By slowing the passage of time with the Key of Cronus.

An Cheng successfully brought the tester girls into the entrance of the underground laboratory.

And when picking up other tester girls.

There are different ways to make contact with their body parts in person, share the time-slow ability of the Kronos key, and walk through the almost frozen laser network channel together.

For the three evildoers, Gui Wu Tsuji, Tong Mo and Sheila.

An Cheng naturally didn't have such good patience.

They were not even exposed to the shadow of time from the Key of Kronos.

Directly and unconsciously in the black and white world of slow time.

They were kicked by An Cheng and flew directly to the entrance of the basement.

After time returned to the normal flow speed, the three of Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi suddenly showed a disheveled look.

"Although I have personally experienced it once, I still can't believe it... V, is the technology of the Demon Sword Cult to slow down the passage of time really relying on pure technology?"

While going down the stairs leading directly to the basement.

Shino Asada couldn't help asking An Cheng about the Key of Cronus.

"Such unimaginable scientific and technological capabilities, not to mention the era in which the Demon Sword Cult is in, even in our era, it is impossible to achieve!!"

From the buildings in the city of Fortuna, and the appearance of household equipment scattered in the buildings.

Asada Shino was able to confirm that there was at least a ten-year gap between the Demon Sword Sect and the era they lived in.

Although Asada Shino has successfully played a virtual helmet that allows the human spirit to fully submerge into online games.

But I have never heard of a scientist who has developed a black technology that slows down the flow of time!!

The Devil Sword Cult can possess such a bizarre technology that is far beyond the background of the times.

Asada Shino can only think of the source of this time manipulation technology.

It is closely related to the demons in the demon world that the Demon Sword Cult has come into contact with!!

And An Cheng's next answer also verified the faint guess in Shino Asada's heart.

"In the Demon Realm, there exists a horse-shaped demon named Geryon."

An Cheng glanced at the mechanical key lying quietly in his hand.

Answered to the curious Asada Shino and the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

"Gerion possesses a powerful ability to influence time, and can slow down the passage of time. The Devil Sword Cult's research results on time slowing technology should be obtained from Geryon."

【So that’s the case, I said that it is impossible for the Devil Sword Cult to develop such a powerful black technology far beyond the limits of the times for no reason!!】

【No wonder, this is the technology that the Devil Sword Cult reproduced from the Gelion demon! 443! I didn’t expect that there are even demons that manipulate time, it’s really amazing!!】

【Devil, it's amazing!!】

【I understand, the quicksilver style that the demon hunter master used before must be the fighting style ability obtained after defeating the Geryon demon!!】

[I don’t know how many Geryon demons the Great Demon Hunter has killed... The Key of Cronus just slows down the passage of time, but the Mercury style of the Great Demon Hunter is almost real The power to stop time!!]

With the commentary of An Cheng, the legendary demon hunter.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space suddenly felt a burst of enlightenment.

Know the secret of how the Devil Sword Order developed the Cronus Key.

"In addition, the Devil Sword Cult got the Yan Mo Dao by accident, although it could not be recognized by the Yan Mo Dao, it can prevent it from cutting off the power of the space."

"But if we only use Yan Modao's ability to perceive space to determine the weak points of space changes, it can still be easily done."

"Time and space are closely related, and they are inseparable from each other. Only by arranging corresponding equipment at the space nodes perceived by Yan Modao, can the Key of Cronus successfully stimulate the power of time slowing down."

The veil of mystery shrouded in the Devil Sword Order.

Following An Cheng's commentary, it was constantly unveiled in front of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

The audience in the trial space live broadcast room who fully understood An Cheng's explanation, immediately wailed loudly.

【What? If you want to use the time-slowing technology developed by the Demon Sword Cult, do you still have to ask someone who holds the Yan Modao?! That's fine!!!】

【Yan Mo Dao is in the hands of the Demon Hunter God, who dares to snatch Yan Mo Dao from the Demon Hunter God!!】

[It doesn’t have to be Yan Mo Dao. According to the demon hunter god, as long as you have the ability to perceive weak nodes in space, you can apply this time-slowing technology!! 1

【Well said, but how can we have the ability to perceive weak nodes in space!!】

[If the time slowing technology can only be successfully used where the weak nodes in space are located, then the Demon Sword Cult should not have randomly set up a mechanical pendulum clock device, but built a mechanical pendulum clock device around the space node?!】

[Is there a time-slow technique that strongly requires the placement of the location... Although it is not unattractive, it feels less attractive than the beginning of ten.


