“Damn it! You kid is crazy.” Zhang Gangtie was stunned when he saw Li Haoyu opening the car door!!! You are not afraid of mosquito bites! I am afraid! I haven’t put on protective gear yet. Zhang Gangtie put on protective gear in a panic. First put on a mesh helmet. Then gloves. Button up the clothes tightly. While putting it on, the mosquitoes who had been waiting outside for a long time rushed into the car impatiently, looking for anything that could get into the air. steel skinned place

“I’m so angry, Li Haoyu, you kid is waiting……”

Zhang Gangtang cursed.

Several mosquitoes had burrowed into his neck.

He felt pain.

The space inside the car is small.

Wearing protective gear is slower.

There are more and more mosquitoes.

Zhang Gangtie gritted his teeth and prepared to rush into the camp.

This is less than 20 meters from the campsite.

20 meters distance——

“At most, you can carry a few bags.”

At this moment, the mosquitoes in front of me suddenly fled in all directions.

Just like a group of neatly arranged soldiers were defeated. There was no more discipline.

Many mosquitoes couldn’t find the exit.

They bumped around in the small car.

Naturally, they didn’t care. Bites him

“This… is totally crazy……”

Zhang Gangtie was stunned.

What happened today?

First, his own soldiers went crazy.

Then the mosquitoes went crazy.

It won’t be my turn in a while, right?

Zhang Gang was a little worried.

He picked up the protective gear and cleaned the mosquitoes in front of his eyes.

Jump out of the car.

I saw that there were so many mosquitoes surrounding the pickup truck.

At this time, it disappeared without a trace.

On the ground, some mosquitoes fell down.

Some were dead, and some were trying to fly on the spot, but

Zhang Gangtang stepped up and trampled them to death.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Gangtang smelled a fresh fragrance.

Although it’s very light, it’s still there. but never ending

“Captain, how about this gift?”

Zhang Gangtie looked at the carriage.

Li Haoyu was holding a bouquet of purple flowers.

He was smiling brightly.

“This is……”

Zhang Gang had some realization, but he couldn’t believe it.

Li Haoyu chuckled and jumped out of the car.

Holding flowers in hand.

Go wherever there are many mosquitoes.


Zhang Gang saw a scene he would never forget.

Mosquitoes were everywhere and densely packed, reaching 1,700 mosquitoes per square meter… before Li Haoyu even got close, they fled in all directions.

Some mosquitoes fled slowly and fell down.

As if fatally injured.

Zhang Gangtie was stunned.

He watched Li Haoyu circle around the camp.

Most of the mosquitoes that landed on the camp’s protective net died.

“you boy……”

Zhang Gang finally reacted.

Li Haoyu rushed to Li Haoyu, excitedly pressed Li Haoyu’s shoulders, and shook him vigorously:”Quick, tell me, what’s going on, how did you do it?”

Li Haoyu grinned and shook his hand. Lavender:”It’s them, the magical lavender I got specially from my hometown, which can repel mosquitoes.”

Zhang Gang’s eyes fell on the lavender.

Then he stretched out his hand, as if treating a lover, and carefully took one.

First, I smelled the unique fragrance of lavender.

Glancing around.

In a forest far away from the camp, the mosquitoes there were all crowded into a black pimple.

Zhang Gangtie held up the lavender in his hand and gritted his teeth.

Stride towards that side.

No one has arrived yet.

The fragrance of royal lavender has spread.

The mosquitoes in the woods feel that their lives are in crisis.

Fleeing like crazy.

But mosquitoes fly slower.

Before he could escape,

Zhang Gangtang had already walked into the woods.

The rich lavender fragrance rushes into the mosquito’s body unbridled.


Mosquitoes fell like rain.

Immediately afterwards.

There were also noisy sounds on the ground.

Under the fallen leaves.

Many bugs, centipedes, and cockroaches fled here.


Zhang Gang was shocked at first, and then ecstatic.

He was finally sure that what Li Haoyu said was true.

The lavender in his hand really has a powerful effect in repelling mosquitoes


Zhang Gang laughed wildly.

Laughter shook the woods.

But as he smiled, he cried.

A man of steel.

Crying like a child.

When Li Haoyu saw this scene, his nose felt sore and he shed tears unconsciously.

He understood why Zhang Gang was crying.

I’m crying for the pain I’ve suffered over the years.

I cry for the military dogs that have sacrificed here for many years.

I cry for the comrades who have stayed here for many years.

He walked over and patted Zhang Gang’s shoulder,”Captain, it’s all over. With this kind of lavender here, we will no longer be afraid of mosquitoes.”

Zhang Gang wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with a hearty smile:”That’s right. I’m not afraid anymore… By the way, does this kind of lavender have any effect on military dogs?”

