Play As Dante At The Beginning, Pointing To The Trial Of Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 212 The Savior Can't Move? The Sneaky Kitten! !

[Deng thump thump—————————!!!]

【Could it be that the sudden violent vibration just now was because of this huge statue floating in the sky?!】

[The demon hunter god called it the savior...... Could it be that this white idol is also a powerful demon, and it is the tenth floor guarding demon boss? !!]

【It's too big, this is too big!! No matter how you look at it, you can't win!!】

【Even through the screen, I can still feel the terrifying and oppressive aura emanating from the statue of the savior... The strength of the savior is not at the same level as the previous demon boss of the customs guard factory!!】

【Not to mention the magic of Credo and the magic of Agnus, even if all the magic power of the guarding demon BOSS on the first nine floors is superimposed, there is no way to match this statue of the savior!!】

[At this time, I can only watch the Demon Hunter God. Even if Shino and Yukino have the magic equipment lent by the Demon Hunter God, in the battle with the Savior, I am afraid that they can only give the Savior a layer of photon skin rejuvenation, Friendly scrape sha!!]

Looking at the white mammoth statue that appeared in the center of Fuduna, replacing the huge black tombstone-like gate of hell.

Feel the terrifying and awe-inspiring aura emanating from the statue of the savior, as well as the high and cold magical nature.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space suddenly felt the subconscious shrinkage and fear because of the appearance of the statue of the savior.

Whether it is the audience in the live broadcast room with special abilities, or the ordinary audience with no special ability.

At this time, they all felt the same strong shock and awe.

The viewers in the live broadcast room who could feel the magic power were shocked by the power emanating from the statue of the savior.

The terrifying superstar magic power that is endless like a sea of ​​smoke.

And those viewers in the live broadcast room who are ordinary people.

is very intuitive.

From the overly huge statue of the savior, on the white body like an incarnation of a mountain.

A sense of unparalleled power was recognized.

In front of the statue of the savior, even the guarding demon bosses stationed in the previous demon tower are as weak and small as toys.

Not even as big as a palm of the Savior statue!!

The most powerful trump card hidden in the deepest place of the Devil Sword Cult, the first appearance of the statue of the savior.

It was extremely powerful, and left a very deep impression on the audience in the live broadcast room of the four worlds.

[I found it, I found it!! What Asuna is reading now is exactly the experimental data about the secret weapon savior recorded by the Demon Sword Cult!!]

[I'll broadcast it in real time.....

The statue of the savior, designed and manufactured by Agnes, the chief alchemist of the Demon Sword Order, is the most powerful demon creation.

It is formed by the fusion of millions of demons' flesh and soul, and possesses the terrifying power of millions of demons merging into one——fuck millions?!!]

【Surprised, you read zero right?! How could it belong to millions of demons?!!】

[I testify that he was right, it was millions of demons!! The savior was made of the flesh and soul of millions of demons, no wonder he is so outrageously powerful!! 1

【As expected, it is the ultimate weapon of the Demon Sword Cult. The statue of the savior can completely wash away those hip-pull performances!!】

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space switched from the live broadcast of the underground laboratory.

Very intimately, for the audience in the live broadcast room at the screen of Fortuna Castle, he re-read the experimental records that Asuna Yuuki was flipping through at this time.

After learning that the statue of the savior is the ultimate weapon of the Demon Sword Order made of the flesh and soul of millions of demons.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space fell into a state of shock immediately because of the huge and heavy number.

At one point, it was even thought that the viewers in the live broadcast room who were in charge of translating had misread the zero after the number.

After repeatedly confirming the components of the statue of the savior.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space immediately felt that their views on the Demon Sword Cult had changed greatly.

It's just that this feeling that the Demon Sword Cult's compulsion has gradually begun to grow taller has just begun to appear.

Immediately afterwards, they were ruthlessly strangled by the audience in the live broadcast room who read the experimental data from the live broadcast of the underground laboratory.

