Triumph City, Ronan's bungalow.

Ronan condensed twenty wizard hands and refined the primary transformation potion.

Condensing twenty ordinary and large wizard hands was his limit.

If he wanted to, he could condensate a wizard's hand the size of a human and perform a palm technique that dropped from the sky.

Elementary Transformation Potion (Proficient 2%↑)

After several days of refining, the proficiency of the primary transformation potion has risen from [Proficient] to [Proficient].

This allowed him to refine the medicine faster and make the potion more effective.

Although he has been in the wizarding world for several months, his mental power and magic power have reached the level of a third-level wizard apprentice.

But his understanding of wizard training is actually much worse than that of wizard apprentices of the same level.

After all, after he was unsuccessful in the Kingdom Wizard Academy, he stayed in Triumph City and became a wild wizard apprentice. He did not go to other colleges or join any school.

Now that he can enter the Kingdom Wizard Academy library to read, he will use Hongmeng to record all the books in it.

In order to stay in the library longer.

He planned to prepare several transformation potions that could transform him into Paul.

At that time, if the effect of the medicine is about to expire, you can continue to drink it.

After loading twenty bottles of primary transformation potions with only the main ingredients in the black storage ring, Ronan went out to find Paul.

"Aren't you going to the academy today?" Ronan asked in Paul's bungalow.

"No, I'm going to build the witchcraft model of 'Hellfire' at home today. What's wrong?"

"Give me some of your hair, and your magic."

Ronan said, taking out a pair of scissors and a thumb-sized obsidian from the black storage ring.

Obsidian is the crystal that best carries magic power in the Kingdom of Valant.

It was only a thumb-sized piece. Ronan bought it and spent a lot of money.

Ronan carved the "Magic Storage Pattern" he saw in the library that day on it, which could temporarily lock magic power in it.

"Black...obsidian, isn't it cheap?" Paul looked at it and his eyes widened:

"Where did you get the money? Did you secretly sell the primary transformation potion?"

"Of course not, and I don't want to involve the family." After Ronan reassured Paul a little, he said:

"Come on, help me. If you run out of money in the future, I can lend it to you at a lower interest rate than Lanny's Treasury."

"Okay, if you meet a beautiful woman on the street and say hello to you, just leave on the pretext that you have something to do. But don't do anything that would make me feel sorry for you because of my handsome appearance. Those are all my girlfriends... "

As Paul spoke, he cut off a piece of hair and filled the obsidian with magic power.

Ronan got the hair and magic power, asked Paul for the wizard robe and the academy badge, and left immediately.

Ronan returned to the bungalow, and while chanting a spell, he divided Paul's hair and magic power into twenty parts and put them into twenty bottles of primary transformation potion.

The initial purple transformation potion immediately turned into dark red.

After putting all the primary transformation potions into the black storage ring, Ronan went out and walked uptown.

When he was about to reach the city, he walked to an uninhabited alley and released his spiritual consciousness.

After sensing that no one was approaching, he put on Paul's wizard robe and drank the primary transformation potion.

Suddenly, the muscles and bones itched slightly, and his face squirmed.

In just two seconds, he transformed into Paul.

After Ronan entered the Kingdom Wizard Academy, he avoided people to avoid meeting the wizard apprentice Paul knew. After a few words, the secret was revealed.

After walking for about a moment, Ronan entered the library.

Then, start on the first floor and find the knowledge that interests you.

I plan to record this type of knowledge using Hongmeng today.

Ronan walked between the bookshelves and glanced at the books with simple covers.

The paper used for books in the library is very different from the parchment outside.

The quality of the paper is almost as good as his previous life.

There must be wizards who improved the method of making paper.

Ronan walked for a while and suddenly stopped.

He saw a book, "Introduction to Space Witchcraft".

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

His natal tree of immortality is constantly growing, and it is inevitable that it will become as tall as a canopy in the future.

That small botanical garden must not be able to accommodate it.

In this case, it can only be transplanted and planted outside the room, but this is a bit conspicuous.

If it got to that point, he would have no choice but to move out of Triumph City.

But that way, it would be inconvenient for him to obtain the materials.

‘I wonder if there is a solution to space witchcraft? ’

Ronan thought in his mind, so he took down the "Introduction to Space Witchcraft" from the bookshelf and started recording.

After recording all the space witchcraft books on the first floor, Ronan headed to the second floor.

Three hours later, Ronan Ben recorded on the third floor.

Feeling that the initial transformation potion was about to take effect, he went downstairs, left the library, found a deserted place, and drank a bottle of the initial transformation potion.

Then, walk back to the library.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that Ronan walked out of the library.

Although, the college library is open late.

But Paul was in the academy and had no place to live.

The residences in the academy are for some top nobles, that is, disciples of top wizard families.

Ordinary wizard apprentices can only live outside the academy.

Because at night, Triumph City has a curfew and cannot stay in the academy, Ronan had to leave first.

However, he gained a lot today.

At least, he recorded all the contents of space witchcraft in the library.

He also spent some time recording other knowledge.

After leaving the library, Ronan returned to his bungalow and began to recall the relevant contents of space witchcraft.

In the book "Introduction to Space Witchcraft", he knew that space witchcraft is mainly divided into two categories: space creation and space crossing.

Space creation is the witchcraft of making storage magic tools and extending space.

Among the witchcraft of space crossing, there are witchcraft such as teleportation, teleportation, space confinement, and space exile.

In the book "Anecdotes of Space Witchcraft", he knew that there are not many wizards who study space witchcraft.

This is because the royal family restricts the spread of most of the witchcraft knowledge of space crossing.

Studying space travel may open up other planes, which will bring danger to the kingdom.

Therefore, most wizard apprentices can only study space-making magic.

However, this kind of magic has no attack power, so not many people study it.

The space magic that Ronan saw in the library was all about how to create space.

The magic of traveling through space was not involved.

‘But this is enough for me now.’ Ronan thought.

He will use this space-making magic to expand his botanical garden.

When there is a chance in the future, he will obtain the magic of space travel.

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