Play As Dante At The Beginning, Pointing To The Trial Of Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 205: The Buyer's Show At The Death Ceremony! Mumai Tsuji And Sheila Who Are Being Targe

【In this way, there are two Yan Mo knives on the field at the same time, it's amazing!!】

【Does the demon hunter master often play like this?! It’s really scary, I think you are all used to it......】

[Indeed, you will get used to it after poking it, and you will get used to it sooner or later. 】

[I always feel that the demon hunter master has a special habit of stabbing himself with a weapon, and he also calls this behavior a Spartan family tradition. 】

【Family tradition is okay... Could it be that Sparta and Virgil also like to play like this?!】

【Your Spartan family is really big. JGP!!!】

Looking at the figure of An Cheng in the underground laboratory, holding a Yan Mo knife in each hand.

It was the first time that the audience in the Zhanchi World live broadcast room, who saw what a family tradition is, breathed a sigh of relief.

For a while, it was impossible to accept such a shocking artistic act passed down by the family.

"Jujuju, unexpectedly repaired the Yan, Yanyan Demon Knife again!!!"

Seeing the fragments of Yan Modao stored in the transparent cabin, he rushed to An Cheng actively as if the scene was reproduced.

Even after being repaired by An Cheng in a way that people call outrageous.

Agnes' eyes widened in astonishment in an instant, and a messy and frantic expression appeared on his face.

"Already, this is the second, second time!! If, if you really want to repair the Yan Mo Dao, you must use the same magic power as the forge of the Yan Mo Dao, Sparta!

"Forget it, forget it!! Now that the Yan Mo Dao has been repaired, and there are two Yan Mo Dao at the same time...then, then just grab and snatch both Yan Mo Dao!!"

"As long as I can get two intact Yan Mo knives, I, I, I, I will definitely be able to leave this damned place from the "610 Office" and get real, real freedom, wherever I want to go

Go wherever you want!!!”

At the end of the shout, a greedy and fanatical expression appeared on Agnes's dark face.

【Have fun, Agnes has broken the defense, he has broken the defense!!】

【Yan Mo Dao, which I couldn't fix after racking my brains, was repaired casually by the demon hunter god. Agnes will definitely break the defense, and it sounds like this is already the second time!! 1

[Who repaired the first Enma Knife? According to the name mentioned by Credo before, could it be that Nero who is also a descendant of Sparta?! 1

【Agnas wants to use the power of Yan Mo Dao to leave the ninth floor or even the range of the Devil Tower? Then his plot must not succeed!!】

【It's started, it's started, Agnes has also turned into a demon form!! Damn it, why is it so ugly?!!】

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space was discussing Agnes' attempt to snatch Yan Modao from An Cheng's hands.

A strange black mist suddenly surged around Agnes, and the black mist quickly covered his figure.

When the black evil mist covering the body dissipated and faded away.

The figure of Agnes in the form of a demon reappeared.

When it officially appeared in front of the audience in the trial space live broadcast room for the first time.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space witnessed the transformation process of Agnus from human to demon.

Immediately, it was given by Agnes, the chief alchemist of the Demon Sword Order.

A little demonic shock.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space, because of the image of a demon incarnated by Agnus.

In an instant, I felt that I had received a strong visual impact.

All of them couldn't help but let out uncontrollable exclamations in the live broadcast room of the trial space.


【Isn't this contrast too stark?! Why does Agnes look like a big fat bug after turning into a demon form?!!】

[Compared with Agnes, Credo can't be more holy, pure angels are all alone!!]

【Agnas looks like a big vermin demon!!!】

[Is it possible that Credo's angelic and holy devil image is just a seller's show put out by the Demon Sword Cult to screen out victims.

Is Agnes, who has been hiding behind the scenes and doing research work, the real seller show?!!]

【I'm broken!! The death ceremony is really a pure scam!! Devil hunter master, I don't want to be a devil anymore!!!】

The fat, ugly bug figure of Agnus.

Standing with the majestic and majestic golden bird-shaped Demonized Credo beside him.

Immediately, it seemed even more dwarfed by comparison, making it unbearable to look directly at.

The ugly demonized image that Agnus transforms into.

Immediately, the audience in the trial space live broadcast room were shaken.

