Play As Dante At The Beginning, Pointing To The Trial Of Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 75 Is The Demon Hunter God The Son Of The Legendary Demon Swordsman?

"If you want to talk about the origin of the Rebellious Blade, you have to mention a story that everyone considers to be a legend.

He rejected the opportunity to repair the safe house provided by the trial space after passing through the tower floor.

After destroying all the demons encountered on the second floor, as well as the bottom boss hell three-headed dog on the second floor.

An Cheng who was still calm and calm, his breath was not disturbed at all.

With behind them like tourists, they stayed outside the closed room, watching An Cheng pick up the hell three-headed dog and show off their skills to death.

Slowly stepped on the big steps covered with luxurious red carpet in the Guandi room, pushed open the heavy bronze door, and entered the third floor of the Devil's Tower.

【This has just arrived from the first floor to the second floor, and it turned out that it only took an hour, and the demon hunter master has already got through to the third level, and even most of the time was spent on the road!】

【The efficiency of the demon hunter masters is really incomparable to the time when Shino and the others are alone in the sky!】

【Based on this progress, maybe it only takes two days for the Demon Hunter God to pass through the entire Demon Tower and return to the real world!~】

【Stop talking nonsense, calm down and listen to the story of Demon Hunter-Great God!】

After officially stepping onto the third floor of the Devil's Tower, the atmosphere An Cheng felt was completely different from the obvious sense of desolation on the second floor.

The third floor of the Devil's Tower seems to be a residence carefully built by a certain nobleman.

The cloister is covered with a high-end red carpet that feels comfortable and soft from the bottom of your feet when you step on it.

Small mahogany tables with exquisite shapes are placed at intervals, dotted in the empty corridors, and golden candlesticks burning with blood-like red candles are placed on the table.

The intoxicating and strange smell of incense permeates every piece of air on the third floor.

It was so quiet that a demon wandering in the corridor could not be seen, and someone could even faintly hear the sound of someone plucking the strings and playing a beautiful timbre.

On the walls at the left and right ends of the corridor, there are oil paintings framed in golden frames.

These look like oil paintings from masters, in the form of murals.

A series of individual oil paintings arranged from beginning to end, extending to somewhere deep in the corridor, tells a mysterious story that no one knows.

And the oil painting closest to the positions of the trial girls who visited the third floor for the first time.

Impressively depicts a jet-black mighty demon with a body structure similar to that of a human.

That dark demon, shaped like a mighty black knight, held an exaggerated black sword in his hand, and a huge scarlet gemstone grew on his forehead.

At the ends of the two curved pitch-black demon horns, a dazzling crimson color was revealed.

Dark Demons have curved black demon wings.

The body tissue shaped like a cloak and skirt is surging with a lava-like golden red color, which is the most eye-catching bright color on his body besides pure black.

【This black demon looks so handsome! Although it is a demon, it has to be said that it completely grew up on human aesthetics. Jian Zhong danced wildly on my aesthetics!】

[Indeed, just by looking at this oil painting, one can feel a sense of beauty and strength coming at the same time. At first glance, it looks like a handsome and strong, strong and handsome devil. I don’t know if it’s this The gatekeeper boss on the first floor?】

【Shouldn't it appear so early, if it appears on the third floor, doesn't it mean that this demon is actually not that powerful?】

【I really want to see this demon appear soon. I don’t know who is stronger than the demon hunter, this jet-black demon who looks like a black knight!】

【Those upstairs still need to think? It must be that the Demon Hunter God is stronger, right?!】

【That's right, the Demon Hunter God must be the strongest!】

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space also discovered the oil painting in front of the trial girls, and were immediately attracted by the content displayed in the golden frame.

Intense discussions took place in the live broadcast room.

"About two thousand years ago, Mondes, the king of the Demon Realm, led the demons in the entire Demon Realm in an attempt to invade the human world, so a war broke out between the human world, which symbolizes light, and the demon world, which represents darkness."

"Taking the humans of that period before BC as their enemies, the demons who were born to be powerful naturally won a great victory all the way, and everywhere they went were human bones and the blood-stained earth."

An Cheng, who entered the trial space with a designated invitation letter, could not see the heated discussions among the audience in the live broadcast room. He walked slowly in this quiet and luxurious corridor.

In an unhurried tone, he narrated to the trial girls behind him who were listening attentively to the story.

Even the Tacheng kitten quietly pursed its cherry lips and followed behind An Cheng.

