Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 77 King of the Dead Plane (Second Update)

‘After achieving the Qingmu Spirit Body, the increase in physical condition seems to have increased. ’

Ronan felt something in his heart, so he called out Hongmeng and adjusted his physical condition.

[You have obtained the blessing of the Heart of Nature. ]

[Current status: Plant affinity. ]

[Status effect: When next to plants, strength, spirit, and mana are increased. ]

[Amplification ratio: 30%]

[Amplification range: 100 meters]

The increase ratio reached 30%, more than twice the previous one.

He felt that this might be because he achieved the Qingmu Spirit Body and was closer to nature. The blessing of the Heart of Nature on him would be greater.

After practicing the Ancient Wood Longevity Exercise for more than three hours, Ronan wanted to take a break, so he slowly stopped the exercise.

After achieving the Qingmu Spirit Body, he always felt that his body had a strange affinity with the spiritual plants and magic plants in the botanical garden.

Suddenly, he wanted to know whether the wood witchcraft would change after achieving the Qingmu Spirit Body.

So, he used the ancient wood's longevity magic power and injected it into the witchcraft model of "entanglement".

Instantly, he felt the wood energy particles in the air converge towards him.

With a thought in his mind, a dark green light lit up on the palm of his right hand.

Then, several thick and strong vines burst out from the dark green light between his palms and entangled in the air.

'Even without soil, you can perform the entanglement spell! '

Ronan thought in his heart, manipulating the vines that continued to extend in the air, all the way out of the botanical garden and into the living room.

The vines extended to the dining table, and under his control, they entangled the handle of the copper wine pot.

Ronan manipulated the vines, poured the copper wine pot, and poured a glass of wine into the wine glass next to it.

The glass of wine was full and about to overflow.

With a thought in his mind, Ronan put down the copper wine pot, let go of the handle, and then entangled the copper wine glass.

He manipulated the vines and brought the wine glass steadily to him.

Not a drop of the wine inside spilled.

After Ronan took a sip of the wine, he thought that after the Qingmu spirit body was formed, the range and manipulation accuracy of the entanglement technique had increased a lot.

'In this way, the wood armor technique and the healing technique should also have improved. '

Ronan thought of this and performed the wood armor technique.

As soon as he thought of it, a dark green light flashed across his body, and in the blink of an eye, his body was covered with wood armor.

With a sweep of his spiritual sense, he knew that the wood armor was much thicker than before, and it contained a richer vitality than before.

He withdrew his magic power, and the wood armor dissipated immediately.

Then, he injected the magic power into the witchcraft model of the "healing technique".

After the Qingmu spirit body was formed, he felt that his body was filled with an unprecedented vitality.

Now, once the "healing technique" is performed, this vitality is even more vigorous.

'It seems that this vitality is recovery power. If I get injured, I will recover faster than before. '

Ronan put away the "healing technique" and looked out the window.

Seeing the sunset dye the street red.

He thought that he had been in seclusion for many days, and today he had achieved the Qingmu spirit body, so he had to celebrate.

‘Let’s go out for a meal. ’

Thinking of this, he missed honey wine and beef pineapple pie again.

After Ronan was dressed, he walked out of the bungalow.

While looking at the scenery on the street, he walked towards the Wild Deer Bar.

As he was walking, he suddenly felt something in his heart, so he looked up.

He saw several lines flashing above the sky dyed red by the sunset, and waves of energy fluctuations burst out from it.

This line looked familiar to Ronan.

It was four or five points similar to the [Extended Magic Line] in space witchcraft.

Perhaps, this line is also a space magic line.

Ronan's eyes followed the line that kept jumping in the air.

Finally, the line passed over the sky of the Triumph City and flashed over the sky of the Upper City.

Then, Ronan saw the lines open a dark crack.

Several blood-stained figures were thrown out from the crack and fell towards the upper city.

"What happened?"

This scene was not only seen by Ronan.

Some sharp-eyed people, including wizard apprentices and knights, also saw it.

These people couldn't help but walk towards the upper city to see what happened.

Ronan retracted his gaze and continued to walk towards the Wild Deer Bar.

Compared to watching the excitement, he chose to eat.


After entering the Wild Deer Bar, he swept his eyes.

Seeing that Paul was not here, he found an empty seat at random, called the bartender, and ordered food and wine.

While waiting, a blonde woman wearing gorgeous palace clothes and a hot body twisted and walked over.

Ronan heard Paul talk about this outfit.

This palace dress was modified from the dress of Princess Lannel, a famous beauty in Triumph City.

Some women in brothels specially wore Princess Lanner's dresses to attract customers.

Ronan waved his hand, and the woman walked away tactfully.

At this time, Ronan saw that the door of the bar opened and Paul walked in.

After Paul came in, he glanced around the bar and saw Ronan.

His eyes lit up and he immediately walked towards Ronan.

After walking past the woman in the gorgeous palace dress, he also patted the woman's tight buttocks without clothes.

Then, he walked to Ronan and sat down.

"Ronan, something big happened!"

As soon as Paul sat down, he whispered in Ronan's ear.

"What's wrong?" Ronan asked, wondering if it was related to the space magic pattern and the bloody figure he had just seen.

Paul said: "Didn't you ask me to help you keep an eye on the wizards who study space magic these days?"

"I asked about Milan Quentin, the 'Void Walker', and found out that he and two students went to the wizard ruins."

"And just now, they came back. With injuries, blood all over their bodies, they came back with space magic!"

"I asked about them and found out that they escaped from the wizard ruins!"

"Milan said that the wizard ruins were actually the ruins left by a necromancer, and there are many witchcraft formations involving the necromancy field."

"Except for us white wizards, , the wizards of the Necromancer Society also went there. "

"When they arrived at the wizard ruins, they felt like they were going home. They used the magic formations in the wizard ruins to kill many wizards and wizard apprentices."

"They used the blood of those wizards and wizard apprentices as ritual materials, and opened the passage to the dead plane through a magic formation in the ruins, and led a king-level dead creature from the dead plane, as well as a large group of dead creatures. "

"The white wizard immediately fell into a bitter battle. After the Milan wizard found his friends and students, he used the space magic formations he had arranged along the way to jump all the way back. "

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