Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 62 Magic Metal and Magic Patterns!

After entering the library, Ronan's eyes suddenly lit up.

He saw that the sky above the library was actually a night sky.

There were moons and stars in the night sky, emitting a brighter light than in reality.

According to Paul, there are five floors in the library, and the first-level wizard apprentice can only move on the first and second floors.

The second-level wizard apprentice can go to the third and fourth floors.

The third-level wizard apprentice can go to the fifth floor.

The bricks and stones that make up each floor are hidden with witchcraft formations.

Not bringing the school badge, not being the person, and the apprentice level is not enough will trigger witchcraft.

Paul is a second-level wizard apprentice, and he can only go to the fourth floor.

Because the maintenance time of the primary transformation potion is only more than an hour.

This time he came to record the knowledge of alchemy.

As for other books, he can wait until he refines more transformation potions in the future and then come to record them.

So, he walked quickly, looking for the bookshelf of alchemy knowledge.

There are other wizard apprentices in the library.

Each of them looked focused or indifferent, as if they were immersed in knowledge.

Ronan found the basic knowledge of alchemy on the first floor.

He opened the book, turned the pages quickly, and summoned Hongmeng to start recording.

The basic knowledge of alchemy on the first floor was a basic introduction to alchemy, and explained the assembly of alchemy parts.

How to integrate magic ore and how to carve magic patterns were not mentioned.

After recording several books on alchemy, Ronan went to the second floor.

The alchemy knowledge on the second floor was more advanced on the basis of the first floor.

He thought that the design of this library should be to place corresponding books according to the level of wizard apprentices.

Ronan recorded it layer by layer.

After an hour and ten minutes, Ronan finally recorded all the alchemy knowledge from the second to fourth floors with Hongmeng.

After recording, he hurried downstairs, walked out of the library, and walked quickly out of the academy.

After walking out of the academy, he walked to a place with fewer people.

When he reached an empty alley, the muscles on his face began to wriggle.

Gradually, his face, hair and body returned to their original appearance.

He immediately took off Paul's wizard robe with his wizard's hand and changed into his own clothes.

Then, he left the upper city and returned to the bungalow in the middle city.

Sitting down at the dining table, Ronan poured a glass of wine, moistened his throat, and summoned Hongmeng to retrieve the alchemy knowledge.

At present, he knew all the alchemy methods that a second-level wizard apprentice could learn, as well as the specific steps of integrating magic ore and carving magic patterns.

In alchemy, before integrating magic ore and carving magic patterns, the materials to be refined must be softened by hot melting.

If an alchemist wants to complete the refining of magic tools alone, he must practice fire magic.

He guessed that the reason why Paul's friend asked Paul for help was that he didn't want to be distracted by practicing fire magic.

However, there is a treasure refining spell in "Qingmu Sword Art".

As long as you chant the spell, you can use the power of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to soften the material.

When wizards refine weapons, they need to integrate magic ore.

And the method of incorporating metals is also used in the sacrifice of the Qingling Sword in "Qingmu Sword Art".

The Qingling Sword can be sacrificed using only Qingling Cuiyun Bamboo.

However, adding some rare metals can make the Qingling Sword more powerful.

Ronan wanted to try to add metals from the wizard world.

In the alchemy books, he learned about twenty kinds of magic metals.

Magic metals are metals that can carry and conduct magic power.

Among them, the most precious are mithril and refined gold.

Ronan heard that both metals are in the hands of the seven major wizard families in the kingdom, and they are rarely circulated. They are things that cannot be bought with Valant gold coins.

Ronan planned to use other high-grade metals to strengthen the Qingling Sword first.

Later, he would slowly plan mithril and refined gold.

The most content in the alchemy knowledge he recorded was magic patterns.

Carving magic patterns on magic tools can increase the power of magic tools.

He wrote down more than a dozen magic patterns on the fourth floor of the library.

——Sharp magic patterns, armor-breaking magic patterns, spell-breaking magic patterns, paralysis magic patterns, frost magic patterns, scorching magic patterns...

The alchemy books said that although magic patterns can enhance the power of magic tools, you can't just carve several magic patterns on a magic tool.

For example, if you carve frost magic patterns and scorching magic patterns on a magic tool at the same time, the two magic patterns will cancel each other out.

Ronan chose four non-mutually exclusive magic patterns from the dozen or so magic patterns, namely sharp magic patterns, armor-breaking magic patterns, spell-breaking magic patterns, and paralysis magic patterns, and planned to add them when refining the Qingling Sword.

Thinking about this, Ronan stood up.

Arriving at the room for refining medicine, he took out the materials for refining the primary transformation potion and placed them on the laboratory table.

He had learned from Paul before about the place where the magic metal was sold privately.

He had to change his appearance first and then go to buy it.

Ronan used his mental power to condense ten wizards, and then began to refine.

After about two hours, three primary transformation potions were refined.

Primary Transformation Potion (Proficiency 2%)

The primary transformation potion has also reached the [Proficiency Level]. As long as it continues to be refined, the refining speed will be faster in the future.

The quality of the potion will be improved, and the potion's effectiveness will last longer.

Ronan drank a bottle of transformation potion.

Suddenly, the magic power in the potion rose from his abdomen and spread to his whole body.

His muscles and skin began to wriggle, and his bones itched slightly.

Ronan used his mental power to control his skin, muscles and bones.

Soon, he turned into a thin-lipped young man with golden curly hair.

Because no other people's things and magic power were added to the potion, the breath and magic power fluctuations did not change.

However, the "Ancient Wood Longevity Skill" that Ronan practiced was close to nature, the breath was very peaceful, and the magic power fluctuations were almost zero.

Although there were no other people's things and magic power, the camouflage power was only a little worse.

Ronan put on his cloak, went out, and walked towards Gusen Blacksmith Shop.

Gusen Blacksmith Shop was the blacksmith shop that Paul told him about, which sold magic ore and magic metal privately.

Gusen Blacksmith Shop was a shop that made armor for knights.

The magic ore and magic metal in the shop were originally used to make armor for knights.

Armor made of magic ore and magic metal is convenient for alchemists to enchant.

If a knight who has registered in the register buys armor there, he must register his personal information completely.

The amount of magic ore and magic metal integrated into the armor must also be registered.

The amount of magic ore and magic metal used by Gusen Blacksmith Shop and where they flowed are all under the supervision of the royal family.

However, the owner of Gusen Blacksmith Shop also wants to make more money.

He will do some tricks in the circulation records of magic ore and magic metal, so as to sell part of the magic ore and magic metal privately.

Because he took a lot of risks, the price of selling this part privately would be much higher than the normal transaction.

Gusen Blacksmith Shop is in the lower city.

Ronan used the light body talisman and walked in an unmanned place.

After about half an hour, he arrived at the door of Gusen Blacksmith Shop.

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