The terrible idea of ​​accepting the guidance of the death ceremony was more thoroughly dispelled.

"Come on, my, cute babies!! Go and tear your enemies to shreds, shreds!!!"

The insect wings of the demonized Agnes vibrate at high speed.

He suddenly rose into the sky, and then stretched out his hands greatly to the sides.

The mysterious circular door with a golden outline quietly appeared in the void behind the demonized Agnes.

As the demonized Agnes continued to inject magic power into the pseudo-hell gate behind him.

From the open golden round door, one after another sword-winged demons, like a plague of locusts overwhelming the sky.

Heading towards An Cheng under the high platform and the tester girls frantically rushing away!!

Facing endless man-made demons such as sword-winged demons and scale-bladed demons flying out of the golden round door at high speed.

Asada Shino resolutely transformed the Artemis spear in her hand into the Moon Demon form.

The blue-black mermaid demon floats in the air, launching a surging barrage attack towards a large number of sword calculation demons flying in the sky.

Not only Asada Shino, but also trial girls such as Yukinoshita Yukino and Yotsuya Miko quickly joined the battlefield.

With the powerful magic tools in his hands, he skillfully and decisively eliminated the man-made demons summoned by the demonized Agnes from the pseudo-hell gate.

【Strange, how come there are so many man-made demons in Agnes?!】

[Indeed, there are only two or three kittens and puppies left in the entire Forduna Castle, and all the artificial demons in the underground laboratory are spent on healing Credo. These artificial demons Where did they all come from?!]

【Is there a possibility that these man-made demons were all summoned directly from the Demon Realm by Agnes through the Demon Realm passage behind him?】

【Would you like to see what you are talking about? You all know that the Sword Winged Demon is a man-made demon, and it can be summoned directly from the Demon World???】

[Red-haired Killing Ji: This should be the special ability of Agnes as a demon.

He didn't directly summon the sword-winged demon from the demon world, but consumed the magic power in his body to generate man-made demons in the door behind him, and then released them to attack the enemy!!]

【So that's the case, it really needs to be appraised by professionals. The red-haired Mie Sha Ji knows demons!!】

[Now that you know that these man-made demons are all summoned by demonized Agnes with magic power, then don’t be afraid. Agnes’s magic power is limited, and the number of man-made demons will never be truly endless!!! 】

A huge number of man-made demons swarmed out from the golden circular hell gate.

It's just the devastating visual impact.

This made the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space, who were paying attention to the battlefield, hold their hearts tightly.

Until the Phoenix family was settled, Rias Gremory returned to Juwang Academy.

In the live broadcast room of the trial space, she explained the truth she perceived.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were overwhelmed by the terrifying number of man-made demons emerging from the golden circular pseudo-hell gate at an endless speed.

Only then did he let out a breath of relief, and the boulder hanging in his heart suddenly fell gently.

Then I observed with great interest how the tester girls used the powerful magic tools in their hands.

These man-made demons who came one after another were constantly hunted down.

"Cocococoa, damn it!!! How could they have so many magic tools of such high strength?!!"

Looking at the man-made demon army that he summoned after consuming a lot of magic power.

After the girls who were tested were eliminated like chopping melons and vegetables with the help of powerful magic tools lent by An Cheng.

Immediately after demonizing Agnes, he became distraught.

He turned around suddenly, and roared at the Demonized Credo who was just standing next to him and watching dryly.

"Creto, hurry up and fuck me too!! I worked so hard to heal you, but I didn't let you watch it by the side!!"

The voice of demonizing Agnes has not yet completely fallen.

Demonized Credo, who had been standing silently on the high platform of the laboratory, suddenly turned his head.

In the red devil's pupils, there is a scarlet devil light that chooses to devour people.

Demonizing Credo is too fierce, it looks like he is about to attack himself immediately and kill himself cruelly.

Immediately made Agnes demonized with a cowardly and cowardly character.

In an instant, he retreated a certain distance to the rear, not daring to stay near the demonized Credo any longer.

"It's one thing for you to heal my wounds, it's just your struggle not to be wiped out by the enemy, but it's another thing for you to hold Ji Liye hostage and put Ji Liye's life in danger code thing..."

Looking at the demonized Agnus flying in the air and about to shrink to the end of the ceiling of the underground laboratory.