[No, are you focusing on the wrong focus? The new information shows that the Demon Sword Cult obtained the Yan Modao by accident! (cfff)! I just said that the mysterious Virgil must not be killed Get rid of the rotten fish and rotten shrimp of the Devil Sword Cult!!]

【The news upstairs is really incomprehensible. Isn’t this the information that everyone has already discussed and reached the result? What are you making a fuss about now!!】

It is known that the technology of slowing down time can only be applied to devices fixed at weak points in space.

It even needs to have the ability to perceive weak nodes in space.

Many viewers in the trial space live broadcast room directly gave up their desire for time slowing technology.

Only those viewers in the live broadcast room with spatial perception ability are left.

Still maintaining the optimistic and eager attitude towards the key development materials of Kronos.

The small paws of the Tacheng kitten lightly stepped on the last step.

He stepped on the ground of the underground laboratory without making a sound.

She vigilantly clenched the Spartan sword in her hand.

However, he did not perceive any breath or signs of hostile demons approaching.

It was as if there were no man-made demons in this underground laboratory.

But this is obviously absolutely impossible.

Even in the various rooms of Fortuna Castle, there are many man-made demons wandering around.

As the top priority of the Demon Sword Order.

An underground laboratory that stores top-secret research materials that must not be leaked.

Man-made demons stationed in this underground laboratory area.

The number should be several times higher than that in Fortuna Castle!!

This unusual sense of desolation and silence emanates from the underground laboratory.

The vigilance in Tacheng Kitty's heart suddenly increased.

While following An Cheng, a legendary demon hunter who knows his way well.

Tacheng Kitty is always ready to fight against artificial demons.

Walk quickly in the long and narrow underground passages extending in all directions.

Cut the heavy steel isolation hatch that fell and sealed to create a road that is enough for people to pass.

Just like what Tacheng Kitty felt.

The trial girls did not encounter any man-made demon attacks along the way.

Such a sign of extreme weirdness.

It continued until An Cheng led the tester girls to the end of the underground passage.

Officially entered Agnes' laboratory.

The trial girls who have never been attacked by man-made demons feel at a loss.

Only then did he finally understand the truth of the matter.

"You, you, you, you... you, yes, how did you get in?!!"

One stood on a high platform, wearing a white robe, with a burly figure.

But his demeanor was extremely gloomy, a middle-aged man with a stooped waist all the time.

After seeing An Cheng and the tester girls who appeared in the underground laboratory quietly.

His expression, which was snickering triumphantly, instantly changed to a frightened expression after being strongly impacted.

The whole person took several steps backwards in succession.

Agnes already had a stuttering problem.

Stimulated by the panic that suddenly surged into his heart, his stuttering suddenly became more serious.

"The laser channel at the entrance, there is no sign of being closed or damaged at all!!!"

The degree of courage displayed by Agnes is completely inversely proportional to his size.

In order to determine the method used by An Cheng et al. to sneak into the underground laboratory silently.

Agnes even turned his back immediately.

Thick fingers danced nimbly and swiftly on the computer keyboard in the laboratory.

The laser network channel control map set up at the entrance of the underground laboratory was quickly called up on the big screen.

It is confirmed that the agency has not been damaged or hacked, but is operating normally as usual.

Until Agnes called up the surveillance video in front of the entrance of the underground laboratory.

In the playback record of the surveillance video, the familiar mechanical key held by An Cheng was observed.

On Agnes' face full of horror, an expression of sudden realization appeared.

"Original, it turned out to be like this, you, you found the Crow, Cronus key that I developed!! No, no wonder you were able to come to me without triggering the alarm!!!"

After the unknown questions that plagued me in my heart were answered.

Agnes regained his confidence, and his body, which had always been low, straightened a little.

A dark smile full of conspiracy was revealed on the face that seemed to be simple and honest.

As Agnes pressed a certain button on the console in front of him.

A series of solid walls fell instantly.

All the roads leading to the high platform where Agnes is located are blocked by An Cheng and the tester girls.

After all, this is the place Agnes used to conduct research on demons.

In order to prevent the demon's counterattack, various security measures are completely full.

