warcraft blood was not cheap.

Ronan's money will also be used to pave the way in the world of cultivating immortals, and will be used to practice magic plants and pharmacy in the future. Naturally, he will save what he can.

Besides, this is just an attempt, and there is no need to use the blood of Warcraft.

So, he planned to use chicken blood to draw the talisman according to what the Talisman Book said.

‘But in this world, there is no such thing as a writing brush. ’

Thinking of this, Ronan went back to the world of cultivating immortals and brought back a wolf brush.

Afterwards, I went to the market and bought back a chicken and a box of cinnabar.

In this world, cinnabar is the paint used by painters, often adding a splash of color to their paintings.

After returning to the attic, Ronan cut the wool paper into the size of the talisman paper in the talisman book.

Then according to what the talisman book said, after completing the ceremony, he cut the chicken's throat amidst the screams of the chicken.

Chicken blood was sprinkled into the copper wine cup.

Ronan poured a little cinnabar into it and mixed it evenly with a wolf brush.

After the chicken blood and cinnabar were mixed, Ronan lifted the wolf-hair brush from the talisman ink, used his magic power, and slowly moved the brush on the cut parchment.

What he wanted to draw was the first kind of talisman in the talisman book, the amulet.

At the moment when the tip of the talisman brush touched the talisman paper, Ronan felt that the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth around the tip of the talisman brush gathered around the tip of the brush.

‘This talisman book is a real thing! ’

Ronan was delighted.


Just as his mood fluctuated slightly, a flash of fire immediately appeared at the end of the talisman stroke.

Then, a small burnt hole was burned on the parchment.

The smell of burning rose.

Damn it!

Ronan crumpled the scrapped parchment into a ball and threw it aside.

He took a deep breath, cleared his mind of distracting thoughts, and calmed his mind.

He started writing again.

As the magic power flowed, it once again connected the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and gathered towards the tip of the pen.

The deep red strokes slowly moved on the parchment.

Ronan calmed down and concentrated his mind. His brushwork was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes heavy and sometimes elegant.

As he painted, he used AI Hongmeng to adjust his brushwork.

Gradually, the talisman head, talisman core, and talisman foot took shape one by one.

Finally, Ronan hooked the pen!

At the end of the talisman stroke, there was a flash of inspiration!

‘It’s done! ’

Ronan exhaled lightly and put the wolf hair brush aside.

Summon Hongmeng and adjust his own values.

Lifespan: 75↑

Strength: 2.9↑

Spirit: 3.4↑

Mana: 2.2↑

Kung Fu: Ancient Wood Longevity Kung Fu (first level 51%↑)

Skills: Amulet (entry 1%)

Cultivation realm: Qi Refining Level 2

Wizard level: First level wizard apprentice

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