Looking from afar.

The hazy Taixu Mountain is shrouded in a layer of gauze, and the shadows are vague.

In the misty clouds, it is sometimes far away, sometimes near, sometimes close.

Looking closer.

In fact, it is rocky and steep.

Kiana:"This mountain is too steep, it's hard to climb up."

Mei:"Kiana, you eat so much, it's just right to climb the mountain to lose weight."

Chu Feng:"Taixu Mountain is the place where emperors of all dynasties have offered sacrifices to the gods."

Kiana:"Isn't this Taixu Mountain where Fu Hua lives? Why is there another emperor coming to offer sacrifices to the gods?"

Chu Feng:"As the guardian of Shenzhou, Fu Hua has killed countless monsters in thousands of years."

"The court conferred her the title of Supreme Immortal"

"Although she did not care about government affairs, nor did she care about the change of dynasties"

"But every emperor who ascended the throne would always go to Mount Taixu to pay her a visit."

"It is said that if one can see the immortal, he can prolong his life and make his dynasty prosperous."

"The kings who failed to see the immortal either died midway or their kingdoms changed hands. In short, none of them had a good end."

Mei:"I didn't expect Fu Hua to be so respected by the court."

Kiana:"Even such an immortal was killed by her apprentice. What a bunch of scum!"

"After the Immortal Sending Ceremony is over, I will kill all of them!"

Kiana's words made Qin Suyi beside her tremble.

What sin has she committed?

When the master was assassinated, she was coerced by six senior sisters.

Now she has to face the revenge of the master's best friend.

It's too difficult!

When they reached the top of the mountain.

Everyone found a black area.

It was full of traces of burning.

The Fuyun Temple of the Red Kite Immortal was also burned to only black charcoal.

Meiyi:"Qin Suyi, tell me quickly, where did you hide the immortal body of the Red Kite Immortal?"

Qin Suyi trembled:"Just behind this ruins, about a hundred meters away, there is a cave."

Kiana:"Take us there quickly! Don't play any tricks, otherwise this lady will not be polite to you!"

Qin Suyi:"Yes, I dare not. You come with me."

Qin Suyi said as she walked:"The three 22 heroes, are you really the master's friends? Are you here specially to organize the Immortal Sending Ceremony for the master?"

Kiana:"Just tell you to take it with you! Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Chu Feng:"It's okay, Kiana, it's okay to tell him."

Kiana:"I will tell you openly."

"Qin Suyi, you are right. In addition, we must also bring all the murderers who killed your master to justice!"

"No, I killed them all!"

Chu Feng saw Qin Suyi's worry and said,"I believe in fairness and justice. If you didn't kill your master,"

"I won't kill you."

Qin Suyi felt a glimmer of hope for life.

If she wanted to survive, she had to plead with this man more to survive.

She continued to lead everyone forward.

Not long after walking,

Qin Suyi led everyone to the back of several burnt trees.

After moving the fallen trees away, there was a cave inside. The cave was very dark.

Kiana:"It's so dark in this mountain that you can't see anything?"

Chu Feng:"That's easy."

Chu Feng took a wooden stick, condensed the electromagnetic force, lit the stick, and made it into a torch.

Under the light,

Qin Suyi came to a wall and triggered the mechanism.

The stone door slowly opened.

Qin Suyi:"Master's immortal body is inside."

Chu Feng and the others saw Fu Hua lying on the stone bed.

The Red Kite Immortal had long gray hair and many bloodstains on her white clothes.

Chu Feng, Mei and Kiana rushed forward to check.

They found the Red Kite Immortal.

Her right foot was broken at the ankle.

The tendons and veins in her hands were broken.

Her internal organs were all destroyed.

The heart was the most seriously injured, with more than ten damages.

However, the most fatal wound was on the head.

It was a sword wound.

The sword pierced her forehead, destroyed her brain, and then passed through the skull.

If it were an ordinary person, any one of these injuries would be enough to kill him.

The Red Kite Immortal suffered such tragic treatment, which made Kiana and others very angry.

Kiana:"Her disciples are too cruel. I'll find them and kill them all!"

Mei:"Kiana, I understand your pain. Fu Hua being killed like this is not what any of us wants to see."

