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Chapter 81 The New Magic Equipment Of The Demon Hunter Master, Beowulf's Fist Attack!

Faced with the ebony and white ivory double bullets that An Cheng fired at her again.

The red-haired vampire queen, this time, did not decompose her body into groups of bats to dodge.

The dazzling and terrifying Thunder Snake suddenly shot out from Nirvana's body.

The violent thunder and electric shock directly hit the double gun bullets that An Cheng shot at her, and directly evaporated and wiped out the two orange metal bullets.

The dark purple Thunder Snake danced wildly, disturbing the power of the magnetic field.

Under the action of electromagnetic force, An Cheng then fired a metal bullet towards her.

Even with the strengthening effect of magic power, it was still successfully interfered by Nirvana and deflected the trajectory.

The metal bullets that dragged out streaks of red light and shadow all passed through Nirvana's body without causing any harm to her.

"Her name is Nirvana, and she belongs to the queen of vampires among demons. She originally lived in the abyss and is known throughout the demon world for her debauchery and depravity."

Against a powerful demon like Nirvan, the vampire queen, who can control electromagnetic power.

Firearms can play a limited role, and it is far less effective than the phantom sword condensed with pure magic power to create combat results.

But An Cheng still seems to be playing a decompression shooting game.

Facing the vampire queen Nie Fan who never dodged or evaded, she frantically pulled the trigger of "Zero One Zero" for a while.

Until you have fun.

The ebony wood and white ivory guns in An Cheng's hands are like dexterous butterflies, spinning rapidly at his fingertips.

And it disappeared like magic.

"Although she did have a relationship with Sparta, Sparta is just one of her many experiencers."

Put away the ebony and white ivory double guns.

An Cheng answered to Yuuki Asuna, who was very curious about the identity of the vampire queen Nirvana, and the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

[I am super, my private life is so chaotic, and I have lived for more than two thousand years, isn't that the ultimate blue crotch?!]

【Suddenly feel a little disillusioned......】

[If this demon is really as unbearable as the demon hunter said, then I can understand why the demon hunter is so indifferent towards the vampire queen...

【And it's a vampire, vampires must drink human blood】

When An Cheng exposed the chaotic life style of the vampire queen Nirvana to the trial girl and the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

Originally in the live broadcast room, those viewers who showed great affection for the vampire queen Nie Fan's mature and glamorous appearance.

Suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"What a noisy human being, humble insects like you, just shut your mouth obediently and wait to become my blood food."

"Since you like talking so much, let me help you learn how to keep your mouth shut!"

For Yuuki Asuna who intervened in the conversation between herself and An Cheng, the vampire queen Nirvan showed a completely undisguised disgust.

She flicked her pale palm lightly, and bright thunderbolts shot out from her palm.

Pieces of purple-white thunder and lightning.

Under the stunned gaze of Asada Shino and other trial girls, they suddenly changed their shape.

From pure lightning, it turned into five terrifying demons with bodies made of deep purple lightning and the shape of one-eyed bats!

Seeing what the vampire queen showed to the trial girls, these serious human girls.

After that incomparably true indifference and cold attitude.

In the live broadcast room of the trial space, those barrage messages that originally hoped that An Cheng would persuade Nirvana to surrender suddenly changed the direction of the wind.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to send out bullet screens one after another, supporting An Cheng's actions.

[Asuna just said a word, and Nirvana is going to send demons like this to destroy them innocent humans who are just standing aside???]

【Sure enough, a devil is a devil, and one shouldn't have any expectations of a devil... Ah, a half-human, half-demon like the Devil Hunter is not counted! In my heart, the Devil Hunter is the most perfect human being!!】

【I knew that the Demon Hunter Master is absolutely correct, don’t worry about those brainless guys who don’t understand anything and only use appearance instead of three views, just do what you want to do with the Demon Hunter Master!】

【Yes, I will always support Demon Hunter God!】

【Come on, classmate An Cheng, knock down that annoying Batgirl!】

【Great Demon Hunter, YYDS!!!】

"These guys, the speed of changing camps is really fast enough......"

Looking at the live broadcast room of the trial space, those audience barrages who changed their tone quickly like weeds on the wall.

The corners of Yotsuya Miko's eyes twitched, and he bit his breath feeling very tired.

"V, do you know any information about these bat demons?"

Shino Asada calmly raised the magic spear Artemis in her hand.

Aim the gun at the lightning bat demons who are waving their lightning bat wings in the sky and flying towards them at a very fast speed.

