Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 83 Energy Particle Amplification Formation!

Ronan's figure appeared in the botanical garden.

After changing into the clothes of the wizard world, he took out the secret book of "Blue Lotus and White Lotus" from the storage black ring.

He sat down cross-legged under the natal longevity tree and flipped through it.

After flipping through it, he knew that the Blue Lotus and White Lotus had a total of twenty levels.

With each level, the physical energy, blood, and vitality of the flesh will be enhanced.

When practicing to the eighteenth level, the vitality of the flesh is extremely strong, even if there are hidden injuries in the body, it can be healed.

When practicing to the twentieth level, a piece of meat cut off from the body can also regenerate quickly.

Ronan immediately practiced according to the secret book.

The Blue Lotus and White Lotus is to nourish the flesh by refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

There are a total of twenty practice postures in the secret book.

Each level corresponds to a practice posture.

Ronan immediately followed the practice posture of the first level.

Sitting on the ground, bending the right leg, extending the left leg, and pinching the thumbs of both hands together, he made a seal.

He breathed in and out according to the method in the secret book.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth nearby, that is, the energy particles, gathered towards him.

The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth first entered his meridians, and then was pulled by his spirit, following the meridian route in the "Blue Lotus White Lotus Art", and walked in circles in his body.

Not long after, his body felt slightly warm, as if he was soaking in a hot spring.

Moreover, this hot spring was full of vitality.

His flesh and skin seemed to have turned into plants and were growing.

Ronan summoned Hongmeng and adjusted his own values.

Gong method: Blue Lotus White Lotus Art (one layer 5%↑)

The Blue Lotus White Lotus Art appeared in the values, and the progress of cultivation was rising rapidly.

He felt his blood and qi speed up slightly, and the muscles of his whole body gradually became tight, and there was always power in his body.

In the next few days, in addition to cultivation, Ronan was also looking for some magic plants that could be taken.

He remembered that his elder brother and younger brother often took a kind of medicinal soup when they were training as knights.

This medicinal soup needs to be made from the bones of magic beasts and dragon bone grass.

Ronan thought that although the progress of the Qinglian Baiou Gong was not slow, it was only based on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without taking big medicine.

But if he took the flesh and blood of magic beasts and ate dragon bone grass, he could speed up the training.

What's more, he also had the growth green liquid and the rapid growth technique, which could promote the growth of dragon bone grass and increase the age of dragon bone grass, so as to make the medicinal effect of this herb stronger.

Thinking of this, Ronan went out of Triumph City to hunt magic beasts and collect dragon bone grass.

He learned hundreds of magic plants from Awen and knew where the magic plants were produced.

Dragon bone grass is also a common magic plant. He knew that this grass grows in the Gult Forest outside Triumph City.


Gult Magic Beast Forest

Ronan, who had changed his appearance, pointed his hand, and a turquoise sword light shot out from his fingertips, cutting a demon wild boar with dark blue fur in half.

When he came to the place where dragon bone grass grew, he saw the demon wild boar eating dragon bone grass.

The demon wild boar smelled the breath of a stranger and rushed towards Ronan.

Generally speaking, the energy fluctuations of a third-level wizard apprentice are already quite large.

If this first-level medium-level demon wild boar felt an energy fluctuation stronger than itself, it would definitely walk away.

However, Ronan practiced the ancient wood longevity technique that was close to nature.

After achieving the green wood spirit body, it was a bit back to nature.

In the eyes of the demon wild boar, Ronan was just an ordinary person.

It had not eaten blood for many days, and it was naturally excited when it saw Ronan.

As for Ronan, he also wanted to collect the blood and flesh of demon beasts, so he immediately released a green wood sword light and killed the wild boar.

The wild boar was weak and did not need him to sacrifice the green spirit sword at all.

Ronan dealt with the corpse of the monster wild boar, collected the edible parts, and left the rest here to be used as fertilizer for the dragon bone grass.

He picked 70% of the dragon bone grass on this piece of dragon bone grass, then left and went to other parts of the forest to continue collecting monster flesh and dragon bone grass.


After collecting a lot of monster flesh and dragon bone grass, Ronan returned to the small bungalow and entered the botanical garden.

He took out the elf dagger and pried open the three floor tiles of the botanical garden.

Then, he condensed thirty wizard hands and inserted the dragon bone grass into the soil one by one.

When he picked the dragon bone grass, he did not pull out the roots.

Therefore, he needed to use the rapid growth technique to help the dragon bone grass take root.

The wizard's hand was very fast. Soon, the light blue dragon bone grass was densely planted in the three floor tiles.

Ronan's heart moved.

The mother tree of the natal immortal tree immediately emitted a light golden light.

With the blessing of the light of the holy tree, the power of his witchcraft will be improved.

Then, he injected the ancient tree's longevity magic power into the witchcraft model of "Fast Growth Technique" and began to accelerate the growth of dragon bone grass.

While urging the growth, he summoned Hongmeng to analyze it.