"First, follow Chu Feng's instructions and perform the Immortal Sending Ceremony for the Immortal Chi Yuan, and then find the real murderer."

【Pink Fairy Alicia: Chu Feng, these people are too cruel. After the ceremony of sending the immortal away, you must avenge Fu Hua!】

【Artist Eden: Their apprentices are capable of doing such unethical and immoral things. They are worse than animals!】

【Cute cat Paddy Felice: Even I can’t stand it!"Canned" go bite them to death! 】

Paddy ordered the cat next to her, which was"Canned" who depended on her for life."

【Pink Fairy Alicia: What is a can?】

【Lovely Cat Padova: My Lovely Cat】

【Chu Feng: Don't worry. I will.】

【Chu Feng: You don't have to worry too much about Fu Hua. Fu Hua is not really dead.】

【Chu Feng: Fu Hua possesses the divine keys"Grasp of the Void" and"Feather Dust". These two treasures can make her a true"immortal"."】

【Chu Feng: It can make her body last for thousands of years without dying, and her soul last for ten thousand years without being extinguished】

【Chu Feng: Her body wounds are actually healing slowly, and her brain and body are reorganizing.】

【Chu Feng: This process is slow. She will wake up in twenty years.】

【Girls: Really?】

【Chu Feng: In my memory, it is true.】

【Dr. Mei said solemnly: Chu Feng, what you said is too amazing. What is that divine key? Can it turn ordinary people into immortals and make them immortal?】

【Chu Feng: I will explain it to you after I finish the Immortal Sending Ceremony. This Key of God is too complicated to explain.】

【Dr. Mei said in a serious tone:"Okay."

Chu Feng looked at Fu Hua, who was covered in wounds, and felt bad.

He immediately gathered the power of the grass element and tried to treat some of her wounds.

Green gas entered Fu Hua's body and spread to all parts of her body.

Fu Hua's body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qin Suyi, Kiana and others were stunned when they saw it.

Qin Suyi was horrified:"You...you are also an immortal?!"

Kiana:"You just found out! How stupid! He is the Emperor of Rock King, an immortal who has lived for more than 6,000 years!"

Qin Suyi quickly knelt down:"Emperor, I am disrespectful to you!"

Chu Feng:"No need to be polite."

Kiana walked to Chu Feng and patted his shoulder:"Chu Feng, you actually have such a powerful healing method. I was injured in the training room before, why didn't you use it on me?"

Meiyi:"Kiana was injured before? Was it serious?"

Kiana:"Thank you Meiyi for your concern, it's not serious, just a minor injury."

Chu Feng:"You said you didn't want it at the time."

Kiana:"Okay, then if you heal Fu Hua's wound, will she be able to wake up faster?"

Chu Feng:"You can say that. But it will take at least a few years."

Meiyi:"Chu Feng, where should we go to hold the immortal ceremony with Fu Hua's immortal body next?" (To read the exciting novels, just go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Chu Feng:"Go to the capital"

【Girls: Why go so far to the capital?】

【Chu Feng: Fu Hua, as an immortal, has protected Shenzhou for thousands of years, devoting himself to the cause until his death. He has killed countless demons, isn't it worthy of the whole country's worship?】

【Fan Fairy Alicia: Hua is definitely worthy of it】

【Artist Eden: Do you still have enough time?】

【Chu Feng: I can only work harder and fly over with them.

Chu Feng looked at Fu Hua's pale face and dusty body.

He wanted Fu Hua to be beautiful when she was put into the coffin.

After all, she was also a woman.

No woman doesn't like to be beautiful.

More importantly, this can make the immortal have more dignity after death.

【Chu Feng: Ai Lixia, can you lend me the cosmetics I asked you to prepare?】

【Pink Fairy Alicia: Okay. You have to dress her up nicely.】

【Chu Feng: Eden, are the clothes customized for Fu Hua ready?】

【Artist Eden: Okay, I'll send it to you right away. 】

Chu Feng received the cosmetics and clothes.

He took the eyebrow pencil to draw Fu Hua's eyebrows.

Chu Feng drew gently.

The indigo-colored paint left willow-like eyebrows on Fu Hua's forehead.

