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Chapter 77 Is The Demon Hunter God A Holy Water Wholesaler? ! !

"It turned out to be a group of spider demons.

Looking at the overwhelming number of ugly spider demons that gathered into a brown-gray ocean and swarmed towards the door.

Different from the pretty girls with pale faces behind them, An Cheng is very resistant to the impact of the ugly appearance of the human-sized spider demon.

They were not at all affected by the frightening momentum of the terrifying cluster of ferocious spider demons in front of them.

An Cheng just nodded with a look of surprise on his face, knowing the real body of the piercing magic sound that he just heard outside the door.

Then, as if he didn't care, he threw something in his left hand towards the self-nosed spider demons who were rushing towards the tide.

The transparent glass bottle flew high in the air, drawing a beautiful arc, and the pale white liquid contained in it shone with a crystal clear mist.

"that is.…………"

Looking at the transparent glass bottle thrown into the sky by An Cheng.

Tacheng Kitty seemed to feel something, her slender body suddenly tensed up, and her brown pupils suddenly expanded to the limit.

The crimson magic power burst out from An Cheng's body suddenly, mimicking the shape of one side of his body, turning into a red translucent phantom sword very similar to the sword of power

The red phantom sword belonging to An Cheng shot out under An Cheng's will with a posture that pierced through the air suddenly.

The stern red streamer flashed in the air, and in an instant, it came first, smashing the glass bottle that had soared to the highest point.

Stored in a transparent glass bottle, the pale white holy liquid that was full of the bottle suddenly spilled out.

Accompanied by the fragments of the broken glass bottle, like dense raindrops falling from the sky, they splashed in all directions towards the room that had been reduced to a spider's nest. 25

The sacred power residing in the liquid exploded unstoppably when it touched the surface of the swarms of spider demons on the ground.

"...It's actually holy water?!"

chi chi chi chi

Stimulated by the holy power contained in the holy water, the spider demons' surging and charging formation suddenly became disorganized and chaotic, rolling chaotically and crazily on the ground.

The brown ominous body that was splashed and touched by the holy water, accompanied by the hissing sound like putting a red-hot iron into cold water, emitted bursts of intense black smoke.

In a short time, the spider demon army array that charged towards An Cheng, Asada Shino and other trial girls like locusts crossing the border was completely disintegrated

Those spider demons who were touched by the holy water and writhed on the ground in pain.

Their ugly and ferocious bodies even turned into black and ominous miasma, blended into the air, and dissipated before the eyes of the tester girls.

After losing the spider demons that were densely packed to form an army, the entire lair covered with huge spider webs seemed much more empty.

"Is Mr. An Cheng actually carrying holy water? However, is it really appropriate to use holy water on these spider demons? Could it be that these spider demons are actually very powerful?"

Seeing that An Cheng casually raised his hand and threw a bottle of holy water, with the powerful holy power residing in the holy water, he wiped out all the spider demons present.

Yuuki Asuna showed some tangled eyes, and asked An Cheng cautiously.

Pay attention to An Cheng, Yuki Asuna, who gave advice to Asada Shino and the others when they were wandering in the first floor of the Devil's Tower.

It is natural to know the function and effect of holy water.

According to what An Cheng said in the trial space live broadcast room at that time.

The holy power residing in the holy water has a strong restraint effect on demons, even for the level of the guard boss, it is not enough to kill them completely in seconds.

But it can also cause a certain amount of damage and weakening to the guard boss just like putting holy water directly into the mouthparts of the giant lava spider demon phantom on the first floor.

Girls who are experimenters like Asada Shino and the others only have two bottles of holy water on their bodies from the first level of strategy to the present.

Holy water can reverse the situation in this way, and it is a key treasure item.

According to Yuuki Asuna's train of thought, no matter what, you should always keep it on your body, just in case.

People like An Cheng don't regard holy water as holy water at all, just like throwing out a bottle of cheap beer.

Yuuki Asuna felt that she could not accept and understand at all.

"Are you talking about these spider demons? If they are strong, they are not strong, otherwise they would not be wiped out by the holy water."

An Cheng casually replied to Yuuki Asuna.

There was another rustling sound from the spider's lair, and from the corner of the area where the holy water was not splashed, one spider demon after another emerged again.

The giant white cocoon of spider silk was crazily struck from the inside with force visible to the naked eye, resulting in a strong deformation.

In the end, the white giant cocoons were suddenly torn apart from the inside.

The newly born spider demons are only the size of a palm, but the number of spider demons emerging from each firefly still makes one's scalp tingle and back feel cold.

"It's not strong, but if you really want to fight, these spider demons are a bit disgusting. The spider silk they spray out is very sticky and will stick people directly to the ground."

"Those little spiders will even take advantage of the chaos to crawl onto your body and chew on you, sucking your physical strength and magic power. They are small and flexible and difficult to target, so it's better to just skip class.

Under Yukinoshita Yukino's twitching eyes, she met Yuuki Asuna's eyes that were so painful that she couldn't breathe.