[Happy, Agnes' experiment log is full of complaints... It is said that it is too hard and tiring to integrate the power of millions of demons into one huge statue of the savior. 】

[The most outrageous and funny thing is that after Agnes worked hard to build the statue of the Savior, he found out that he couldn't drive the statue of the Savior at all!! I laughed so hard!!!]

[While off the scale, there is a trace of reasonableness, the ultimate weapon built by the power of millions of demons like the Savior, if you want it to move freely, it must be

Very difficult!!]

[Suddenly I feel relieved, if the statue of the savior can't move freely, and can only stand cumbersomely in place as a target, then its threat level will be greatly reduced!! ——————Although in fact, I still feel a little Fear!!】

【That is to say, what we need to face is just an immovable statue of the savior, right? Let me just say that the class of the savior, the ultimate weapon that appears on the tenth floor of the devil's tower, is too supermodel Already!!】

【I feel something is wrong...... The statue of the savior is flying in the air now, it should be considered moving!!】

[Calm and calm, it’s just floating in place, isn’t this just standing on the ground all the time, the savior of standing on the ground, nothing to be afraid of!!]

Pass through the experiment log left by Agnus in the underground laboratory.

After learning that Agnus can't freely control the action of the statue of the savior.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space instantly felt relieved, and the haze that shrouded their hearts disappeared immediately.

After the fear of the statue of the savior was relieved.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room of the trial space suddenly remembered the three people who had been forgotten by them before.

[Hey, Guiwu Tsuji Wumi and Sheila are quite sensible. After the Demon Hunter God and the kitty left the underground laboratory, they didn't do any small tricks, but honestly helped to read the files of the Demon Sword Order !!】

【Very good, so honestly, at least they can at least survive to pass the Devil's Tower!!】

【It's a pity, if Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi and Tong Mo do something sneaky, we can immediately notify the Demon Hunter God, and let him descend from the sky to kill these two evil ghosts!!】

Looking at the screen of the live broadcast room in the underground laboratory, it is obvious that he has passed the power of the death ceremony and transformed into three newborn demons.

But they are still conscientious. In the live broadcast room for the trial space, the audience flipped through the experimental materials of the Devil Sword Cult, Gui Wu Tsuji, Tong Mo and Sheila.

The audience in the live broadcast room who have been following the three of them.

Some felt surprise and amazement.

And some viewers in the live broadcast room of Ghost Slayer felt strong regret and regret in their hearts.

Although I know that once Oni Wu Tsuji and Tong Mo die, there will be demons invading their world.

They hate deeply, even if they need to bear the price and risk.

Still wishing to see Guiwu Tsuji Wumi and Tong Mo die suddenly in front of his eyes immediately.

Onimai Tsuji is also a tester.

Naturally, you can also see the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room floating in the void in front of you.

Looking at the white live broadcast barrage flowing past at high speed in front of him.

Onimai Tsuji, who was flipping through the experimental documents in a regular manner, couldn't help feeling sad.

An indescribable sense of aggrievedness filled his heart.

When Agnes performed the death ritual operation on Onimai Tsuji Mumi and Tongma Sheila.

In order to manipulate their minds to attack the legendary demon hunter An Cheng.

Deliberately left a special back door in the spirit of Oni Wu Tsuji and the others.

Demonized Agnus can manipulate Ghost Dance Tsuji and them to fight at will by leaving the back door in their spirits.

And now after the demonized Agnes died in battle.

Oni Wu Tsuji Mucan and Tong Mo Sheila have the control authority of the three.

It naturally fell into the beheading of the demonized Agnes.

Acquired by An Cheng who summoned and manipulated the man-made demon style ability of Enchanted Agnus.

If it's just to demonize Agnes, after Guiwu Tsuji gradually becomes familiar with the newly acquired demon power, he still has the possibility of breaking free from the control of the back door.

However, when the owner of the control authority.

From demonizing Agnus, he became a legendary demon hunter.

An Cheng with the blood of the strongest demon Sparta flowing in his body.

Even though he has obtained the power of demonization, Oni Wu Tsuji has no possibility of turning over.

The degree of strength between the two magic powers is not a dimension at all!!