A pair of brown-yellow eyes shone with interest, listening to An Cheng's story that belonged to another world.

"Just when the number of human beings was declining rapidly and facing the crisis of being completely dominated by demons, a magic swordsman with pitch-black magic horns stepped forward."

"I don't know why, that demon chose to betray the demons of the same race, but instead protected the hostile human beings, repelling the army of the demon world with his own power

And the leader of the demon world, Mondes, made the human race survive. "

"The deeds of the devil's betrayal of the same race to protect the human beings have been sung and sung from generation to generation with gratitude by the surviving human beings, who call him the legendary magic swordsman——Si Song.

"It's just that with the evolution of the times, the story of the magic swordsman Sparta has long been regarded as a purely fabricated story, and few people know it, let alone believe it.

【Wait a minute, have you noticed the story told by the demon hunter...】

【With the oil paintings on both sides of the corridor, it can be subtly matched, right?】

【What do you mean? Are you trying to say that the story of the great demon hunter is based on the oil painting on the wall and made up on the spot?】

【No, can the story we made up now be so fluent? Moreover, the content that the demon hunter master just said has been shown in several oil paintings later, can this be called made up?】

【That's right, the oil paintings in the Devil's Tower are obviously more proof of the correctness of the story told by the Great Devil Hunter. Okay, can you stop questioning and expose your own poor IQ?】

"Sparta... I remember Mr. An Cheng, when you pulled out the big skeleton sword before, there was a demon from the upper class who roared out this name."

Yukinoshita Yukino stroked her delicate white chin thoughtfully.


Recalling the roaring and roaring sounds of thousands of demons that almost made her think that she was about to be torn to pieces outside the room at the bottom of the second level.

Her complexion couldn't help turning a little pale again.

"It's not just the roar from the upper demons. I remember that the phantom of the gatekeeper boss on the first floor also said the name Sparta, and it seems to be specifically... the son of Sparta?"

Yotsuya Miko blinked her golden eyes, and carefully looked in An Cheng's direction.

From the mouth of the phantom who was furious at that time, Yotsuya Miko was not difficult to infer.

The [Dante] that the giant lava spider devil phantom resents is the fact that the so-called son of the legendary magic swordsman Sparta.

However, what surprised Yotsuya Miko and the other trial girls was when An Cheng heard the title "Son of Sparta".

As if it had nothing to do with him, he didn't show any strange reaction at all, and always maintained the same pace frequency as before.

Let them walk in the huge corridor.


【I am super, I remembered what Jianzi said. I said that the name Sparta seems to have been heard somewhere. It turned out to be the name said by the big flame spider when I was on the first floor!!!】

【Son of Sparda, Demon Hunter, but these words that Phantom said obviously all refer to one person!】

【But why is the Demon Hunter God so indifferent, as if talking about other people's affairs? Could it be that his relationship with his father is not compatible? Or is the Demon Hunter God not a child of Sparta at all?】

[If you think about it carefully, according to the story told by the Demon Hunter God, Sparta appeared in the human world two thousand years ago. If the Demon Hunter God is the son of Sparta, how old is he this year? Already?]

[Maybe Sparta didn't start having children until modern times, but I also want to know how old the devil hunter is now. He looks very young on the outside, but I don't think he has decades of experience in dealing with incidents. not come out. 】

"About 300 years ago, in order to prevent the devil from invading again, Sparta built a sacrificial tower, and sealed the passage between humans and the devil world with the blood of itself and a human priestess. .”

"It's just that because it is adjacent to the demon world, in the high tower used for sealing, there are often demons running around and making trouble in it."

An Cheng didn't care about Yotsuya Miko and Yukinoshita Yukino secretly looking at him.

Anyway, the ones who are the sons of Sparta are Dante and Virgil.

An Cheng only obtained Dante's power and Virgil's moves through Dante's character template, and has no connection with the legendary magic swordsman Spartan.

At most, it can only be said that An Cheng's demon bloodline comes from the legendary strongest magic swordsman Sparta.

"Wait a minute, why does the tower with demons roaming in it sound so familiar..."

Asuna Yuuki frowned slightly, a subtle expression appeared on her delicate and pretty face, and she asked An Cheng slowly with a hesitant tone.

"Could it be that, Mr. An Cheng, the demon tower selected by the trial space is the sacrificial tower built by the magic swordsman Sparta?"

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