018 Antique Street Bargain, Ming Dynasty Yellow Glaze Porcelain (Please give me flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

【Pink Fairy Alicia: It's really lively here. With my blessing, I hope you can complete the task smoothly and buy antiques that are worth the money.】

【Lightning Queen Mei: Thank you, Alicia】

【Pink Fairy Alicia: @Chu Feng, I failed in my mission just now, can you comfort me?】

【Chu Feng: Ai Lishiya also encounters difficulties? It's rare. Well... you are the best.】

【Pink Fairy Alicia: What you said is very nice, if it is nice, please say a few more words.】

【Chu Feng:……】

【Pink Fairy Alicia: Do you think I talk too much? But I just have a lot to say to you.】

【Chu Feng: No, I am always happy to talk to you.】

【Artist Eden: My dear Ai Li, what's wrong? What difficulties have you encountered?】

【Pink Fairy Alicia: Eden, it's nothing.】

【Chu Feng: Ai Lixia, wait until I help Mei and the others complete their mission, then we can talk later.】

【Pink Fairy Alicia: Okay, I know you are the best to me.】

【Queen of Thunder Mei: By the way, Chu Feng, we only have 100,000 yuan in capital, we can't afford anything too expensive】

【Chu Feng: Don't worry, I can find some treasures for you within the limited funds.】

【Chu Feng: It is very difficult to find bargains in the antique market. If you are not an expert, a museum worker, a senior archaeologist, or a tomb robber, it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.】

【Chu Feng: But for an expert like me, it is still relatively simple. 】

In the live broadcast.

Mei, Kiana, and Bronya walked into a shop.

There were all kinds of calligraphy and paintings, vases, and jewelry.

Chu Feng observed everything with his keen eyes.

At this time.

A very good landscape painting came into Chu Feng's eyes.

But this painting was a copy.

【Chu Feng: Meiyi, the landscape painting next to you is nice. You can buy it.】

【Thunder Queen Mei: This one?】

【Chu Feng: Yes. 】

The shop owner saw the landscape painting that Mei Yi pointed at and said:"Miss, you have a good eye. This painting is a famous painting, an authentic one."

"It was painted by Zhao Lingrang in the Song Dynasty. Look at the strength of the brush and the heavy sense of history."

Mei:"How much, boss?"

The shop owner looked at the three innocent girls again:"Not much, 3 million."

Kiana:"3 million! Why don't you rob a bank?!"

【Chu Feng: Don't listen to his nonsense, this is a simulated painting, worth at most 300】

【Chu Feng: Besides, Zhao Lingrang is not a master. Even if it is a real painting, it is worth at most 800,000.】

【Chu Feng: Not long ago, a real painting by Zhao Lingrang, a painting of bamboo, was auctioned in Canghai City for 760,000 yuan.】

【Chu Feng: The painting in front of you is not full of brushstrokes and the colors are too chaotic. The paper is just ordinary gouache paper, not the Chengxintang paper used by Song Dynasty painters. It is definitely not the real thing.】

【Chu Feng: Meiyi, tell the store manager what I said, and he will know that you are an expert and will not give you a random price.】

【Lightning Queen Mei: OK.

Mei relayed Chu Feng's words to the shop owner.

The shop owner was surprised:"I didn't expect you to know so much at such a young age. You must be the daughter of an archaeologist, right?"

Mei:"Don't ask me this. Will you sell this painting for 300?"

Shop owner:"No, it must be at least 1,000, otherwise I will lose money."

【Lightning Queen Mei: He insists on 1,000. What should I do?】

【Chu Feng: Just leave, he will definitely try to keep you.】

【Lightning Queen Mei: Good】

【Paramecium Kiana: Why make it so much trouble? If you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't want to buy it, forget it.】

【Lightning Queen Mei: Kiana, don't be so irritable, just listen to Chu Feng, it's right.

Mei and the other two followed Chu Feng's instructions and turned around and left.

The shop owner really compromised:"Wait, little girl, 300 is 300, I'm losing money, you can take it."

Mei was very happy to hear the shop owner compromise.

The three of them came back and bought the calligraphy and paintings.

Just walked out of the store.

Kiana felt very hungry:"Mei, I want to eat."

Mei:"Hey, why is Kiana's appetite growing again?"

Bronya:"Stupid Kiana, you eat as much as a pig."

Kiana:"I'm not a pig, Mei, I'm really hungry."

Mei had no choice but to take Kiana to fill her stomach first.

After eating, Kiana felt sleepy again.

Kiana:"Mei, I really want to go back to sleep."

Mei:"But our mission is not yet completed. If you are sleepy, go back first."

Bronya:"Stupid Kiana, you sleep like a pig!"

Kiana:"Bronya, what are you talking about?! I am angry!"


Bronya and Kiana quarreled

【Lightning Queen Mei: Hey... Why are Kiana and Bronya arguing again? They argue every day, it's so annoying】

【Lightning Queen Mei: Mei really wants to leave them both behind and complete the mission alone. After all, everyone is helping】

【Shenzhou Tablet Fu Hua: If you do this, you are spoiling them too much】

【Lightning Queen Mei: But……】

【Paramecium Kiana: Mei, don't leave me】

【Lightning Queen Mei: Oh, this is such a headache】

【Chu Feng: Have a cup of tea, it will help relieve stress.

Chu Feng sent the brewed tea to Meiyi through the chat group.

Meiyi drank the mellow tea and immediately felt much better.

Meiyi sent a private message to Chu Feng.

【Lightning Queen Mei: Thank you Chu Feng. Mei has never been treated like this before. It feels so warm.】

【Chu Feng: You're welcome.

Kiana looked at the anxious Mei and immediately stopped arguing with Bronya.

She ran to Mei and said,"It's all Bronya's fault. Okay, Mei, don't be angry. I won't argue with her anymore."

Just then, on a street stall behind Mei,

Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

He saw a gray pear-shaped pot.

Under the dust, some yellow appeared.

Chu Feng observed it carefully for a long time.

He was very happy.

Isn't this the yellow glaze porcelain from the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty?

…… ps: I ask all the handsome captains to support me by giving me more flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly tickets. Thank you. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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