He wiped Fu Hua's pale face with a wet towel.

Then he applied white foundation...

Seeing Fu Hua dressed so beautifully by Chu Feng, Kiana and others couldn't help but sigh

"Chu Feng, you draw eyebrows better than me, I can't believe it"

"Kiana, it seems that Mei drew your eyebrows for you, right?"

"Hehe... Meiyi, please don't say it out loud~ It's so embarrassing"

【Fan fairy Ai Lishiya: Chu Feng is so serious when drawing eyebrows, will you draw for Ai Li someday?】

【Artist Eden: You are really clever and skillful. This is the first time I have seen a boy so skilled. This makeup is really unique!】

【Cute cat Padova: Well-versed in history and knowledge, doing the burial makeup for an immortal, is this also considered one of them? 】

Chu Feng ignored them.

Instead, he continued to make up Fu Hua for the final burial.

Chu Feng:"The makeup is done, and now it's up to Mei and Kiana. You two should change Fu Hua into new clothes."


Kiana and Mei stayed in the stone room to change Fu Hua's clothes.

Chu Feng and Qin Suyi waited outside the stone door.

Not long after, the stone door opened.

"Chu Feng, you can come in now."

Chu Feng came in and saw that Fu Hua had put on new clothes.

Although she was dead, she still exuded an extraordinary and otherworldly aura, and was very beautiful.

Chu Feng and Qiana carried Fu Hua's immortal body into the golden nanmu coffin.

Then, everyone flew to the capital.

At this moment

, the death of the Chiyuan Immortal had already spread widely in the capital, alarming the court.

Ming Xianzong Zhu Jianshen learned that the immortal was killed by someone, and Longyan was furious.

He also learned that the immortal friend of Chiyuan 760 was killed by someone. She organized a ceremony to send off the immortal. She also ordered all the civil and military officials in the court to hold a memorial ceremony for the immortal. The ceremony was held with the highest royal standards.

Not only the court, but also the people and officials from all over Shenzhou knew that the Red Kite Immortal was killed, not returned to the immortal world.

They spontaneously held memorial services for the Red Kite Immortal all over the country.

When Chu Feng and others arrived in the capital, they were immediately warmly received by the people of the capital.

Many royal nobles also came.

The court had already taken the initiative to open up a venue for the immortal.

This surprised Chu Feng, Kiana, and Mei.

"I didn't expect that the Red Kite Immortal had such an important position in Shenzhou."

"Both the common people and the imperial court respected and loved her."

"Mei really couldn't understand, how could such a good immortal be killed by her seven disciples?"

Chu Feng set the date for the Immortal Sending Ceremony for tomorrow.

The news spread immediately.

Most of the people in the capital, the civil and military officials of the whole court, planned to attend the Immortal Sending Ceremony.

On the second day, the sacrificial site was already crowded with people.

The civil and military officials of the whole court, including the Emperor Ming Xianzong, also came.

Chu Feng saw that the auspicious time had come, so he began to sacrifice.

Burn the immortal's seal words.

Spray the blood of pigs, sheep and cows.

Dance with swords...

After completing these steps. Chu Feng recalled the life of the Red Kite Immortal in front of everyone. Everyone present cried when they heard it. With deep emotion, even the emperor knelt down and burned incense for the Red Kite Immortal. When the Immortal Sending Ceremony was completed, Chu Feng's role-playing system brought good news.

【Role-playing degree +1, and the host is rewarded with a top-grade resurrection pill!】

【Reward the host, the Rock King Emperor's ability is 30%, and the strength reaches the city-blasting level! 】

Chu Feng can understand that he can reach the city-blasting level.

He also likes it.

After all, his strength has greatly increased.

But what is this top-grade resurrection pill?

【Resurrection Pill: No matter whether a person is dead or alive, as long as he takes the Resurrection Pill, he can be revived immediately!】

【Reach the strongest level in life! 】

Then is this resurrection pill useful for dead immortals?

【It is useful for all living things.】

【As long as her soul is still there and not scattered, it can be used. 】

Chu Feng was overjoyed when he heard this.

This top-grade resurrection pill came at the right time!

Fu Hua can be resurrected directly!.

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