【Is this, this person Agnes?】

【He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, really, really makes people anxious!!】

【Is the stuttering so serious? No wonder I’ve been squatting in the laboratory and refusing to go out to meet people. If I have such a stutter, I don’t want to talk to others!!】

【This Agnes is too cowardly, Bai has grown so tall!!】

【Man-made demons, death rituals, and the time-slowing technology of the Key of Cronus, were all developed by him? Although he doesn't look very good, he is indeed a top genius in research!!】

[I finally know why I have never encountered any man-made demon attacks in the underground laboratory,

It turns out that all the man-made demons were driven here for sacrifice!!]

【The current alchemists are really keeping pace with the times. All the laboratories are equipped with modern computer equipment!!】

I saw with my own eyes Agnes himself who, as the chief alchemist in the Devil Sword Order, developed many mysterious techniques.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space immediately started an in-depth discussion on the first impression Agnes left on them.

This burly and sullen figure of Agnes.

Obviously, it was the image of the chief alchemist of the Demon Sword Cult in the minds of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

It has a great sense of contrast!!

And through the observation of the high platform where Agnes was just now.

The audience in the trial space live broadcast room.

It also discovered the truth why the tester girls were not attacked by man-made demons along the way.

Because of the artificial demons in the underground laboratory, and the more powerful artificial demons in Fortuna Castle.

All were controlled and led into the underground laboratory by Agnes, the creator of the artificial demon.

One after another, man-made demons rushed towards the operating table placed on the high platform of the laboratory one after another.

After being guided by a special instrument in the laboratory.

The man-made demons have turned from hideous and terrifying entities into empty souls and energy.

The mighty influx entered the body of Credo, who was lying quietly on the operating table.

As the energy transformed by the man-made demons poured into the body.

Credo's originally pale face was recovering rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The hideous and terrifying wounds on his body are also rapidly healing.

Under the operation of Agnes.

Credo, who was seriously injured after the battle with An Cheng, is recovering very quickly.

The injury has already healed enough to join the battle again.

"Also, let's be more confident, Ke, Credo, hurry up and recover completely!!"

on the other side of the wall.

Man-made demons such as the Scaled Blade Demon, the Sword Wing Demon, and the Hell Hound Demon emerged from the black smoke screen one after another.

Launched a fierce attack on An Cheng and the tester girls.

And Agnes stood in front of the operating table, whispering to Credo who was being treated.

"Although, although I don't want to admit it, but facing an opponent who can beat you into such a miserable, miserable appearance head-on, according to my own words, it is very difficult to beat and defeat him!!"

Even if all the man-made demons in Fortuna Castle were gathered together, they would not be able to cause such serious injuries to the demonized Credo.

As the creator of artificial demons, Agnes is well aware of the potential and power of artificial demons.

Therefore, instead of losing Credo, a powerful colleague who is not pleasing to him, but has nothing to do with him.

It would be better to sacrifice the artificial demon in Fortuna Castle and contribute to the promotion of Credo's injury.

Only Credo's injuries were completely healed, and he joined forces with himself.

Only then will it be possible to defeat that unbelievably powerful and terrifying demon hunter!!

It was precisely because Agnes was focused on treating the seriously injured Credo that he had no time to take care of An Cheng and others who broke into the underground laboratory.

Until it was touched in front of the tester girls led by An Cheng.

Agnes suddenly realized that he was taken aback.

Following Agnes's stuttering murmur, the words fell.

The man-made demons that almost filled the entire underground laboratory were completely consumed.

All of them turned into pure energy and fell into Credo's body on the operating table.

Credo's body shone with faint golden magic light.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

A ray of golden magic power suddenly shot out from the sharp eyes like a falcon, blasting a big hole in the ceiling of the laboratory.

This sudden eye magic ray.

It made Agnus who bent over the operating table to observe Credo's injury.

Panicked, he fell unsteadily and sat on the ground behind him.

Bathed in the dazzling golden magic light, Credo slowly stood up from the operating table.

The hideous wounds on his body were completely healed at this moment, not even a single scar remained, and he had completely recovered to his peak state.

And at the same moment when Credo regained his peak state.

Thick walls falling down in the underground lab.

All of a sudden, he was under the attack of the brilliant flashing sword light.

Complete disintegration and shattering!!!.

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