Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 75: Body Transformation, Northern War (next chapter to be published)

After reading the letter sent by his father, Ronan was sure that the more than 200 gold coins were funded by his father.

The letter also talked about what happened in the family recently.

The first thing was that there was an insect infestation in the Redwood Territory.

One of the sources of income for the Redwood Territory occupied by his family was to sell the redwood planted in the Redwood Territory to all parts of the kingdom.

When an insect infestation occurred, the redwood was eaten by insects, and the losses would become greater and greater.

His father was afraid of too much loss, so after weighing the pros and cons, he spent a lot of money to invite a second-level wizard apprentice who practiced wood witchcraft.

This second-level wizard apprentice summoned several wood element guardian spirits in their family's redwood forest to protect the trees from pests.

In this way, the losses in their Redwood Territory were curbed.

The second thing was that his younger brother, now fourteen years old, had been promoted to Silver Knight.

After being promoted to Silver Knight, he was not far from Gold Knight.

After reaching the peak of the Golden Knight, if the Knight wants to improve, he must first transform his body and then wear enchanted equipment.

His brother found a wizard apprentice and tried to practice meditation. He found that he did not have any wizard talent and could not transform himself through wizard means.

In the future, he will have to ask others for help to transform his body.

So his brother wanted to learn about the witchcraft of transforming the body in advance through family letters.

Ronan himself did not approve of his brother's body transformation.

There are two methods of body transformation that he knows now.

One is blood implantation.

Implanting various magic beast blood into the knight to increase the knight's muscle strength and reaction speed.

This method may not only be life-threatening, but sometimes it will also make the transformer lose its nature.

The other is energy particle amplification.

That is, using energy particles to temper the body to achieve the purpose of enhancing the strength of the body.

This method is also dangerous.

If the wizard operates himself, the danger is relatively small.

Because operating himself, he can feel whether his body can withstand energy particles and can adjust at any time.

But if you operate on other people, you don't know how they feel. When they feel uncomfortable, it's too late to adjust.

At this time, the energy particles have already caused damage to the body.

If you use a small amount of energy particles to temper the body, the tempering effect cannot be achieved.

Only some wizards with strong spirits, keen perception, and rich experience can use this method to temper the body of others.

Ronan heard from Paul that most of the knights serving in the kingdom now still use blood implantation to enhance muscle strength.

Because this method is the most convenient and effective, and the kingdom has a blood implantation method that has been tested many times and is not very dangerous.

The knights can generally strengthen their bodies and will not die.

Ronan couldn't think of how to reply to his brother for a while, so he gave up and opened his eldest brother's letter.

After reading it once, Ronan knew that the war between the Kingdom of Valant and the Orc Empire was now in a state of anxiety.

Although there are more wizards in the kingdom than in the Orc Empire.

But the orc empire has stronger military strength.

The orcs have extremely strong reproductive ability.

Moreover, the blood wizard Sophiel Oren seems to have a way to create orcs, which can create orcs quickly.

After these orcs are created, they have low IQ, violent nature, and like to kill.

However, after Sophiel's blood transformation witchcraft, they have strong combat power and do not know fear.

The kingdom wizard casts witchcraft to kill wave after wave of orcs.

Then, there will still be orcs rushing up, as if they can't be killed at all.

He saw from the letter that his brother's command ability on the battlefield is outstanding.

After several battles, the redwood soldiers he led had the lowest casualty rate among all the soldiers.

Even the royal family let the remnants of other territories join his command.

The army he can command is getting bigger and bigger.

He can even command the army and cooperate with the wizard to kill some orc teams with strong combat power.

His brother also said that he saw the legendary limb-attached knight in a battle.

This knight had an orc's face, was bloated, and had various arms attached to his body, holding a knife, a chain hammer, a shield...

Moreover, these weapons were enchanted.

A few attacks from a formal wizard would be blocked by the shield.

The limb-attached knight also had a very strong body and vitality.

After the formal wizard smashed the shield, he had to release several spells to completely kill the limb-attached knight.

At the end of the letter, his brother wished him a smooth practice as a wizard, and his brother also wrote a letter home and asked someone to send it to Mahogany Territory, so he didn't need to write a letter home to relay it.

After reading the two letters, Ronan put them into the black storage ring.

Then, he went out, rented a carriage, transported the wooden box to the Lanny Vault, and deposited the gold coins into his own registered account.


These days, Ronan used Hongmeng to go through almost all the knowledge in the library.

He felt that there was not much knowledge in the library.

The majority of them were elemental wizard knowledge.

Some other knowledge, such as alchemy knowledge of medicine and mechanical alchemy, and space knowledge, were very rare.

Ronan talked to Paul about this and learned that the library actually contained mostly superficial knowledge in a certain field.

The main purpose of setting up a library is to lay a foundation for wizard apprentices.

If you want to study further, you have to spend gold coins or college points to find professors in the college to learn.

Of course, the knowledge learned simply with college points and gold coins is not precious.

The knowledge that a formal wizard is willing to exchange for gold coins is definitely not the knowledge he has spent a lot of effort to research and is proud of.

Paul said that the truly precious knowledge is the knowledge that a professor teaches after recognizing a wizard apprentice and accepting him as his student.

This knowledge has the in-depth understanding of a certain field of knowledge by formal wizards.

Ronan originally wanted to use Paul's identity to attend classes in the Kingdom Wizard Academy to learn deeper witchcraft knowledge.

Especially to practice deeper space witchcraft.

This is related to his further expansion of the space of the botanical garden.

However, he thought about it and gave up.

Attending classes requires college points and gold coins. If you spend college points and gold coins multiple times to attend the same professor's class, it means that the listener can gain something from the class.

If he appears in each class with Paul's face, but Paul meets someone else, he will be found to know almost nothing but fire magic.

This will increase their risk of exposure.


The next chapter is the chapter on the shelves, which is expected to be released at around 6 pm on Saturday (four updates), please readers contribute to the first order!

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