Demonized Credo's tone carried a strong sense of anger that was suppressed with all his strength.

"If it weren't for the rules of this weird space, Agnes, compared to the demon hunters who came to challenge me, the guy I most want to destroy is you!!"

The demonized Credo is ultimately subject to the rules promulgated by the trial space.

He cannot attack the demonized Agnus who is also the guardian demon boss.

And it is necessary to attack girls such as An Cheng and Shino Asada who are the testers.

Under the eyes of the demonized Agnus who felt relieved.

The platinum wings behind the demonized Credo suddenly lifted up, taking him straight into the air.

Flying towards An Cheng, the most difficult legendary demon hunter in the team of testers.

"Just relying on the man-made demon I summoned, and Credo, the useless and useless person who has already lost to the opponent, I am afraid it will be very difficult to win!!"

Feel the magic power flowing continuously in the body due to the continuous summoning of artificial demons.

The eyes of Demonized Agnus became even more gloomy.

The colossal army of man-made demons did not cause the oppressive situation that Agnes expected.

Even because of the moon demon Artemis, a powerful demon who is best at group battles.

They were wiped out faster than the demonized Agnes imagined.

The tower that wields the Spardan sword and the Ifrit gauntlet at the same time

city ​​kitten.

It is like an unbreakable solid barrier, protecting the safety of every trial girl.

Even Yukinoshita Yukino can consume the superstar red soul stone stored in the Faust hat.

From time to time, a section of crit damage that is eye-catching.

Even artificial demons bleed and drop red soulstones.

For Yukinoshita Yukino who holds the Faust hat, this is completely a way of fighting to support fighting.

Facing a terrifying and endless army of man-made demons.

She doesn't need to worry about the red soul stone reserve in the Faust hat, although it can be used for profligate attacks!!

"I must, I must add a little bit, a little bit, a little bit more chips to the balance of victory!!"

Through the comparison of the combat effectiveness of the enemy and the enemy.

Demonized Agnus's crazy brain as the chief alchemist of the Devil Sword Cult is running at high speed.

In order to increase your winning rate, the most direct and easiest way

Of course it is.

Created more powerful and superior demons than the artificial demons such as the sword-wing demon and the scale-blade demon!!

So far.

The demonized Agnes flying in the sky slowly turned his gaze to the rear of the group of testers.

He doesn't hold any magical tools in his hands, but relies on his own blood ghost skills to destroy the incoming artificial demons.

Or use the space Teigu Shangri-La.

The man-made demon 3.6 that attacked him was transferred to the entrance of the ninth-floor demon tower whose space coordinates were recorded in advance.

There are three newcomers, Tsuji Mucan, Tong Mo, and Sheila.

Compared with those trial girls who only rely on the powerful magic tools held in their hands to destroy artificial demons.

Adult males with strong bodies like Onimai Tsuji, Tongma and Sheila who rely on their own strength to destroy demons.

Undoubtedly, it is more favored by the chief alchemist, Demonized Agnes.

Make a premonition based on the intuition accumulated by Agnes' experience in directing countless death ceremonies.

He believes that if Oni Wu Tsuji, Tong Mo and Sheila accept the guidance of the death ceremony, they will definitely be able to transform into three powerful demons!!

As long as Agnes makes a small modification in the death ceremony [in order to control the minds of the newborn demons.

Let Oni Wu Tsuji and the others fight An Cheng and the tester girls in turn.

It couldn't have been easier!!

In fact, except for Gui Wu Tsuji, Tong Mo, and Sheila.

Tacheng kitten, a girl who was a tester, also met Agnes' criteria.

I just glanced at the vigorous wind waving in Tacheng Kitten's hand, and it seemed that it was the Spartan Heavenly Sword that recognized Tacheng Kitty's right to use it.

Demonized Agnus gave up the high-quality target of Tacheng kitten very sincerely.

Just be the target of the prey.

It was placed on Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi and Sheila who seemed to be faintly rejected by the entire team of testers.

Summons a large number of sword-winged demons that cover the sky and blocks the sun, and hides his figure in the group of sword-winged demons.

Demonizing Agnus is overwhelming.

He rushed towards Onimai Tsuji Mumi and Sheila who were struggling on the ground!!.

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