While An Cheng was explaining the attack methods of the spider demons in front of the tester girls.

With an extremely natural expression, he stretched out his palm to the void again.

With the movement of gently holding his palm, another bottle of holy water quietly appeared in his hand.

The Tacheng kitten kept silent, carefully moving its footsteps in a panning manner, and hid behind Shino Asada, who was next to him as a human being.

The quality of the holy water that An Cheng brought out was too high. Even a demon at the level of Tacheng Kitty would have to touch that level of holy water.

Although it won't be wiped out instantly like those spider demons, it will also suffer from great pain.

The petite body huddled behind Asada Shino, and the Tacheng kitten quietly poked its head out from behind Asada Shino's waist.

A pair of brown eyes stared at An Cheng who once again threw the holy water bottle in his hand with extremely delicate eyes.

Obviously he is also a powerful demon, but he carries holy water with such a high purity with him, is he really not afraid that the holy water bottle will be accidentally broken during the battle, causing the holy water to splash all over his body?

Unable to see that An Cheng is actually the Tacheng kitten who stored the holy water in the system space, such doubts could not help but arise in his mind.

Jie Jie Jie Jie-!!!

On the ceiling of the spider's lair, on the huge white spider web at the very center, a gigantic shadow with a height of three meters suddenly fell down, with a gloomy and strange laugh from its mouth

It was a tan demon with the lower body of a spider and the upper body of a human female. The leader of the demons in the spider's lair existed, the queen of spider demons.

The highly viscous white spider silk poured out from the tufted device in the abdomen of the spider demon queen like a cannon, towards An Cheng and the others unstoppably.

"Come on ma'am, I have some good wine here, I want to treat you to a drink!!"

Seeing that the leader demon in this spider lair finally appeared, An Cheng smiled happily.

A halo of crimson magic power rippled all over his body, instantly condensing into the shape of a red phantom sword, bringing out waves of ripples in mid-air, turning into dazzling red meteors.

It blasted towards the spider demon queen who descended from the sky mightily.

The red phantom sword unstoppably shot down the spider web shells sprayed out by the spider queen.

As if carefully calculating the trajectories, the spider demons were firmly nailed to the ground with undiminished momentum, and followed by a sudden explosion.

Destroyed the spider demons who were stabbed by the red phantom sword.

Accompanied by the light and shadow of the red phantom sword array galloping out at an extremely fast speed, An Cheng, holding the rebellious blade tightly in his right hand, jumped up high.

An Cheng's body rushed out like a gust of wind, with a speed that no one present could react to.

Impressively, the bright silver sharp blade was inserted straight into the middle of the chest of the Spider Queen who had been knocked down by the red phantom sword.

The huge figure of the Spider Queen crashed to the ground.

The upper body of the female human fell backwards, the rebellious blade pierced by An Cheng was stuck in the chest, and the mouth was wide open due to the severe pain.

There was a frivolous smile on the corner of An Cheng's mouth, and he easily stepped on the spider queen, the alien lower body limb that was a spider demon.

In his right hand he held the great rebellious sword that had penetrated deeply into the chest of the 307 Spider Queen.

"As the so-called good medicine tastes bitter, you should take the medicine, ma'am, for the sake of your life and the lives of the children, just be patient for a while, it will be over soon~~~

Gently flicking off the cork of the glass bottle with the thumb of his left hand, An Cheng went straight to pour the whole bottle of holy water, under the inexplicable and horrifying eyes of the Tacheng kitten.

All of them were violently poured into the mouth of the Spider Queen.

Jie Ya Ya Ya Ya-!!!!

An incomparably shrill howl came from the Spider Queen's mouth.

Before her frantically struggling body attacked her.

An Cheng pulled out the Rebellious Blade one step ahead, jumped off the Spider Queen lightly, gracefully and handsomely, and safely landed back to the ground in a superhero-like landing posture.

Just watching quietly like that, the Spider Queen's body gradually turned into black mist and disappeared amidst the miserable screaming sound.

that is hidden in her womb.

After killing the Spider Queen in a normal way, a huge number of small spider demons will suddenly attack the attacker in the form of a corpse explosion.

It was also the holy power of the holy water poured into the Spider Queen's body, which was directly purified into a harmless gas and dissolved in the air.

Immediately afterwards, under the stunned eyes of the trial girls.

An Cheng didn't regard the holy water as a precious item at all, and took out a glass bottle filled with bright white holy water again.

Behaving in a very casual manner, he threw away only the last dozen or so scattered spider demons in the huge spider lair.

【This, this is too wasteful, too extravagant, right?!】

【Could it be possible that the Demon Hunter God is a wholesaler of holy water? He poured holy water on demons without even blinking his brows. He didn't feel distressed at all!!】

【Obviously there are only a few demons left, even if only Sinon and the others rely on the power of magic tools, they can be easily wiped out!】

【Even if the Great Devil Hunter wanted to save his energy, he wouldn't just use holy water to clear the field, could it be that he really brought a lot of holy water with him this time, so he wasn't afraid of wasting it at all?!】.

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