Asada Shino tentatively pulled the trigger of Artemis.

However, Qingyou Yueya, who shot out suddenly from the muzzle of the gun, was all dodged by those extremely dexterous lightning bat demons.

Even with Asada Shino's exquisite sniper technique, he still couldn't hit even one of the lightning bat demons.

It can only be like a daily routine.

As soon as you meet a strange demon, you open your mouth to An Cheng, the strongest demon hunter who is an encyclopedia of walking demon ecology.

Inquired about the knowledge needed to defeat the Thunder Bat Demon.

On the second floor of the Devil's Tower.

Because An Cheng directly entered the Devil's Tower in the trial space from the real world through the designated invitation letter.

He failed to explain to them in the live broadcast room and point out the methods and techniques of attacking strange demons like before.

So Asada Shino and Yukinoshita Yukino, the girls who thought they had some strength enough to deal with the ordinary demons in the Devil's Tower.

The self-confidence was immediately trampled on the ground by the strange demons, and it was crushed hard.

In the face of a demon whose strength is unknown and whose attack method is unknown, it is not too much to be vigilant.

But no matter how vigilant you are, some demons with weird attack methods that can be called first-time kills can still make people neglect their defenses.

At this time, it shows how important An Cheng, the legendary demon hunter who knows all demon attack methods and ecological weaknesses, is really important!

"Those lightning bat demons, they are the incarnations of pure lightning. When their bodies start to glow, they will launch lightning blades at the enemy to attack."

In her eyes, the vampire queen dispatched one-eyed lightning bat demons to attack the extremely noisy Yuuki Asuna and other trial girls...

"When the one-eye of the Thunder Bat starts to flash, it is ready to launch a horizontal lightning laser to scan.

At this time, it is best to avoid them, or simply target their one-eyed eyes to attack, and don't give them a chance to fire lasers. "

But for An Cheng himself.

She didn't take the initiative to attack, but stood there with great interest.

Watching An Cheng answer Asada Shino about the attack methods of the lightning bat demons.

At the same time, he took out a pair of gauntlets and foot armor shining with silvery white light from the void.

Appreciating An Cheng's leisurely movement of equipping the magic tool Beowulf's gloves on his hands and feet.

"Because they are demons incarnated purely by lightning, attacks with lightning attributes will do little damage to them.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the king of Cerberus has been taken back by me, and Cerberus in Jianzi's hand can only use the power of ice attribute to attack. 217

【Appeared! The new magical equipment brought out by the Demon Hunter God!】

【I knew that the Demon Hunter God must not have any new magical equipment for us to escape from!】

【Since the demon hunter god is now taking out this silver glove and foot armor and equipping it, it means that this is a powerful magic tool that can restrain the vampire queen Nirvan!】

【I can't wait, I want to see the picture of the demon hunter master domineering and mighty killing all directions and beating the vampire queen!】

Watching An Cheng equipped with the Beowulf gloves and foot armor that were taken out of the system space for the first time.

Facing the air, he punched and kicked his legs in a series of fierce attacks.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space have already felt itchy and unbearable about the question of what kind of powerful magic tool An Cheng will bring out next time.

When I saw that An Cheng was finally willing to take out new magic tools to fight the vampire queen.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately started a full carnival.

"Ah, also, the lightning bat demon has the characteristics of being like a mirror, capable of copying the shape and attack style of the enemy, and can also perform 0.9 division and multiplication."

Although he has rich experience in fighting with Beowulf gloves in his mind.

But An Cheng is actually equipped with Beowulf gloves for actual combat, which is actually the first time.

"If you don't defeat all the lightning bats as soon as possible, they will split soon, and from the original body, a brand new lightning bat demon with exactly the same power as before will be split."

V-!! Such important information, you should have put it at the top right from the start!!”

Asada Shino looked at the sky, the form of a one-eyed bat made of lightning suddenly changed drastically.

It landed on the ground like a thunderbolt, dodging the powerful moonlight cluster strike that she filled with the demon star as ammunition and fired with the Artemis magic gun.

And it changed into a human-shaped thunder demon that can be seen at a glance, the body outline is the same as her, and even holds a magic gun Artemis composed of lightning in his hand.

The corners of Shino Asada's eyes couldn't help twitching suddenly, and even shouted a little frantically.

I don't understand why An Cheng left such important information until the end.

The only good thing is.

On the battlefield, the five thunderbolt bat demons that mimicked the images of different trial girl girls have not yet begun to split!.

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