Play As Dante At The Beginning, Pointing To The Trial Of Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 98 Frustrated Kitten, The Demon Hunter Master Can Fly!

【Appeared! Demon Hunter Master!!】

【Wait a minute, although I can recognize it, but is the appearance of the demon hunter transformed into a demon this time different from the last time?】

[It's because of the demon chess piece. The last time the demon hunter turned into a demon, he didn't have wings behind his back.

And this time, behind him was a pair of handsome silver-gray demon wings, even embellished with sapphires!]

【The little cat also said before that as long as the demon hunter master uses the king piece, he can grow the same demon wings as hers!

But I really didn't expect that the demon hunter not only has more wings, but even the color of his body has changed!]

[This is like a tiger with wings added, the demon hunter master has wings, that Echidna who ran to the sky to survive her last breath, will be in trouble! 】

Because I don't know that An Cheng can use different magic equipment to transform the coherent demon into different demon forms.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space saw An Cheng, a demon figure that was completely different from that of Beowulf when Alastor was transformed into a demon.

It is regarded as the significant strengthening effect brought about by using the king piece.

And because of this, it excitedly sent audience barrage in the live broadcast room.


An Cheng in the form of Alastor Demon, holding the silver-white Thunder Demon Sword in his right hand.

Behind him, a pair of silver-gray demon wings fluttered gently, standing firmly above the sky.

An Cheng brought the palm of his left hand, which was branded with blue lines, to his eyes, and then slowly clenched his fist.

"More power...... I can feel it, as long as I want, I can dig out more and stronger power from my body anytime and anywhere!

Feeling the endless magic power flowing out of the body, the illusion that it can easily destroy the whole world, and the joyful feeling of the leap in strength is enough to make anyone intoxicated.

Even, the illusion that can destroy the world is not a real illusion.

It is a fact that can be easily realized as long as An Cheng is willing!

No longer the half-human, half-demon Nephilim, but a pure-blooded demon with complete Spartan blood.

Buried in the body is the king's sleep that can increase the magic power of the holder dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

It even unlocked Dante's strongest final form, the true devil form.

Today's An Cheng is extremely strong!

Even if the Demon Emperor Mengdes breaks out again, An Cheng is confident that he will be able to defeat the Demon Emperor in a head-to-head confrontation.

In a very short time, let him roll back to hell again!

An Cheng, who was high above the sky, took a deep breath lovingly.

That is like a huge wave, the surging magical power surging in the body.

As the boiling mood gradually calmed down, it slowly cooled down and fell silent together.

An Cheng's scarlet eyes are frightening, like a real devil.

With just a blink, the calmness and rational brilliance that belonged to human nature were regained.

"Then, next is you, Echidna."

An Cheng, who quickly came back to his senses from the intoxication of the leap in power, raised his head slightly.

He looked towards the sky above the end of the Devil's Forest.

Tacheng Kitty, who stretched out the wings of the pitch-black devil, has once again been greatly improved in flexibility and maneuverability.

The demon loli with white hair and brown eyes, like a white civet cat, moved her figure with incomparable dexterity in the sky.

Dodged one after another fierce attack from the huge blue-black wooden snake.

And taking advantage of the gap between successful dodges, he waved out the red dragon head glove that was burning with blazing flames.

Or throw a large number of flame shells forward with the Ifrit gauntlet.

Or clenched the pink fist tightly, exerting the monstrous power that the chariot demon should have, and pounding vigorously on Echidna's huge blue-black snake body.

It caused Echidna's huge green and black wooden snake body to sink to the ground suddenly, and on the thick body covered with snake-like wooden bumps, blazing fires of flames burned one after another.

Anyone can clearly see that the tower city kitty belongs to the side that has the upper hand in the confrontation with the fourth floor boss Echidna!

However, within a short period of time, Tacheng Kitty was unable to eliminate Echidna, a powerful gatekeeper demon, and won the final victory.

[I didn't expect that the Ifrit gloves used by the demon hunter to bake pizza can be used in battle, and they can exert such powerful power! 】

[The little cat is completely beating up the boss on the fourth floor so easily that he is in a mess, running away with his head in his arms!

You don’t even need to lean close to me for melee combat anymore, just standing in the distance and firing flame shells is enough to completely burn Echidna to death!]

【Laughing, ever since the demon hunter master used the king's demon chess piece to burst out the demon's aura that shook the entire upper level of the demon tower.

This fourth-floor boss is like a frightened quail, he has no intention of fighting with the kitten anymore, he is just being beaten according to the rhythm!]