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan only felt that he was facing An Cheng.

It's like an ordinary ghost, who can't even be counted as the twelfth ghost moon, when facing himself, the king of ghosts, the general feeling!!

A strong fear of unrivaled strength and a domination that cannot be escaped no matter what!!

As a legendary demon hunter, An Cheng's control over Oni Wu Tsuji is many times stronger than that of demonizing Agnus.

If it were to demonize Agnus, it would definitely not be able to directly kill Ghost Wu instantly.

But An Cheng can, of course, easily!!

At this moment, Oni Wu Tsuji felt the panic and humble feelings of those evil ghost subordinates who were dominated by him with the blood of the ghost king!!

It is precisely because of the summoning style ability obtained from the demonized Agnus.

An Cheng will be able to safely put Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi and Tong Mo Xila in the underground laboratory, so that they don't have to worry about the three of them secretly making trouble.

Feeling the body that is honestly flipping through the experimental documents of the Demon Sword Order under the command of An Cheng through the control authority.

Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi and Sheila both showed expressions of extreme resentment and hatred.

Only Tong Mo has been living under the control of Ghost Wu Tsuji's ghost blood.

For this kind of situation that is controlled by people at will, the second evil ghost of the upper string, who has become accustomed to it, behaves a little calmly.

But bystanders can still easily detect the irritability of Tong Mo when he flipped the pages of his notes.

"...Cheng, is there no way for the Demon Sword Cult to animate this statue of the savior `"?"

Pull your eyes back from the barrage in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

In the situation where only the two of them were alone, Tacheng Kitty's fair face turned slightly rosy.

Then she pretended to be nonchalant and looked away, avoiding An Cheng's eyes.

He calmly changed into a very intimate address and spoke to An Cheng.

"Under normal circumstances, the Demon Sword Order did not drive the Savior God to

like method.

An Cheng glanced at the Tacheng kitten with a pretty face and slightly flushed face.

He once again looked at the statue of the savior occupying the central area of ​​Forduna City, and said so in a calm and composed tone.

And An Cheng's calm words.

It was the audience in the trial space live broadcast room who were planning to change the name of An Cheng because of the Tacheng kitten.

Immediately felt scalp numbness, hair standing up!!

A strong premonition suddenly surged up in the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space at the same time.

【The demon hunter master said that under normal circumstances, the Demon Sword Cult cannot animate the statue of the savior...... Does that mean there are still unusual situations?】

[The statue of the Lord who saved (obtained Li) in the Devil's Tower, is this normal or unusual? 】

[Do you still need to ask... Do you think the trial space is a normal thing?!!]

【It's over, doesn't that mean that the statue of the savior must be able to move freely?!!】

[The ultimate weapon of the Demon Sword Cult, built by the power of millions of demons, can the Demon Hunter God really beat the Savior Idol?!!!]

After realizing that the statue of the savior is most likely in a state of being able to move freely.

The hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space suddenly stirred violently.

Especially the audience in the live broadcast room of Zhan Chi World.

Although I have already witnessed the feat of An Cheng transforming into a demon form, beheading Demonized Credo and Demonized Agnus with ease.

But the magnitude of the demonized Agnes and the demonized Credo is far less solemn and terrifying than the statue of the savior.

An Cheng who can defeat Demonic Agnus and Demonic Credo.

Whether it is possible to knock down the statue of the savior forged from the flesh and soul of millions of demons.

The audience in the live broadcast room of Zhan Chi World held a pessimistic attitude towards this.

After all, from the perspective of body shape alone.

Compared with the statue of the savior who is like the incarnation of a huge mountain.

It's just that An Cheng's normal body shape is too small.

And An Cheng is just one person, and his magic power is only for one person.

But the statue of the savior possesses the power of millions of demons!!

A pair of millions.

Such a stark contrast.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the red-cutting world ticked off.

Naturally, he would not think that An Cheng could kill Demonized Credo and Demonized Agnus like that.

The statue of the savior whose body soared into the sky was easily destroyed!!.

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