Li Haoyu:”I tried it at home. At most, they don’t like the smell and won’t be able to bear it.”

Zhang Gang was relieved. In one breath:”That’s good, that’s good”

“Let’s go back to the camp and plant these lavenders first.”

Enter the camp.

The soldiers who stayed in the camp came up to us:”Captain, hey, Li Haoyu, why are you back so soon?”

Zhang Gangtie laughed and said:”Li Haoyu has brought good things to us. This time I will report it to the regiment headquarters and ask for credit for Li Haoyu.”


The comrades who stayed behind in the camp looked confused.

What happened?

You just returned home and made a meritorious service?

But soon,

Zhang Gangtang personally demonstrated the effect of lavender.

As a result, the soldiers who stayed behind in the camp fell into ecstasy.

“Hahaha, we will celebrate when the patrol comes back tonight. Let’s plant these lavenders first.”

“I declare that each of these 100 lavender plants has the same status as a military dog. They are our comrades in arms, and everyone must take good care of them.”

Zhang Gangtang issued the order.

The soldiers in the camp responded one after another.

“Captain, don’t worry, Lavender is our life, we will take good care of it.”

“Absolutely, I sleep with my arms around them”

“Anyone who dares to destroy lavender is our enemy. Zhang

Gang was very satisfied:”When Deputy Captain Luo comes back from patrol, everyone will be divided into responsibilities. There are 20 of us in total. Each of us will contract 5 lavender plants. We must not let any lavender plant die.””

“Now listen to my arrangements. Li Haoyu and you guys will plant lavender around the camp at intervals of 5 meters.

After planting, protect the surrounding area with bricks and stones to avoid damage by large animals.

From now on in the camp, we can feel free to wear short-sleeves in summer.”

“After planting, find some flower pots and plant all the remaining lavender in the pots. In the future, when patrolling, I can patrol with a flowerpot in my hand, and I no longer have to be afraid of mosquitoes.”


Li Haoyu and others received the order and immediately began to act.


On the banks of the Irtysh River.

Luo Yuan led a patrol team of 10 people to walk hard by the river.

They were wearing thick armor.

Even the face is protected by a dense protective net.

Even so.

Mosquitoes can still get in.

Take a quick bite.

An unbearable itching feeling.

Many soldiers were miserable.

A military dog followed them.

On the nose of the military dog

and on the exposed skin.

Covered with black mosquitoes.

But military dogs undergo strict training.

Although the pain is unbearable.

Abnormal itching. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But he still faithfully executes orders.

Always be alert.

Vice-captain Luo Yuan felt very distressed when he saw this.

He hurriedly used tools to drive away the mosquitoes from the military dog’s nose.

However, [] there are too many mosquitoes.

Just drove away.

It fell quickly again.

Can’t kill too many people yet.

If the military dog’s nose is stained with too much mosquito blood. affects their sense of smell


Luo Yuan sighed and continued to lead the team members on patrol.

At around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, they completed the established patrol route.

Luo Yuan led the team members back.

When they returned to the camp, the sun was almost setting.

There were more mosquitoes at this time..

Like a black cloud.

Blocking everyone’s way back to the camp. Luo Yuan has long been accustomed to such a difficult environment. He led his team members and military dogs through untold hardships. The camp was clearly in sight. Suddenly, the military dog screamed..Woof woof woof


“There is a situation.”

Luo Yuan immediately alerted.

The soldiers behind him also instantly picked up the guns in their hands and pulled the safety catch.

Unlike inland areas, patrolling in border areas is extremely risky.

Not only are there hostile elements, but there are also internal rebels.

Therefore, the patrol members are very vigilant

“Captain, no target has been found yet.”

One of the soldiers whispered.

Luo Yuan’s eyes were like a torch.

He scanned the surroundings and soon discovered something was wrong.

The camp, which used to be dark and full of mosquitoes, now seemed very”deserted”.

A protective net surrounded the camp.

It was clean.

There were no mosquitoes.

The training field in front of the camp was also empty.

There were no soldiers left behind.

Luo Yuan’s heart sank.

He thought of the worst plan.

The enemy launched a biological and chemical weapons attack on the camp.

Even the mosquitoes and soldiers were poisoned!

“Immediately contact the communications personnel in the camp to determine the situation.”

Luo Yuan ordered his soldiers to


A soldier immediately turned on the communicator, adjusted the channel,”Call 1313 camp, call 1313 camp.”

The communication was quickly connected.

But it was not the communication soldier who answered it, but the captain Zhang Gangtie.

“Haha, how about it? Did it scare you?”