Tacheng Kitty got his wish and proved his excellent fighting ability.

But looking at the barrage comments from the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

However, he completely pushed all the credit to Ifrit's gloves.

As well as the factor of the terrifying magic power burst out by An Cheng when he was strengthened by the king's chess piece.

Waving the wings of the pitch-black demon and flying high above the sky, the Tacheng kitten couldn't help but fell into a state of speechless silence.

Although he deliberately refuted the viewers in the live broadcast room.

But after the Tacheng kitten opened its cherry lips a little, it found some sadness in its heart.

She really didn't have enough good reasons to refute the viewers in the live broadcast room who thought that An Cheng was the one who deserved most of the credit.

Fire Attribute Ifrit Gloves [When dealing with the Wood Attribute Flower Demon Echidna.

It's so easy to use that it can't be used any more, and it can easily deal critical damage.

If it was replaced by Tacheng Kitten's own little powder fist.

Although it can also cause damage to Echidna, it is definitely not as outstanding as the current effect.

And there is no long-range flame bombardment of Ifrit's gloves.

If only relying on melee attacks, it would be very difficult for the Tacheng kitten to successfully pursue and attack the flower demon Echidna who has the ability to stay in the air and is extremely flexible.

As for An Cheng using the King Piece, the terrifying aura that shook the entire Demon Tower was deterrent.

Tacheng Kitty was completely unable to refute.

As a tester who fought against Echidna, she was the one who could most intuitively understand that Echidna had been looking at An Cheng on the ground from time to time with eyes full of fear.

Echidna had no intention of concentrating on fighting with herself at all.

Even if such an enemy is crushed, the victory against the fourth mile guard demon boss is close at hand.

Tacheng kitty didn't have the slightest sense of happiness and accomplishment in his heart.

Instead, it was filled with a sense of loss and silence.

Although Tacheng Kitty wanted to show its true strength, to show An Cheng and the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

But the situation developed to the end, even though An Cheng stood on the ground and did not join the fight.

Tacheng Kitty still relied on An Cheng's strength to finally beat the flower demon Echidna so easily.

"" Thank you for your hard work, kitty, let me handle it next. "

Therefore, when An Cheng in the form of the Alastor demon waved the pair of silver-gray demon wings inlaid with sapphires, and approached him.

Tacheng Kitty didn't say anything more, but silently stepped back, silently giving the battlefield stage to An Cheng again.

In any case, before An Cheng used the king piece to transform the race, he still had the advantage of being able to fly, and briefly surpassed An Cheng for a period of time.

Just when the Tacheng kitten was silent in his heart, using this excuse to soothe his tender heart.

Inadvertently caught a glimpse of An Cheng in the form of the Alastor demon, and the pair of tower city kittens with eye-catching silver-gray demon wings behind him.

The pair of brown eyes suddenly widened, and the expressionless cold face instantly showed a mixture of surprise and astonishment.

"Huh? Wait a minute... These silver-gray wings are not demon wings produced by transforming races through demon chess pieces!"

Users who use the demon chess pieces to transform their races will have the iconic jet-black bat wings behind them.

However, the pair of demon wings that An Cheng was waving slowly behind his back at this time were not the same pitch-black color as a kitten in Tacheng.

Instead, it is inlaid with several beautiful sapphires, showing a luxurious silver-gray demon wings!

"Could it be that you (Denuo's) could fly?!"

Tacheng Kitty's surprised tone could not help revealing a strong sense of frustration.

If only An Cheng had mastered the ability to fly in the first place.

Then wouldn't she still be the same as before, even if it was only for a short while, she would not be able to beat An Cheng at all?

【What? The demon hunter master can fly? Really?!】

【The little cat himself said so, so it must be true. I said how can an almighty god like the demon hunter master not be able to fly!】

【That is to say, the Demon Wings behind the Demon Hunter Great God are not the product of the king's chess piece?!】

【Then what is going on with the appearance of the Demon Hunter Great God? Could it be that he actually has two completely different demon forms?!】

[When the demon hunter transformed into a demon twice, he held different magic equipment. Could it be that the difference in the transformation form of the demon hunter "has something to do with the Kuji he is using?"

After hearing the words spoken by Tacheng Kitten with a tone of astonishment.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space immediately began to discuss.

Because of the two different transformations that An Cheng showed in succession on the third and fourth floors, endless fantasies arose.

There are even viewers who really directly speculated the truth about An Cheng's synchronous demonization with magic equipment!.

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