Magic plant: dragon bone grass

Year: 0.6

Magic plant: dragon bone grass

Year: 1.1


After all, these are wild dragon bone grasses, without protection, and will be picked by humans or eaten by magic beasts.

The dragon bone grass used by his brother and younger brother to make medicinal soup is at least more than 30 years old.

Magic plants with years are basically cultivated.

Except for the deep part of the Warcraft Forest, where there may be old dragon bone grass, wild dragon bone grass in other places is generally of this age.

Ronan performed the "Fast Growth Technique" and opened his hands, and a large green light shone on these dragon bone grasses.

He performed the "Fast Growth Technique" on the natal immortal tree, and a beam of light was cast.

All the magic power of the "Fast Growth Technique" acted on the natal immortal tree.

At this time, this large area of ​​light was cast, and the magic power of the "Fast Growth Technique" was distributed on each dragon bone grass.

After all, the dragon bone grass is not an extremely high-level spiritual plant like the natal immortal tree. Under Ronan's "Fast Growth Technique", it grows visibly.

At its lower end, tender roots grew out and continued to spread toward the soil.

Its height is also constantly rising upwards.

Magic Plant: Dragon Bone Grass

Year: 3.2↑

Magic Plant: Dragon Bone Grass

Year: 4.1↑

The age of the dragon bone grass is increasing very quickly.

After the mana of the "Fast Growth Technique" is exhausted, Ronan made a green liquid of life and poured it on it.

Once poured with the green liquid of life, the dragon bone grass grew more happily.

Three days passed.

Ronan sat cross-legged in the botanical garden and practiced the Green Lotus and White Lotus Root Technique.

Green Lotus and White Lotus Root Technique (three layers 3%↑)

The speed of practicing a technique at the beginning is always very fast. Basically, it is improving one layer a day.

He called up Hongmeng and adjusted his own values.

Lifespan: 261↑

Strength: 24↑

Spirit: 43↑

Mana: 27↑

After practicing the Green Lotus and White Lotus Root Technique, his strength increased by 8 points, almost catching up with his mana.

And he also saw that his muscle lines were becoming more and more obvious when he took a bath these days.

He had analyzed the city guards patrolling in the middle city and found that the strength of those guards was generally around 30.

He estimated that after he practiced the Green Lotus and White Lotus Technique for a few more days, he could fight those city guards with his physical strength alone.

After practicing for more than three hours, Ronan slowly stopped practicing, stood up, and walked to the laboratory.

These days, while practicing, he also put the study of energy particle amplification on the agenda.

In his mind, there is relevant knowledge about energy particle amplification.

All of them were recorded in the library using Hongmeng.

The books in the library recorded a method of amplifying the physical body of energy particles.

That is, engrave the [Energy Concentration Magic Pattern] on the magic ore.

Then, arrange these magic ore into a certain witchcraft formation.

Under the witchcraft formation, the magic ore engraved with the [Energy Concentration Magic Pattern] will guide the energy particles to flow in a certain route in this witchcraft formation.

And the person being amplified stands in the center of the witchcraft formation, and the energy particles flow through his body, which can amplify his body.

At the same time, this witchcraft formation can also use spells to manipulate the flow rate and flow of energy particles, thereby controlling the strength of energy particles tempering the body.

Ronan took out some magic-guiding ores from the storage black ring.

He bought these ores in Diagon Alley.

They are all cheap goods, not for saving money, but to make them form a weaker witchcraft formation.

After all, he had never tried to build an energy particle amplification formation before, and this formation was for his own use.

So, he planned to be safe first.

Just see if this witchcraft formation can be successful, feel how energy particles flow through the body, and how to control the flow rate of energy particles in the witchcraft formation through spells.

As for the strength of the energy particles, whether it can temper the body, let's not worry about it for now.

After he took out the magic-guiding ore, he pinched a spell and recited the "Treasure Refining Technique" in "Qingmu Sword Technique".

The Gengjin Qi in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered towards the magic-guiding ore.

He called up Hongmeng and called out the [Energy Gathering Magic Pattern].

With the help of Hongmeng, he carved the [Energy Gathering Magic Pattern] on the magic ore.

Because it was his first time carving and he was not skilled, he carved very slowly.

Almost all of his energy was focused on the magic ore.

The Gengjin Qi condensed into a tiny carving knife and slowly passed over the magic ore.

The stone powder fell on the magic ore bit by bit and fell on the table.

Half an hour later, the [Energy Gathering Magic Pattern] was carved on the magic ore.

Then, he used the "Treasure Refining Technique" to condense the Gengjin Qi and carved the [Energy Gathering Magic Pattern] on another magic ore.

By the evening, all thirteen magic ores were engraved with the [Energy Gathering Magic Pattern].

Next, he had to arrange the witchcraft formation.

This witchcraft formation was a polyhedron with thirteen vertices.

There were three rooms in his bungalow.

One was used as a bedroom, one as a laboratory, and the other was a botanical garden, where a magic formation for extending space had already been built.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly had an idea and decided to use thirteen wizard hands to grab the magic ore and build a magic formation.

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