Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 94: Entanglement and Wind Blade!

When Ronan was practicing, he called out Hongmeng in his heart and called up the value.

Lifespan: 312↑

Strength: 43↑

Spirit: 51↑

Mana: 38↑

Cultivation realm: Qi refining level 9

Wizard level: Level 3 wizard apprentice


Ancient Wood Longevity Skill (12%↑ of the 15th level)

Green Wood Sword Skill (23% of the 6th level)

God-Evolving Skill (85% proficient)

Green Lotus White Lotus Skill (22% of the 10th level)

After a long period of practice, the Ancient Wood Longevity Skill reached the 15th level, not far from the 20th level.

The improvement of the Ancient Wood Longevity Skill made him absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth much faster.

Three days later.

Tris Fleming rode a fast horse transformed by witchcraft, cast the acceleration witchcraft, and came to Triumph City.

He came from one of the five major branches of the Fleming family.

After receiving the order from the family, he came here to find a man named Ronan Lawrence, and got the magic pattern that restrained necromancy from him.

The reason why he was sent here was because he had stayed in Triumph City for a period of time before.

Ten years ago, when he was still seventeen years old, he also participated in the wizard qualification test of the Kingdom Wizard Academy.

After being eliminated, he cheated the family and used the money funded by the family to have fun in Triumph City for a period of time, and spent a period of unforgettable days.

Therefore, he is very familiar with Triumph City.

He is even more familiar with the places of entertainment where the children of nobles go in and out.

This time, the Fleming family sent him here, and they also kept the idea that the same kind can understand the same kind better.

Now, ten years later, he is already a third-level wizard apprentice.

According to the information obtained by the Fleming family, Ronan wizard qualifications are not good, and it is estimated that after a year, there will be no progress in the wizard's path.

Sending a third-level wizard apprentice is already a waste of manpower.

Tris rode into Triumph City, put his horse down in the stable in the outer city, and then went into the middle city and found the best hotel to stay.

The family gave him a lot of money to carry out the family mission this time, so he could let loose.

Tris slept in the hotel for several hours, and it was not until the afternoon that Tris got up.

He did not go to inquire about Ronan's news, but went to the tavern and the place of wind and dust, had fun, and then returned to the hotel.

It was not until the sun was high in the sky the next day that he got up, washed up, and went out. According to the information the family had inquired about before, he found the small attic.

But after arriving and knocking on the door, he found that the person living in the small attic was no longer Ronan.

He asked the tenant Ronan's name, and the tenant replied that he didn't know.

Tris frowned and left the attic, thinking about how to find Ronan again.

After walking for a morning, having lunch, and playing in the place of wind and moon in Triumph City, he had an idea in his mind.

In the afternoon, he went to several pawnshops in Triumph City, spent money, and inquired about Ronan's news.

After asking around, I just found out that Ronan Lawrence actually bought a bungalow in the city center of Triumph City.

Real estate in Triumph City is expensive, especially in the city center.

Although the Baron of Redwood, Leighton Lawrence, is quite wealthy, his eldest and third sons’ knight training is very expensive, so he probably won’t have extra money to buy real estate in Triumph City.

‘This guy really has an adventure! ’

Tris thought to himself, and went to Ronan’s bungalow.

His plan was to follow Ronan’s movements first.

See where this person usually goes to see if he can find some clues.

If not, he will approach Ronan for a face-to-face talk.

On this day, Ronan was sitting cross-legged under his natal immortal tree, which was emitting a faint golden light, practicing the ancient wood immortality technique.

His spiritual consciousness was released from between his eyebrows, and under the blessing of the light of the holy tree, everything within 600 meters was captured in his mind.

Suddenly, he sensed a person more than 300 meters away. He walked behind a big tree, then stopped, poked his head out a little, and looked towards his bungalow.

And he didn't leave for a long time.

He sensed that the energy fluctuations released by this person should be a third-level wizard apprentice.

'What does this person want to do? '

Ronan thought in his heart, slowly stopped his power, put on his clothes, and went out, wanting to see the next move of this person to judge whether this person came for him.

He walked towards a street and immediately sensed that the person came from behind a big tree and followed him from a distance.

'Sure enough, he came to find me! '

Ronan used his spiritual sense to sense while walking towards the lower city.

After arriving in the lower city, he rented a horse and rode out of the city.

The person following him cast witchcraft and followed closely.

After leaving the city, Ronan whipped the horse's butt with a whip and ran wildly.

The energy fluctuations of the person behind him increased again, as if a gust of wind lifted the person up slightly, and he followed closely at the same speed as himself.

Ronan deliberately bypassed the village outside the city of Triumph and rode his horse into a dense forest.

After he used his spiritual sense to confirm that there was no one else around, he immediately injected the ancient wood longevity magic power into the "entanglement" witchcraft model.

Immediately, the ground under Tris, who was riding the wind, bulged, and then a series of tough and thick vines broke out of the ground, growing wildly and entangled towards him.

The next moment, they tightly entangled his right foot.

Tris was suddenly attacked, shocked, and hurriedly raised his hand, releasing several invisible wind blades towards the vines.

However, this vine was tougher than he expected!

After several wind blades, only three vines were cut off, and there were still several vines wrapped around his feet.

Suddenly, the vines swung violently!

Tris flew up involuntarily and crashed into a thick tree trunk.


Tris's back hit the tree trunk, making a dull sound, and his spine broke immediately.

Like most wizard apprentices, he planned to use witchcraft to transform his body after being promoted to a formal wizard for the sake of safety.

Therefore, his body was only stronger than that of ordinary mortals, and naturally could not withstand such a collision.

Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

Then, the vines moved again.

Tris's back hurt so much that he almost fainted. At this time, he could not concentrate on releasing witchcraft to resist the vines that were wrapped around him.

The vines took him and swung him in the air again!


This time, his head hit a tree trunk hard, and his eyes went black and he fainted.

Ronan pulled the reins, and the horse in front raised its hooves, turned its head, and went towards Tris.

When he walked in front of Tris, he performed the entanglement spell.

Immediately, the thick vines shrank back into the soil.

Ronan got off the horse, released his spiritual sense, and after confirming that there was no one around, he touched Tris.

With a thought in his mind, he took Tris and traveled to the mansion of the Wei State Town in the secular world of the Xiuxian world.

Then, he released vines to Tris lying on the ground, and entangled him tightly.

Then, he returned to the woods of the wizard world.

He used the cleaning talisman to clean up the traces of himself and Tris.

After all the traces were cleaned up, he thought that what happened here should not be known to anyone.

But the next moment, he seemed to think of something and turned to look at the rented horse.

The horse was grinning, breathing heavily, and watching everything quietly.

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