Luo Yuan heard Zhang Gang’s voice and breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still didn’t dare to relax completely.

“Captain, what’s going on? Zhang

Gangtang smiled awkwardly:”I wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn’t expect you to be shocked. Come in quickly, there are many mosquitoes outside.””

“Captain you……”

Vice-captain Luo Yuan was so angry that he was about to get angry.

But they saw the camp gate open. Captain Zhang Gang and the remaining team members came to the training ground of the camp with their shirtless bodies naked.

“You are crazy!!!”

Vice Captain Luo Yuan and the soldiers behind him were stunned.

“Come over here, there’s some good wine to drink tonight.”

Zhang Gangtie waved in the camp.

Luo Yuan and others suppressed the doubts in their hearts and walked into the camp.

The first thing they smelled was a faint fragrance.

Then, they suddenly discovered that there were no mosquitoes in the camp.

You know,

Mosquitoes are small and can penetrate every hole.

No matter how tight the protection is, even if a layer of net is built outside the camp that is denser than a mosquito net, it still cannot completely prevent mosquitoes.

But at this moment, they did not listen in the camp. He heard the buzzing of mosquitoes. There was a protective net outside.

No mosquitoes dared to land on it.

Then he contacted the surprise mentioned by captain Zhang Gang.

And they were topless.

Luo Yuan understood what was going on.

He rushed Arriving in front of Zhang Gang

“Captain, tell me quickly, what’s going on? Zhang

Gangte laughed, no longer trying to be pretentious, and pointed to the lavender he had just planted:”Thanks to Li Haoyu, he brought all this.””

“Li Haoyu?

Luo Yuan discovered that Li Haoyu was among them,”Didn’t you take a vacation? Why are you back?”

Zhang Gang:”Li Haoyu discovered this kind of lavender in their hometown, which can repel mosquitoes, so he stopped his vacation and brought this kind of lavender.” I was just about to ask him for credit, but I’ve already written half of the credit report.”

“Lavender? Luo

Yuan saw the purple-flowered lavender planted around the camp and looked puzzled:”I know lavender can repel mosquitoes, but the effect is similar to that of mugwort, not as powerful?””

Li Haoyu explained:”This is the lavender specially researched by our harvest farm there. It has not been officially launched yet. Knowing that the environment on our border is harsh, we specially gave me 100 plants.”

“I see. Luo

Yuan suddenly understood.

Then he became excited.

He said to the patrol members behind him:”What are you waiting for? Take off your protective equipment, take a quick shower, and then wait to drink.””

Luo Yuan knows that captain Zhang Gang loves wine.

The wine that Zhang Gang can mention must be delicious.

In the evening of that day,

Zhang Gang and others worked together to cook a table of delicious dishes.

Bring out the harvest wine

“This is also the wine Li Haoyu brought from his hometown. It is said to be very good. Everyone should try it.”

“This bottle of wine weighs two kilograms, and there are 20 of us. Each of us drinks one or two ounces, just in time without delaying things.”

Normally, drinking is not allowed in the military camp.

But the conditions on the border are difficult and the control is not so strict.

Besides, if everyone only drinks one or two, it will not delay things.

That’s why Zhang Gangtang lets everyone drink together with confidence.

The food is ready Okay.

The harvest fruit wine was opened.

A small glass was poured in front of each soldier.

Soon, the aroma of wine overflowed.

“Wow, this wine is definitely delicious.”

“Yes, the aroma alone is intoxicating”

“drunk? If you want to get drunk, stop drinking.”

“Captain, no, no, I’m just exaggerating. I can’t get drunk even if I drink a pound of wine.”

“Okay, stop grinding and drink quickly.”


Captain Zhang Gang was the first to pick up the wine glass.

First he took a greedy sniff.

Then he took a sip.

The aroma of wine explodes in your mouth.

Go down your throat.

Whole body comfort

“It’s thick but not greasy, not pungent or spicy, and has a long sweet aftertaste. It’s really a good wine, a good wine.” Zhang Gangtie expressed his opinion like a wine taster, shaking his head. The soldiers laughed after seeing it. The captain likes to drink, and he is very picky. He must evaluate it after every drink. To make the captain evaluate it so highly, this wine must be Very good. Everyone started drinking

“Wow! It tastes really good!”

“I have never had such a delicious wine!”

“Incredible, incredible”

“Li Haoyu, this wine must not be cheap, right?”

“Absolutely. When I went home last year, a friend treated me to a drink of Feitian Moutai. I thought it tasted delicious at the time, but now it’s far inferior to the taste of this wine.”

“Hey, I twisted my foot when I came here, but it doesn’t hurt anymore?”

A soldier who was on patrol today suddenly shouted…

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